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Everything posted by kamyk2000
I hate to have to tell you... but the forum chopped your post again. It seems to seriously dislike \ being listed first in a line, possibly among other characters for all I know. I'd suggest screenshoting your batch file and uploading it. It seems the only workaround. It will be a pain to type it rather than copy and paste it, but that seems the only way you are going to get to post a working copy of it, and any inconvenience of typing it will be far outweighed by having it work correctly. Edit: Actually I found a much easier solution (although figuring it out just consumed several hours). Easier to implement anyway. I tried an emulator called Raine that seemed to support command line loading of NeoGeo, and it did, but it kept giving me errors about some ipl.txt. After hours, and a vague reply from the Dev of Raine it turns out that if it sees .zip on the filename it assumes it's a NeoGeoCD image. Leaving the .zip off the command loads the rom just fine. I had to write a small batch file to make it work though, since it seems that Launchbox won't let you specify a file without the extension. "G:\Games (E)\Emul8\Neogeo\ raine\ raine32.exe" -nogui %~n1 as the "emulator" for NeoGeo is all it takes. Ok, wow, I figured out what was wrong with your post too. Apparently the forum hates \ followed by an r and does bizzare things when you put them together. My post looked like this before I added the spaces. "G:\Games (E)\Emul8\Neogeo aine aine32.exe" -nogui %~n1 So to use my batch command, if anyone ever does, just remove the spaces between the \ raine\ raine32.exe part Raine is here: http://rainemu.swishparty.co.uk/ if anyone wants it.
Umm I'm having some issues with this thread big time. I just tried that batch file for working around Winkawaks, and first of all it's missing necessary characters. > usermessage.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter the path to you romset (e.g. c: oms\cps2)", "ROMSET Path", "c: oms\cps2" ) That's what it says in the post it's in. oms\cps2)", "ROMSET PATH","c: oms\cps2" ) I ran it and it didn't work, so I assumed correctly that it was missing characters and changed it to >Usermessage.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter the path to you romset (e.g. c:\ roms\cps2)", "ROMSET Path", "c:\ roms\cps2" ) That isn't the issue though, the issue is that when I ran it, it either deleted all of my NeoGeo romsets, or moved them somewhere obscure I can't figure out. Someone really needs to have another look at that code and make it do what it is supposed to be doing. And PLEASE tell me what it did with my roms? @echo off echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > desktop.vbs echo strDesktop = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") >> desktop.vbs echo wscript.echo(strDesktop) >> desktop.vbs for /F "usebackq delims=" %%d in (`cscript desktop.vbs`) do set desktop=%%d del desktop.vbs > usermessage.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter the path to you romset (e.g. c: oms\cps2)", "ROMSET Path", "c: oms\cps2" ) for /f "tokens=*" %%r in ('CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo usermessage.vbs') do set roms=%%r del usermessage.vbs cd /d "%roms%" for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /A-D /B /O:GEN') do echo %%~nf >> "%desktop%\filelist.txt" cd /d "%desktop%" > usermessage2.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter complete path to emulator (e.g. c:\emulators\winkawaks\winkawaks.exe)", "Emulator Path", "c:\emulators\winkawaks\winkawaks.exe" ) for /f "tokens=*" %%e in ('CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo usermessage2.vbs') do set emu=%%e del usermessage2.vbs echo start "Emulator" %emu% %%~n0> template.bat for /f "usebackq delims=," %%b in (`TYPE filelist.txt`) do ( copy template.bat "%roms%\%%b.bat" ) del filelist.txt del template.bat cd /d "%roms%" for %%m in (*.bat) do ( md "%%~nm" 2>nul move "%%m" "%%~nm" ) I'd be quite happy to upload the "fixed" batch file I used but the forum here is refusing to either allow me to type it with or without code tags without massive errors like the OP of it, nor will the forum allow me to upload a .bat or .txt file. There, figured to upload a screenshot If that's the way the .bat is supposed to look, it doesn't work. It eats your files. I'm not a happy camper just at the moment. Replacing all of my NeoGeo roms will take hours or days. Edit: I managed to get my roms back by hitting undo repeatedly in windows explorer... However someone still needs to do something about that post. It either needs to be fixed to work correctly or deleted or disclaimed as unworking and unsupported so anyone else running across it doesn't have the same results...
