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  1. While I haven't used it much beyond just updating stuff since I haven't messed with the emulation any recently, I can definitely agree this is a major one. Launchbox for me typically would idle around 1.2GB of RAM just sitting and doing nothing. Now it idles at around 830MB when I tested it. Biggest gripes I have had with Launchbox when I used it regularly was its memory usage.
  2. A slight update to this if you ever redo it, include an option specifically for PPSSPP as it recommends you use CreateDvD but with the option to set the hunk size to 2048. So basically just add an option with "-h 2048" added to CreateDvD for PPSSPP so it doesn't spit out an error every time it boots a game. Glad to see PPSSPP finally supports CHD but it is going through some growing pains from it.
  3. Trying to organize a system where each game has its own folder and the DLC and updates are tagged with (DLC) and (UPD). Is there any way to exclude all the files with those tags from being imported? No huge hurry or anything if this feature isn't implemented yet as I likely won't be mentally up for setting the stuff up for a while due to RL stuff but just trying to figure out if its possible.
  4. @flanx I hate to say this, but mind if me or you just post what you have done so far the downloads section. It looks like it might be a while for me to really be able to focus on this and someone else might want to take over. Had surgery last Wednesday, it was something I signed up for and while it only had minor complications, I DRASTICALLY underestimated how much it would wipe me out.
  5. Just an update, things are not going how I planned so likely won't be able to start on this for a while longer. But thank you for the work you have done.
  6. Sure thing, I have my nephew staying with me for now and am preparing for surgery next week, but after that I already told everyone to leave me alone for the next few days at which point I will start scouring through that. Much appreciated. Will try and go through it and make them as best I can after I get a chance and then I will upload what I can into the database while uploading the finished products on the website so others can fill in any I miss or when I get too burned out and have to take a break. My hopes is to have 1 set that matches the back of Wii games and another that matches the backs of Wii U games.
  7. Much appreciated again. I am thinking, since I suck at actually doing the artistic part. If you are up for it, I could go through every Wii and Wii U entry in the database and make a listing of all the different setups from the back of the box by just cropping that part out when I come across a new one, then when I got ahold of every variation of it, I could upload it here so you could make one that looked good. If not, what software do you think would be a good one to make these look pretty well.
  8. Can do, what software should I use to setup a good order for them? And mind if I uploaded the finished product to the downloads section? And the only other missing controller I can think of or find is the uDraw tablet.
  9. Thanks, if you don't mind me asking, what would be a good thing to use to arrange them into the proper orders? Want to try and make variations for each of the setups for the Wii and Wii U and then upload them to the database if I can figure it out. Edit: And noticed 2 missing icons. The Gun thing like they used in 007 https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/71963-007-quantum-of-solace And the balance board thing. And, after I have it all setup, mind if I uploaded the finished stuff onto the downloads section?
  10. Much appreciated sir. To say I have no artistic talent is generous, I have negative ability at it if that is possible.
  11. Yes sir, Exactly what I am talking about. What I am thinking about is having the different versions of that being uploaded into the database for each game and then BigBox theme could display them per game so you can see what you need for each game without having to manipulate the 3D Box or manually view the media just to check it. Not sure how many variations of it there are or who would have the time to manually add the appropriate one to each game but figure if they can get created and uploaded onto the sites download section, people will start adding them to the games and themes can start including them.
  12. Guessing by the long delay that either it can't be done or no one knows how to.
  13. Kinda torn here. Using the default theme, I am using platform videos for the background on that screen at which point I need the fade set to 0% but using screenshots and fanart for the backgrounds of the games at which point it looks blown out with how bright they look compared to the videos playing in the foreground or the screenshots that display for the ones with missing videos. Anyway I can set the Platform fade to 0% but the game select fade to 15%?
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Trying to fill out my Wii U eShop clear logos and got most of them. Was starting to go through them and add them (along with some screenshots and backgrounds) into the database on here but I honestly lacked the patience to finish it. I uploaded a lot which have pending approval but there was still about 160 or so I have but couldn't get around to uploading while maintaining my sanity. So just converting them into a collection that others can use here or even upload them to the database as well for much of the missing ones. Spent the past few days filling in missing Wii U entries and I am just burnt out for now. Enjoy to any who need it and if anyone else wants to take over uploading them into the database, much appreciated.
  15. On the back of Wii and Wii U games, many of them have a picture at the top of the box of the types of controller setups it supports. My basic request would be for of a high quality set of the possible setups that different games can use and can potentially be added to each games database entries. This would allow players to use them instead of downloading the full boxart to have them as they are needed and would make it much higher quality than many entries have on just the boxes. Also, it opens the ability for theme creators to be able to use that image for their theme where you could have the box load up like normal but the actual control information could also load up somewhere on the page so people can see without having to rotate the box. Nothing elaborate or overly big or anything like that, just what it looks like on the top right hand corner of the box of their boxes.
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