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Everything posted by ps4isthefuture

  1. Jason Carr said Yup, vid card and SSD. :) These days the SSDs have really come down in price and can make a huge difference for overall performance. Though, sounds like your video card (and maybe your CPU) are the likely bottlenecks. Video card is on the immediate list, next 3 months or so. I know SSD have come down I had just been waiting for them to be near 100% stable. Last thing I want is to have a SSD fail on me. Also been waiting for large storage (512GB up my game take a lot of room,lol), which has come, now just waiting for the price to fall on them. SO this I will pick up when the price is right. The CPU and motherboard won't be until Q1/Q2 next year...unless some money falls in my lap
  2. Maddoc1007 said hi ps4 why not get more memory and create a ramdisk for a particular game you have problems running some gamers swear it boost game speed by 50% plus yea, but the ones giving me issues are also 30GB+ games, so I would have to go up to 64GB and with 32GB of Kingston DDR3 1866 at $430 so $860 for both I'm going to say that is not a viable option (that is more than I built this current PC for including monitor, speakers, and all the bits). Thanks for the suggestion though. Crazy to think how affordable computer have become, yes so things are still expensive but only the cutting edge not your normal run of the mill parts. My first computer I bought in 1999 cost me $2000, the only thing cutting edge on it was it had a 20GB HDD, lol. It was an HP, Celeron 466MHZ, 128MB SDRAM, 4x write 8x read CD-R, and came with a 15" CRT (round not flat glass) but I bought the 17" CRT for and extra $300. I'm sure a few people on here have had more expensive computers but from much earlier than I. But it was my first computer and that is where I learned how to build them.
  3. Rename a screenshot as Front.jpg and place it in the root of the image folder for said game. Or you could go on google and search for a box image and save it as Front.jpg in the root of the image folder for said game. I do the second if possible myself.
  4. Ughh...looks like I'm getting telltale signs that it may be time to do some computer upgrades in the some time near future. Like I just got The Witcher 3, and it runs ok .... on low and everything off, but still some big lag between audio and video during talking scenes. Mortal Kombat is now working tons better after a recent patch but everything has to be on low and everything off. So this is suggesting to me if I want to play new games say 4Q this year I will need to at least upgrade my GFX card. Then soon after my motherboard and CPU. My GFX card has served very well over the last 3 years and it was out for a while then and was about $100. Powercolor AMD HD 6670 2GB DDR3 Thinking of the Sapphire R9 - 270X 4GB GDDR5 if I can find it out here around the $200 mark. Can't order from Newegg because of the 200% import tax here. My current CPU is AMD A8-5600K 3.6GHZ 4-core Would love to get the AMD FX-9590 4.7GHZ 8-core Then I must replace my motherboard because right now it's a FM2 chipset and I will need a AM3+ chipset for that processor. Good thing my Cooler Master V6 heat sink is still compatible. Please do not try to persuade me to go Nvidia or Intel. Nvidia I have never cared for...for real no reason, just that feeling I have. And I know Intel out preforms AMD CPUs and that's fine, I'm not looking for bragging rights, AMD has always exceeded my performance needs for what I do. Also the FX-9590 come stock with a liquid cooling system (hmmm guess I won't need that heat sink) and is $80 less than the Intel 4790K. Anyway some guys are Chevy and some are Ford you know, lol. I would like to upgrade my RAM, my system can hold 64GB but I have never been over 50% used now. But I wouldn't mind going from 8GB to 16GB not for the use of 8GB more but for use of 4 channels instead of 2 channels now, widen that freeway and let more cars through
  5. Jason Carr said Never snows. The biggest benefit ever. I can vouch for that, having grown up in Illinois (I now live in sunny California). Yup, I fully understand, a Michigan boy here. Really super cold and tons and tons of snow and ice. Just the thought now made me shiver and it's 35C (95F) right now. I don't ever use the air here and everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I love it. Now I have to wear a heavy jacket once the temp gets below 27 - 26C (81 - 79F). If I were to go back I would die anytime other than July and Aug. I have to admit that I miss the snow for the Thanksgiving - New Year's period....only.