Mine was the Commodore 64, and Atari 2600. Then the NES when it came out. The Commdore 64 could kick some butt considering it's specs compared to modern computers. Also consider this a nostalgia thread to wax on about your favorite older systems. I remember the SNES most fondly. I can barely count how many good games I played on that for god knows how many hours.
My reservations are lessened No matter what wins though I'd really appreciate it if you could make the details font resizable separate from the rest, because no metadata will do me any good if I have to squint to read it :/ For that matter you might consider making that a standard feature so users with bad eyesight can still read it without a premium version. If implemented it would be kind of mercenary to charge vision impaired people for it. I mean not that I care, I already paid, just thinking of how it might potentially be viewed.
I just want to put it out there that I don't want to see TheGamesDB replaced in Launchbox. Rather I'd like to see it supplemented with a user database. Like right now you can choose LocalDB, GamesDB, or Wikipedia. I'd like to see a user database added to that list but not replacing it. I'd also like a system where you can choose info from any or all sources selectively, and have any info you add either manually or from any given source appended or replaced at choice. A preview of some sort for various metadata would also be helpful. Let me explain. Currently there are thousands and thousands of entries on TheGamesDB. While the notion of adding my own information to a database is enormously appealing (so much so I joined TheGamesDB), I have no interest in adding thousands of entries for games I don't even own, nor is it a burden I think anyone else including Jason should shoulder. I do want to be able to add my own metadata and/or pictures without worrying about them being replaced by the data from any database, however. And being able to add data to a user database would be nice. In particular I dislike the extremely limited number of genres available on TheGamesDB. A Shmup is not a First person shooter is not a shoot-em-up is not a 3rd person platform shooter. Currently all of those fall under the vague genre category "shooter". However, I don't want to have to select an entry from any source without being able to see what information it contains beforehand. I joined TheGamesDB specifically for two reasons. One, so I could add games it was missing I needed information for, and two, so I could expand on shitty entries it has with almost no info. It is annoying having info I added manually replaced by nearly empty entries just so I can get a box art if I can't find one. I'd like to have all of that metadata available to me, rather than just one source. It occurs to me just now. Mp3s have Basic info/Id3v1/Id3v2/Artwork tags. Maybe something like that might work? Like Personal info/User database\TheGamesDB\Artwork? All I know is that while I find aspects of TheGamesDB or any other current data source limited (and annoying when choosing one replaces the info from another) and I'd like to add info where needed, I also don't want to rely on spotty additions numbering in the thousands requiring boatloads of work for anyone.
-Not sure where else this would go. Some command line questions.
kamyk2000 replied to kamyk2000's topic in Troubleshooting
Unfortunately no, that didn't work. The 1% didn't register the game name and path for some reason. I don't know if it just didn't pick it up or if it's Achohol 52% being picky. Damn, that would have made a lot of my clunkier games and emulators much easier. Like yesterday I added a 3 CD windows game, and had to make a batch file for each CD. Sigh, thanks for the suggestion anyway... Edit: Woot! Yes actually that does work. I had to put the %1 like /m%1 with no space. Whoohoo! Thanks for the tip! That just simplified my batch file use with Launchbox enormously. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still hoping someone will give me an answer on the Dosbox thing though... Right now I moved the shortcuts from my desktop to the actual game folders and linked the shortcuts as the application to run, but I'd really like to know the right way to set it up. -
Nah, you aren't lame. Launchbox is full of surprises, some of which I'm not even sure Jason intended. It's a learning process as we go along figuring out new ways to use it. For example, earlier I just figured out how to make Launchbox mount CD images for me then boot them in the proper emulator using the additional apps thing. I'm sure there are tons of uses we haven't stumbled on yet.
