And yes, I know Yuzu is an obsolete emulator, but from my point of view still the best one for nintendo switch.
So, recently I update my Yuzu to version EA-4176, but as I mentioned on the title it doesn't close from the pause menu, it shrink instead, here's what I tried:
• Closing Yuzu with hotkeys (Ctrl+Q and Esc) without launchbox, and it worked, so the problem must be with launchbox.
• The following scripts, separetly:
Process, Close, {{{StartupExe}}}
Sleep, 8000
Send Alt !{Enter}
Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
; This section closes Yuzu when pressing Escape
WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}}
Send {F5 down}
Sleep 50
Send {F5 up}
Sleep 250
WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu.exe
Sleep 250
WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu-cmd.exe
Sleep 250
WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu-room.exe
; This script presses F5, closes Yuzu related processes, and adds a small delay.
Send {F5 down}
Sleep, 50
Send {F5 up}
Sleep, 250
; Close Yuzu related processes with a delay
WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu.exe
Sleep, 250
WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu-cmd.exe
Sleep, 250
WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu-room.exe
If you got any idea what could solve this, please help me.
Cheers! 🍻