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  1. In general i would keep only the exclusive games that came out only for that specific platform (without complicating life too much), instead of having thousands of games that i will never play. Unfortunately i still haven't found an "exclusive games" list for Atom Electron (although Wikipedia has several platform-exclusive lists, and probably they are the most reliable/updated ones i've found, at least so far... In any case these two approaches are useful for most situations
  2. I'll check thanks!
  3. I apologize if i exhumed a post of over 3 years old, but i can't find nothing else about this subject, at least here in the forum. Imho, i prefer to use official MAME release instead of old RetroArch-cores and Emulators (at the moment i'm using version 0.261) From Tools > Manage > Emulators > MAME > Associated Platforms > Acorn Electron > Default Command Line Parameters, based on what's discussed here, all working parameters i've found so far are: for DISCS: electron -exp plus3,bios=4 -autoboot_command "n\n*exec !boot\n" -flop for TAPES (i use uppercase for "chain" command otherwise i get the ">MISTAKE" error): electron -autoboot_delay "2" -autoboot_command "*tape\nCHAIN""""""\n" -cass for CARTRIDGES: electron -exp plus1 -cart1 Unfortunately i didn't understand how to create a script/ini/lua configuration file, to start all my Acorn Electron collection, avoiding to: - change these parameters depending of file format - add a personalized configuration for each game Is it possible to create/edit a single configuration with this "official mame" method? P.S. it would be nice to have a sort of single pinned section containing all the info collected so far, for all the platforms that are currently supported by LB... probably it's not a simple thing to do
  4. Go to Tools - Manage - Emulators - Mame, add Bally Aastrocade into the associated platform section, then use this command line parameters: astrocde -cart %romfile%
  5. In the end i think it's better to exclude non-worrking games, and "keep it simple"
  6. Ok thanks for the clarification, the thing i do not understand is when i choose to include non-working games, there are romset names that are not even present into downloaded rom packages (like the ones indicated by the arrow in the screenshots i've posted): Maybe they are part of bios or other things that have nothing to do with the game itself: anyway If include not-working games, the total Arcade/MAME games count changes from about 5900 roms to over 19000... I have merged romsets, so maybe it coluld be a reason for that...
  7. Thank you, i leaved the option "skip unplayable games" enabled and it works. However i kept disabled all the others since they seems to have no effect on total counting. A last question about software lists and "extra" bios files (the ones not included into rom updates packages): are they necessary to play?
  8. I use the mame arcade full set importer with default/recommended settings, the only thing i change is to include all other type of games, like not playable/bootleg/mahjong etc. Before start importing, i get something that should not be into the list, like these ones: After importing roms: It is because i did not chose to exclude those "other type" games?
  9. Hi, i don't understand if LB can manage this automatically, but i'm trying to hide all non-games from Arcade (MAME) list in LaunchBox: actually browsing through the list is quite messy to me (especially when i'm using BigBox). Do you think it is the right way to create separate folders to have a directory structure like this? For example: LaunchBox - Emulators - MAME - bios - roms (including CHD files with their relative sub-folders) - slchd (for Software List ROMs) - slroms (for Software List CHDs) Another newbie question: to play non-arcade games included into MAME (e.g. computer/console games) you just need bios files alongside roms, or "software lists" files/folders are still needed? p.s. sorry for my english
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