-Not sure where else this would go. Some command line questions.
kamyk2000 replied to kamyk2000's topic in Troubleshooting
I don't understand what you mean by "LB emulator target = My Batch"? I'm not having any issues mounting CDs or running them at this point, just adding the proper commands to the relevant Launchbox entries en-masse instead of game by game... If you saw my post, I already wrote that batch file, including a command to unmount the game when I'm done. The problem is I had to use Launchbox's main emulator command line to mount the CDs, so I have to call the batch file from the additional apps entry and I have to add that info to each Launchbox entry manually. That, and otherwise still having no clue how to enter those other games into the Dosbox entries in Launchbox. I have been fiddling with them in Launchbox and I still don't get it. They both seem to require two -conf files, and Launchbox seems to only allow adding one. They also have a bunch of switches. I'd really appreciate someone looking over the command lines I posted for Dungeon Keeper and Deeper Dungeons, and telling me exactly what bit of information goes in what lines in the Launchbox entries for them. When I paste the command lines from the shortcuts directly into the main command lines in Launchbox it tells me "The specified file cannot be found" when I try to run them. -
-Not sure where else this would go. Some command line questions.
kamyk2000 replied to kamyk2000's topic in Troubleshooting
As for the latter question, I actually figured it out myself just a bit ago, although it's not an ideal solution. But it works. I added an emulator I called TurboGrafix CD with the application path C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 52\AxCmd.exe and the command line switches k: /m: with "no space before rom" checked. Then I imported the cue file for Rondo of blood to it. Then I simplified my batch file to: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off start "" /wait pce -cd:K "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 52\AxCmd.exe" K: /U ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and added that to additional apps, with "Automatically run after main application" checked. Works flawlessly. The only reason I say it isn't ideal is because I have to add that bit manually to every CD game I add. I was hoping that there would be an entry for additional apps in batch edit, but sadly no such luck. As for the Dosbox question, I'm afraid I still don't understand. I want to get rid of the shortcuts from my desktop, and I'm clueless where all that info goes if I add those games to Launchbox. Are you saying to point Launchbox at the shortcuts as the app to run? When you say "Otherwise, you can customize the DOSBox configuration and such if you put it into LaunchBox proper (select the DOS startup exe and DOSBox config file)", that's exactly what I'm unsure of. I'm afraid I'd need step by step instructions. I know right? I figured out that batch file stuff, but I'm lost on the Dosbox thing. Go figure. -
-Not sure where else this would go. Some command line questions.
kamyk2000 replied to kamyk2000's topic in Troubleshooting
I have a few questions regarding command line parameters for some dosbox games I have, and for potentially adding my PCEngine CD games to Launchbox. I recently bought Dungeon Keeper Gold and Dungeon Keeper 2 from GOG because I was tired of some various windows 7 issues. Dungeons Keeper 2 is a windows .exe so that's not in question, but Dungeon Keeper Gold and Deeper Dungeons are both run through Dosbox shortcuts. I'd like to add them to Launchbox but I don;t know the first thing about Dosbox. The shortcut command lines are: Target "C:\GOG Games\Dungeon Keeper Gold\DOSBOX\DOSBox.exe" -conf "..\dosboxDK.conf" -conf "..\dosboxDK_single.conf" -noconsole -c exit Start in "C:\GOG Games\Dungeon Keeper Gold\DOSBOX" and Target "C:\GOG Games\Dungeon Keeper Gold\DOSBOX\DOSBox.exe" -conf "..\dosboxDK.conf" -conf "..\dosboxDK_addon.conf" -noconsole -c exit Start in "C:\GOG Games\Dungeon Keeper Gold\DOSBOX" My question is how do I put those into Launchbox? I mean, what goes where? Sorry if this is a n00b question, but as far as Dosbox is concerned, or how to put all that info into Launchbox I am a n00b. My other question relates to PCEngine, the emulator for the Turbografix-16/Turbografix CD. It has no issues when launching .pce images, but irritatingly the creator deliberately left out emulated mounting of CD images. I did some research and discovered the command lines for the virtual hard drive software I use - Alchohol 52%, and some more research gave me command line options for loading a pre-mounted CD image into MagicEngine (PCE.exe). I have created a batch file (it works perfectly) that mounts a Turbografix CD game and then launches it into MagicEngine, but I'd really like to simplify things a little if possible rather than have to create a batch file for every CD game. Naturally I mean that I want to simplify adding them to Launcbox if that's a possibility. AxCmd.exe is the virtual hard drive mount/unmount command line program. /M for Mount /U for Unmount. I had to use quotes because Windows 7 is an ass, and didn't include modern naming conventions for the command line (no spaces allowed), but uses them when installing things. The batch file I have is as follows (my virtual drive is drive K): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Echo off "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 52\AxCmd.exe" K: /M:"G:\Games (E)\Emul8\Turbo16\CD Games\Rondo of blood cd\Dracula X - Rondo of Blood.cue" "G:\Games (E)\Emul8\Turbo16\Magic-Engine 1.1.3\pce.exe" -cd:K pause "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 52\AxCmd.exe" K: /U ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is it possible to use Launchbox somehow to send all that info for me for each game so I don't have to make batch files for them all? Like have the "emulator" Launchbox uses in that instance be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 52\AxCmd.exe" K: /M: and pass along the iso/cue name, then have it send the command "G:\Games (E)\Emul8\Turbo16\Magic-Engine 1.1.3\pce.exe" -cd:K ? Or am I stuck making batch files for each game, and adding the batch files to Launchbox as the game entry? -
Thank you. You just saved me a ton of clutter. There were so damn many RPGs on the PS1 (lots of them multi disc) that I had to make a separate list just for those. Now it isn't quite so messy or overblown. My list dropped from 73 PS1 RPG entries to 41. Now I can actually see what they all are. And it's nice to have things like "The making of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete" and "Brave Fencer Musashi: Bonus Disc" tied to the game entries instead of having to look for them.