  6. Jason Carr said That's crazy. I remember screwing with those Magic Eye things...I guess this is it in video form? I still can't do the magic eye thing. I know you are suppose to focus past the image but just as I almost have it, I loose the image. But this I have no problem doing, except a movie preview I watched, because it kept flashing from scene to scene really fast so I could not obtain a focus for more than a sec or so at a time.
  7. Also you can try this one. The ratio of the video is a bit better. https://youtu.be/o9d1P1iA0is
  8. Ok try this video, follow the instructions. It takes a bit to get the hang of it, about 45 sec for me but when you focus in the correct spot it is amazing, crystal clear 3D. I'm not joking, if you can't see it keep trying. If you can't look cross-eyed I'm sorry. Not 100% crossed maybe 20 - 30%, like trying to focus in front of your screen, not the screen itself. Try putting your finger at the middle of your screen, focus on your finger. Slowly move your finger toward you, still focusing on your finger but watch the screen. When you hit the right spot you will see the video in 3D. Also watch in in fullscreen 1080p. Test Video https://youtu.be/zBa-bCxsZDk Then try this if you got the hang of it. https://youtu.be/77qzVfw2jUs
  9. Many of us know about maintaining our computers. We make sure it's free of viruses, malware, and bloatware. We make sure it starts up with only the necessary programs and processes for a quick and tidy start up. This list can go on and on for some of us. Some of us are very particular about how files are named and how everything is organized in order to find thing quickly and so neat and orderly. Well, we do all of this and everything looks fantastic, right? Well, software wise, yes. However, take a moment...shut down your computer...and open up the case. How clean and tidy is it inside? It is very important for the performance, health, and longevity of your PC to clean the inside every 4 - 6 months. Not just the free floating dust, dead bugs, and hair either. Clean all the fans and fan filters, especially the fan in the power supply. Clean out the inside of the power supply too, the heavy layers of dust hamper the ability to radiate heat from the heatsinks, also the dust and dry dead insects at high heat can ignite (I had this happen a long time ago, luckily I was there when it happened and saved the computer). Also clean out the heat sinks for your CPU and GPU (video card) and any others on your motherboard, eg; northbridge and southbridge. Heat and restrictive airflow are your PC's enemy. Also a good idea, if you live in a humid climate, place a few bags of decondecents (basically the same thing as those drying agent packet that are in stereo equipment or beef jerky, to pull moisture from the surrounding area). Doing these few thing will help greatly increase your computer's lifespan and help keep it's performance up. If anyone has anything to add, feel free. These are just my suggestions based on my observations over the years. I live in a hot and humid climate so this is very important for my PC. I cleaned mine out last night after 6 months and my ambient case temp fell from 38C to 35C and my CPU temp fell from 47C to 42C. This was at system idle and the room ambient temp was 33C.
  10. Why not just add it to the exceptions list in AVG? Temporarily disable AVG live scan, go to Options, Advanced Settings, Exceptions. Click on Add Exception at the bottom. I do this with many games for the PC I have because many I use no-CD launchers so I don't have to use the disc or mount and image every time, and these are always picked up as a false positive. I also have been using AVG from the start, I have tried others but they are system resource hogs. Like Avast took 12 hours to scan my 2.5TB VS AVG 45min, and Avast made my games lag even in Game Mode. Just use the exception option, I have never had an issue.
  11. Here I can make a great profit and stay competitive against the big boys "here". Repairs are difficult because the locals work for so little, I only get work from people who insist to have someone that can speak English work on their computer. But you only need about $1000 a month to live ok here so that is a plus....and it never snows, lol.
  12. Cadet Stimpy said ps4isthefuture said I have 162 computers builds under my belt but the last 60 or so have been AMD. Whoa, that's an impressive numbers of PC builds, ps4isthefuture! I've probably done that many OS/Software builds, but not even a tenth of that for hardware builds. See, to me your software/os builds are more impressive. Building a pc is a snap, the most I built at one time was 4. Hardware fully assembled about 3 1/2 hours, only takes around 45 mins to 1 hour per a computer with doing all the preliminary component power-up test and neatly routing and hiding the cables and wires. Otherwise it could take 15 mins just because of opening all the packaging. Installation of the OS, drivers, software, and updates are the time consumer, so thoses 4 PCs were ready for delivery about 12 hours later. But I let them all do a burn-in over night running bench marks to run the CPU high and hot to make sure the system was stable for the customers. Lately PCs are harder for me to sell though. Everyone wants a low end laptop out here, I have to persuade them why to have a PC as a Media computer vs a laptop. But the crowd here is a lot older and the computer is something fairly new. Most of the guys out here are in their 60s and 70s and back in the day didn't use computers because they thought it was not going to last long, it was a fad. So they have only got brave to really use a computer in the last 3 - 5 years. Even one guy I know worked for IBM in the mid 1970s when everything was still tape, and he doesn't know anything about a modern computer other than the internet, email, and youtube.
