Hello fellow Theme creators! Im very confused on how to use animations. Namely what is the difference between all the animation triggers and their case useage.
I do not understand why some animations copied pasted from one element to the other doesnt always produce the same results...images are showing once and then not again after a selection changed but others work well using the same animation parameters. I have been looking trough tutorials and forum posts but I struggle to find any information on the topic. I would greatly appreciate an explanation of all the triggers and examples of their usefulness.
I would also like to know what is the difference between animations style and their FX variants. (opacity vs effect opacity)
Thirdly, when applying multiple animation to be triggered at the same time ... is it better to set them in sequence using one animation trigger and multiple sequencial animations set to start at 00 or is it better to create different triggers (ie multiple instances of immediately) and apply one animation style for each?
Ive been trying to figure them out by myself by trial and error but getting the issue where animations are acting differently from copy pasting them made me realise that I must be missing something.
any guidance would be very appreciated Thanks!