Hi, I have a similar request I think... I am finding that my lists are being cluttered up by multiple game entries for the same game when those games have more than one disc. Final Fantasy 9 for PS1 has 4 discs, and Resident evil for the Gamecube has 2 discs. It isn't a question of just removing the extra entries though, I am deliberately adding them because I want them available so I can run whichever disc I happen to be on playwise. Using Resident Evil for my example, I am currently titling them as Resident Evil (disc 1) and Resident Evil (disc 2) to differentiate them, but it would be much cleaner if there were some way to allow me to boot either image without needing two separate database entries. (It also throws off my total game count because it counts multi disc games as a separate game for each disc). Hope this makes sense...
@Jason It occurred to me to wonder how my requests came across, so for the record I wanted to let you know that I did not mean it to sound like I think buying Launchbox entitled me to make demands on you Jason. I just felt that I had no business even making suggestions or requests without contributing first is all. In other news, Launchbox has now allowed me to reclaim my desktop real estate from all the game shortcut icons I had on it My desktop icons are now a few folders, utility shortcuts, and Launchbox. @SentaiBrad What kind of pixel art are you looking for? Characters? Outdoor furnishings? I'm notorious for getting bored with things quickly, but I'm also decent at pixel art. Let me know what you need and I might come up with a few things...
Nvm, found the answer to this useless post.
SentaiBrad said Well I am an idiot, but Jason raises a good point, changing the name invalidates it. No im not a musician, but I lke chiptune and The Megas music so I like Bandcamp. I am trying to develop a game in RPG Maker without being able to make music well or being able to draw pixel art well. So Soundcloud is great for Royalty Free Video Game music. Some people put up their music with specific licenses for free commercial use, and its great music. I was toying with RPGmaker at one point, creating a sort of Zelda/Lufia2 hybrid, but as with nearly everything in my life, I got bored with it. ADHD (minus the H, so just ADD) stinks. SentaiBrad said Game -> Add and then point the edit to the correct exe. That's how I have been adding GOG games. Yeah I saw that in another post, but it really would be more convenient in the import section.
Btw, now might be the time, since I bought Launcbox to ask for consideration of a few things. One, could you add a save function to custom color themes? Lol, that's what I'm playing with now. And two, could you also add the option for a 3d button look to the boxart? Oh and also could you implement add PC game to the import menu? I've been using import MS-Dos game, then unchecking "Use Dosbox", and changing the status line to read "Imported PC Windows Game". This should probably go in the troubleshooting forum, but I also should mention I was having problems with the background images. When I had the view settings set to display metadata on hover and/or on selection and also had the background settings for anything but "Launchbox default background" Launchbox kept replacing the background art every time I clicked a game, and then would crash to desktop. Sorry I'm not being more specific. I turned it to default background within the first hour of downloading it because it solved the crashing, and it hasn't happened since, so I'm not sure exactly what about that combination of settings was crashing it.
The website still exists, but I haven't got any idea why. I can't make heads or tails of what the profiles are any good for now. All previous content has been deleted including anything in the music profiles, and the new profiles don't seem to have any purpose or function. At least not last time I looked at it.
