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Everything posted by _Besli_

  1. Source: Facebook
  2. Logo redone by seaview59, long time ago...
  3. Here is a good source:
  4. Allready done: Logo for Top Gear by Crono Logo for Top Gear 2 by Besli Logo for Top Gear 2 by Ikari00
  5. Request: Hires SUDDEN STRIKE logo Sudden Strike Logo - Sudden Strike - WikipediaSudden Strike Logo - Sudden Strike - Wikipedia Maybe you can use this to remake it: Extracted from Manual: Also request: Hires Sudden Strike 3 - Arms for Victory logo
  6. Request: Russian Hard Truck Logos:
  7. Request: Crazy Chicken Traps and Treasure 3 logo German: Moorhuhn Schatz Jäger 3 logo Crazy Chicken Kart Thunder logo Moorhuhn Kart Thunder logo Hires Moorhuhn Fun Kart 2008 logo
  8. Request: Hires The Settlers - Rise of Cultures logo German logo: Die Siedler - Aufbruch der Kulturen Poland logo: The Settlers - Narodziny Kultur This version has a different THE
  9. can you also do a hires version with the spaceship Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum | Logopedia | Fandom
  10. https://www.mariowiki.com/File:SML2_group_art.jpg https://www.reinodocogumelo.com/2014/08/games-estrelados-por-mario-e-sua-turma.html https://img.game-news24.com/2023/09/It-is-one-of-the-best-2D-Mario-games-used-to-introduce-Wario-to-a-great-villain-and-it-is-on-Nintendo-Switch-Online.jpeg https://www.deviantart.com/ruensor/art/Super-Mario-Land-1-classic-style-923294355
  11. Request: HD MAJESTY - The Fantasy Kingdom Sim logo Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim Gold Edition - game cover at Riot Pixels, image CD obaly - Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim - Gold Edition | ABCgames.cz
  12. Found this one online: Majyūō: King of Demons – Strictly Limited Games
  13. Long time ago made by seaview59:
  14. Original:
  15. Would be nice if you can make one without the black part.
  16. This logo has better dragons on the side: Logo for Xak II: Rising of the Redmoon by theoutrider (steamgriddb.com)
  17. Original Upscaled Cutout
  18. Nice! Can you also do the Season 01/02 logo with white subtitle?
  19. Done that. Thanks for the Logo!
  20. The best I ccould do...
  21. Request: The Guild 2 - Renaissance german logo Die Gilde - Renaissance https://die-gilde.fandom.com/de/wiki/Die_Gilde_2:_Renaissance?file=DieGilde2RenaissanceCover.jpg
  22. Request: Hires THE HISTORY CHANNEL - BATTLE FOR THE PACIFIC logo https://archive.org/details/the-history-channel-battle-for-the-pacific-ps2-hiresscans Hires THE HISTORY CHANNEL - CIVIL WAR (A NATION DIVIDED) logo Hires THE HISTORY CHANNEL - CIVIL WAR (SECRET MISSIONS) logo
  23. There is a high resolution logo:
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