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Everything posted by _Besli_

  1. The wholes in the B are not cut out. 😉
  2. Little fix:
  3. nfl-blitz-logo - Official Site of the Retro World Series | Retro eSports NFL Blitz Logo Finished (arcadecontrols.com)
  4. More Source: Datei:Disney Hannah Montana Logo.svg – Wikipedia Hannah Montana | Logopedia | Fandom
  5. Aladdin Magic Racer Images - LaunchBox Games Database (launchbox-app.com) I'm sure you want it with the lamp, right?
  6. Another source:
  7. Hey Jonny, can you do this one:
  8. Better Sources:
  9. @duiz Posted good sources of clear logos, long time ago... But maybe your scan is a better source to make it. 😉
  10. New Request: HD BLOOD BOWL - DARK ELVES EDITION logo Sources for the logo:
  11. Yes, that's correct. There are these 3. New request: Blitzkrieg 2 logo Maybe the Editor Manual logo is helpful? And this russian version please. 🙂
  12. I knew this will come... 😄 @JereBear Take a look:
  13. Hey JereBear, remember this? I made a hires Mystery Case Files - Rewind logo out of it... Source:
  14. Wow, thank you really much! ❤️
  15. Used your R.B.I. 3 Logo to create this:
  16. Best Version ever! 🙂 Edited it just a little bit... 😉
  17. Red CABAL font here is better... Also the blue/lila background in the shield and the orange flames ander the skull are more original than the other logo.
  18. No CABAL banner under the skull, this time? Flame part under the skull looks a bit odd...
  19. Highest resolution i found...
  20. Maybe a better source: https://archive.org/download/metropolismania-ps2-hiresscans/Metropolismania - Box.jpg
  21. A new request: HD Blitzkrieg - Attack is the only defense logo Actual logo:
  22. Another request: HD Legends of War - Patton logo Actual logo: Source for new logo:
  23. When I posted my post I saw the picture, now I can't see it too. Posted a different link now, or here is the picture:
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