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Kefka2b last won the day on January 3 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Maybe I am all set with platforms that have multiple disc games though 😁
  2. I usually add the discs in additional apps manually as I like to name them in a clean way, disc 1 , 2 etc... or give them clearer names like for Final Fantasy Chronicles, 1 disc is called Chrono Trigger and the other FFIV etc..., and that works, but yeah it would be much easier if done directly when adding an m3u.
  3. Exciting updates just keep on coming !
  4. Not an answer to your question but why not have the Sinden software start with windows as a background process?
  5. Yeah I think this is where LB BB is lagging behind, a few themes that are officially maintained and updated, especially themes that elevate the user experience like the Colorful theme, also considering that BigBox is the main paid feature.
  6. Joining in on the congrats, I always had decent speed overall but things feel a lot snappier especially when starting LB, I used to have 10 seconds freeze after opening it and that's fixed.
  7. There also another plugin to resize the rendered area in case the bezels have a top and bottom. I can't remember how it's called.
  8. You can also use reshade and the stagedepth.fx effect, it is pretty easy to use. Just need to put the png in the texture folder and rename it Stage image.png and activate the plugin.
  9. Start Retroarch without any games and go to the input options, try to set everything up manually and save controller profile, then Save current retroarch configuration.
  10. Also very much looking forward to it!!! Just can't use anything but Colorful, it's just above everything else for me Ubertheme
  11. Hey @Elmo80 the default mapping should allow you to do that without any issue. The left stick will be the N64 joystick and the DPad should be assigned to your DPad by default. C-Buttons will be assigned to the right joystick. Maybe you have an input remap already saved for either your core, content directory or game? Try to delete it either from the remaps folder or from the Quick menu directly when you have an N64 game open. You may to want to update controller profiles from Retroarch also (open it without any game and save current configuration, then quit retroarch), and make sure the option to assign profiles automatically is enabled (it is normally is by default).
  12. Make sure the controller profile you created is added to slot 1 of your controller (you have 4 slots). Appart from that I'm not sure what else to do...
  13. Hmm I understand if the Atari controller is not recognised, it's quite uncommon. However I find it very strange that Retroarch wouldn't recognise your controller as Xbox360 controller, since it should be exactly the same as actually connecting a real 360 controller. Make sure this option is checked:
  14. reWASD is a software that runs in the background in Windows. Retroarch will keep auto detecting but will recognise all your controllers as xbox360 controllers so button labels will remain consistent across all your controllers.
  15. I don't know about modifying config files, but Retroarch hotkeys don't remap when switching controllers indeed, so here's what I've done: Emulate all my controllers as xbox360 controllers and remap button appropriately using reWASD (I used Ds4windows but it started to be too limited at some point). This way controller buttons in Retroarch will remain consistent across all my controllers. You can also autodetect programs running with reWASD if for example while CEMU is running, you want to switch to a Dualshock 4 profile automatically if you have a gyro capable controller and want to use motion controls. On top of that it wiil also allow you to navigate through BigBox with all controllers consistently (as long as you have enough buttons on the controller, and you can also use an autodetect remap with reWASD if needes), this was also something important to me. Here's my controller list and all work perfectly like this in any emulator (Retoarch hotkeys are consistent) and BigBox: 2 DualSense BT 1 8bitdo M30 BT 1 8bitdo Arcade Stick BT 1 Exlene GameCube BT 1 Brawler 64 BT I also have a Sinden Light Gun where I could also map Retoarch hotkeys to keyboard inputs also mapped on the gun, as Retroarch allows for a controller and a keyboard input mapping for hotkeys. I also managed to find a way to achieve some basic Bigbox navigation The only controller I had to setup differently is my Dualshock 3 where I had to use the HidHideMini and Bluetooth drivers to be able to use pressure sensitive face buttons in PCSX2 and RPCS3 as it is the only way. I am not able to use BigBox with this one
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