Oh. Oh well, not like anyone is going to see it but me I suppose. I don't much care for my given name to the point where I am known even by siblings by my online name, but no biggie. Anyways gonna buy it now. And thanks guys for the tips on the music sites, I haven't really known what to do with mine since Myspace went crap. I'll check those out, and if I upload anything I'll link in here if anyone has any interest.
Jason Carr said Brad, you can't edit the License.xml file. That's the whole point. If you change anything at all in the license file then the whole thing is invalidated, and you no longer have premium. If you could just change your name, then that would pretty much defy the entire purpose of the license. Because I've included no real DRM, the policy that unfortunately I have to stand by is that no, I can't allow changing names in the title bar. I understand that that's unfortunate for some reasons/purposes, but it's a tradeoff that helps circumvent piracy whilst not getting in the way of paying users. Ok then, so my original question stands Jason. Can you give me a copy with the name Kamyk Aster, instead of my billing name?
Lol, boy I am "observant". I didn't realize who I was replying to. The line should have read: I appreciate the xml info, but since that's what Jason is using as "DRM" I'm not sure you want to leave that info public on the forum... Anyways, it's all good, I copied the text, so if it's removed I don't need it now. That also raises a question SentaiBrad. Are you also a musician?
Sorry, was editing my post (I do that a LOT) to correct spelling and add a question. I appreciate the xml info, but since that's what you are using as "DRM" I'm not sure you want to leave that info public on the forum...
I had a question Jason. I want to buy Launchbox like I said I was going to, but about the whole adding my name to the title bar thing... I want my screenname there not my billing name. Can you do that? I'd have asked privately, but the forum doesn't seem to have a PM function, and I didn't find your email. Btw, I ran across your blog while looking in your profile for contact options. Wow do you have a great voice, and musical skill. You've obviously put more time into music than I have. Out of curiosity, know any good music hosting sites for getting someone's music out there? I used to have mine up on Myspace music blogs, until they did whatever useless revamp thing they did.
Sorry for reviving an older topic, but I am a bit confused. Is this saying there is a way for Launchbox to swap disc images for you? I can't find anything in the edit game tabs about it. It would be tremendously useful with some Playstation games like Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9.
Well, if one is going to have a problem, it being pretty doesn't hurt anything Winamp helped me on that front with my insane MP3 collection. Now if I could just find something of the sort for movie files... Actually my real problem isn't games or MP3s or whatnot, it's downloading in general. I'm addicted to downloading. It's like my version of shopping therapy or something.
SentaiBrad said I would say I have too many at times. I like all the games I have, but I see a game I want to play or that looks interesting... then it just gets lost. X_X This. Me too. My steam library of 125 only represents what I've collected in almost 3 years on steam. I have tons of cds, and dvdroms from when people used to still go to store to buy them, lol. Not to mention Blizzard, and GoG accounts. I won't even bother trying to break down my console collection, let's just say that currently Launchbox says I have 584 roms in it's database so far, and I haven't added Commodore 64, Amiga, NeoGeo, Mame, Saturn, or Dreamcast yet. Sometimes I buy something just because it looks interesting as you said, and I never get around to playing it. Oh well, it's fun just in the having too. And I have them if I ever do manage to get through them all. I also get like obssessive on some games. Like I play Monolith's Blood probably every few years, and the first time I played it I played it for 3 months including learning the editor and playing other user maps. Then Dungeon keeper 1 and 2. Then there's the sims series. Can't count how many months I lost to playing and modding those. Then of course Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, and I won't even try to estimate how long I spent playing the Thief series including all the fan missions. Let's just say years... I cringe at how much time and money I wasted on 2nd life. Then along came Left 4 Dead, and there went another few years... Jason Carr said Hahaha...kamyk, you must be a pretty awful person to end up in the limbo region of hell. That's...saying something. Lol, *Shifts eyes* Hmm, no one has ever actually commented on that before... No actually I'm a pretty nice guy. I always say that's where I am because life has put me through hell, and it's still hell, and I seem to be stuck just floating in a boring never changing no place in hell. I suppose it would sound better if I said it's because I'm so bad hell had to find somewhere out of the way to get rid of me, lol. Of course then there's also that I'm actually stuck in a nowhere town in Ohio, which qualifies for both limbo and hell.