  13. https://youtu.be/CnVf1ZoCJSo https://youtu.be/GMk-8pmTpgU and Featuring Ozzy, not sure why the video title doesn't say that.
  14. Good stuff
  15. I have 162 computers builds under my belt but the last 60 or so have been AMD. I bailed on Intel after a few builds using P4 478 socket 2.4GHZ with hyper-thread, fancy for emulating a second core on a single core....I think. Cool idea but it ran very hot and the system fans were extremely loud. But to each their own, just enjoy life.
  16. bd000 said I am very disappointed. I guess they focused too much on the consoles first (probably where the money is) and PC was a second thought. GTA V all over again. Hopefully this will be worth the wait too. Yeah but at least GTA V runs like a dream on my machine and Rockstar learned from their GTA IV port. However they should have been able to get closer to the release date as the consoles....not over a year later. Also another very poor port was Watch Dogs, if I turn everything down it runs great but why should I have to. When much more graphic intensive games run with no issues. One good thing about games when they were on a floppy was it taught programers to cram as much good code in as they could in a limited space. Now they are (not trying to say coding is easy) lazy and sloppy because hey...we have all the room in the world to store code. If I have a system that far exceeds the minimum and has some headroom above the recommended, the game should be as smooth as butter. If the game don't work correctly, don't release it, it's not finished.
  17. Strange, my PCSX2 has always exited straight out for me on the esc key. versoin = pcsx2-r5875 --nogui --fullscreen --fullboot
  18. My favorite builds are AMD based builds, personally. I love the power to dollar ratio. I know that Intel and Nvidia out perform, but if you can build a rig close enough to the performance and save a ton of money, why not. You can used the money saved for a 4k monitor, or speakers, or pay for the groceries for a few weeks. But that is me, I have always been a supporter of the so called underdog, in many things.
  19. Yeah wow that is a bit steep on the pricing. In Thailand I pay $11.82 USD for 3GB and that is pay-as-you-go In Japan it was about $150 USD but unlimited usage on contract, but that was several years ago now.
  20. This needs to be done for Mortal Kombat X for PC....one of the worst ports ever.
  21. bd000 said WinVice I use the following: Carts -fullscreen -cartcrt Tapes -fullscreen -autostart Works without any issues. Thanks, but what about disks like the d64 files? Update: Nevermind the tape command-line works for disks too. Thanks a million brother!!
  22. Anyone have any luck with WinVice running C64 games through LB? I have been all over the internet tonight. Every where I look I almost find an answer but it's hidden in a fog of complex riddles, lol. Riddles than make no since. Like one place says just use: -autostart 'game name.d64' Ok, where does it know to look for the game, there is not a predefined or definable rom directory within WinVice..that I can see. Tried using the settings from the table here but just loads you to the C64 screen saying ready, but nothing loaded, also didn't recognize 1571 after -disk8type, which I don't understand...I looked it up and it says 1571 is just a 370kb floppy format. Anyway any help would be great. Games run fine outside of LB, associated the d64 files to x64.exe and just have to fullscreen after.
  23. Some people and companies have some money to be trowing around....deep breath....
  24. locvez said Hi, thanks everyone for your replies. I am indeed using the Neo-Geo version of the roms (downloaded from "that" website that has lots of "full sets" of everything if you know where I mean, nudge nudge, wink wink) I'll need to try out more stuff when I get home, i've kind of dropped the neo-geo stuff just now and trying to get everything else working. I wish there was an easy way to remove duplicate roms though I've also got the latest MAME 0.162 roms, chd's and "Software list roms" But as of yet haven't done anything with them, not sure if LB is the best program for running MAME/MESS due to the thousands of files it imports.. No problems here with MAME or MESS in LB for me.
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