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Everything posted by Zakiu

  1. Contacting support is best way, depending on the situation. My request was approved next day!
  2. I wish there was a way to launch specific games like with my android setup. Chiaki is just a way into the PS4 library
  3. Unfortunately this method won't work well for game files in "subfolders"
  4. This is NOT for a simple drive letter change (For just the drive letter I'll just use the disk management method) This is NOT meant for ROMS contained in a single folder (For this I'll just use the right click option) This is a fix primarily for game paths with subfolders: Notepad ++ is the best method for editing "new game paths" for an entire collection of games with a click of a button: For example changing the "drive letter" or even new folders all together with "new paths" It needs to done for each system/platform "separately" though Find your system xml file in Data\Platforms (e.g. 3DS.xml) In the platform xml, each game path will start with <ApplicationPath> Press CTRL+F for find options, switch to the Replace tab; tab will do all the work for you In the Find what: field enter the current path (e.g. "..\GAMES\3DS") Let's say you moved all your roms to a different folder or drive location In the Replace with: field enter the new path ex. New path: (D:\NEWPATH\3DS) ex. New drive: (E:\NEWDRIVE\3DS) Click Replace All and done! save; exit launchbox and relaunch app. You should be able to play every single rom/game in your platform now; rinse and repeat as needed for all other platforms
  5. This doesn't work for me But this one works fine CreateGameList (Create Game List Plugin) 1.0.0
  6. I found a workaround that seems to work well enough I use an audio editor to split my original background music into two segments. The first segment starts at 0:00 and gets converted to startup.wav and set as a startup audio file The second segment starts at the "end time" of the first segment. Silence must be created before the audio starts. This is my background.mp3 music file This way a mostly seamless audio can be created but I will add that the timing between the end of the startup audio and the beginning of the background audio doesn't always match up with your audio splitting time. I had to randomly create silence in my second segment to find a time that created seamlessness Very annoying fix, but it does remove that abhorrent delay...
  7. Any way for video to be stretched into the border? So my platform image doesn't show; since the video plays on top of the image file Only solution I've found is to change the resolution of my vids to match the border size
  8. Zakiu

    Default Plus

    Here's how i fixed it: Find the GameDetailsView.xaml file in the themes folder Find this line of code: <panel:OutlinedTextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" Fill="{Binding ForegroundBrush}" FontFamily="{Binding TitleFontFamily}" FontSize="24" FontWeight="{Binding TitleFontWeight}" FontStyle="{Binding TitleFontStyle}" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Stroke="#333333" StrokeThickness="2"> <panel:OutlinedTextBlock.Style> Simply change the FontSize="24" to FontSize="0.1" and StrokeThickness="2" to StrokeThickness="0.1" Font will be so small; that it is practically invisible. Value must be greater than zero, or it breaks the game details style Works well if your banner already has a game title! 😁 Although I think a menu option isn't too complicated to implement; for now this quick and dirty workaround does the job
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