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Everything posted by ps4isthefuture

  1. Very odd, WinKawaks just stopped working all together. Now all of my games report missing files. I'm not sure why I never modified anything with WinKawaks, only copied roms and bios into Mame, Nebula, and NeoRageX. The joys of the emulation world sometimes unpredictable, lol. Update: WinKawaks is working again, not sure what happened. Still can't get it to launch a game from Launchbox. Fixed the crash on exit, change compatibility to XP SP3 for WinKawaks 1.62. Now runs flawless in Hyperspin, I'll keep working on trying to have it behave the same in Launchbox. Update 2: Mame is launching all systems except Neogeo, CPS1/2. I can live with that though, Mame is a bit picky on roms for my taste and Winkawaks and Nebula run the Neogeo and CPS1/2 games better on my system anyway.
  2. Hi everyone, Having a small issue launching games in WinKawaks and in MAME (MAME64). Both emulators are working fine on their own and both work through Hyperspin (minor issue exiting games in Winkawaks, but launches and plays fine in HS). Winkawaks opens and then says "No Game Loaded" even though Launchbox is pointing to the rom's location. Command line is entered as noted in the configuration table here in this post. Mame acts as if it's going to load. Small window opens, some script starts, flashes goes to a larger window, flashes as if it is going to go fullscreen and then mame closes. As I said both of these work outside of the FE and also work inside Hyperspin FE. Anyone have any Ideas? Update: Also just tried Nebula and the same results as WinKawaks. Update #2: MAME is ok, just can't run my Neo Geo, CPS1, and CPS2 games. Other games running fine. I have always used WinKawaks and Nebula for them. First time trying to run them through MAME. So Nebula and WinKawaks will be the focus.
  3. Thanks for the comment. I was just bored and thought I'd give it a try. I normally use XBMC for my movies but sometimes I get tired of random crashes, freezing, still running in the background. But no program is perfect and I like having a multiple programs that do about the same operation. Like my main gaming front-end is Hyperspin, but sometimes I want a break from all the extra work that is involved with that front-end. It's still my main front-end but Launchbox is like a new sweet relaxing breath of air, almost jump right in from nothing. So Launchbox is great for me to jump in and play and relax, and Hyperspin is a giant time consuming project I've been working on that never seems to end, lol. I'll keep messing around with Launchbox and see if maybe I can find some other uses as well. Thanks again and glad you enjoyed the concept.
  4. To anyone interested: Here is how to watch movies through Launchbox paired with VLC media player. Go through the motions to add a movie just as if you were adding a game. Enable the emulator option. Name the platform as you see fit, I used Movies. Next browse to the vlc.exe, this will allow vlc to run. Next in the command line area add --fulscreen --no-spu --fullscreen will make vlc go fullscreen and --no-spu will disable subtitles, if you want the subtitles then leave off the --no-spu You will have to enter all the data for the movie yourself ex;genre, year, publisher. I lack the talent to programme Launchbox to retrieve this information from a database online. Also you will have to load box art and fan art manually. To load say the front of a dvd box, go into your Launchbox directory, then images, then locate the directory that matches the movie you added. There will be an alpha-numeric coding after the name, just ignore that. Go into the matching movie directory and load the box art you want but name it "Front.jpg" without the quotes. It must be named that exactly or it will not work. If you want to add the back box art do the same thing just name it "Back.jpg" as well without the quotes. Now for the fan art. There will already be a directory named fan art. Just drop the picture or pictures you would like into this folder. I would recommend a picture that matches your screen resolution so it looks nice and clean. Personally I'm using 1920x1080. Now if some of the art work seems not to be showing, first make sure you have the proper naming for the Front.jpg and Back.jpg, secondly in Launchbox got to tools at the top and select refresh all images. It's a little work until someone gets a database retrieval script and scripting for retrieving art work but it's a step in the right direction and something to pass time. Please feel free to contribute to this.
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