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Everything posted by Kozar

  1. When I enter the genre or series menu (two views I use a lot) I am greeted by an empty screen showing only the number of games in the first genre in my list, but with no genre title or art or...well anything. its a blank page with just the number of games in the first genre listing. If I navigate up or down then the genre list appears and this is the view I wish it to default to. Is there anyway to make this change? Is there anyway in general to make it so the first entry in a list does not auto play, for lack of a better term?
  2. Thanks! That reassuring. Ill report back tomorrow after I try.
  3. Only when I access the options (to be clear it doesn't "crash" it freezes and hangs forever, forcing me to close with task manager). And okay, I'll try these things. I'm just hesitant to start installing old versions and stuff. I dont want to mess everything up more or lose settings I changed back when I was able to. The only thing I cant do in launchbox as far as I can tell is access the options menu. I can access every other type of menu and every importer etc. The weird thing is deleting my settings xml didnt fix this. Launchbox even built a fresh XML and everything, but it still crashes when I open options.
  4. I went back close to a year and nothing. Still crashes. Is there any way at all to reinstall without losing any of my stuff?
  5. As the title says, clicking the settings option crashes lunchbox. I have a premium license and get the beta updates. I know beta updates can have issues so maybe I will end up switching that off, but for now I have to fix my install. I have spent many years and a lot of time with lunchbox. I've meticulously added genres to games, sorted, organized, categorized and curated images. I've added custom images and much more. Losing all my play times or play counts or anything would be a huge blow. Do I have any options besides totally starting over with a fresh install? Say it aint so. I also have tons of diff versions of games and additional apps as well, plus over 800 games. Having to redo file paths would also be a nightmare. I've tried moving the settings.xml file out of data as I have seen this fix the issue for some people. I was going to open it with notepad++ and use it to recreate all my settings (If I can avoid this that would be amazing) but it didnt even fix the problem. Still crashes. I am thankful for any help I can get.
  6. It randomly just started working. Thanks for all the help.
  7. Yes to both, no change. I appreciate the help tho.
  8. I haven't been able to find a solution. Everything is default. I see the icon in the folder. Any ideas?
  9. It is a png. I tried all of this. It still wont appear. I only replaced the default one as a test. I've since restored the original file. It hasn't worked since the update that brought platform icons.
  10. All of my platform icons show up just fine minus the one for Super Nintendo. I have tried everything. Googled a bunch. Tried even replacing the icon and putting it back. Checked that its properly named "Super Nintendo Entertainment System". Is there no place in lunchbox I can set an association between platform and icon as I wasn't able to find anything. I greatly appreciate any help in advanced. Thank you. PS. I have premium
  11. I tried deleting the most recent beta from the updates folder and restarting launchbox, but when the update starts again the same thing happens. I even left it for hours to see if it would finish and no. I would greatly apricate any assistance as I use lunchbox daily. Thanks in advanced.
  12. Ok, doing this now EDIT: This worked. Everything is fixed. Thank you for all of your help!
  13. Edit: hold on, it didnt install where I thought it did. One sec. Can I just safely move and replace it to the correct spot? I did this and launchbox is empty. I installed it in the exact same spot. Did I just delete all of my stuff?
  14. Please help! I have used launchbox for years and have spent countless hours configuring every aspect of it. I lost power during an update and the exes are corrupted. Big box also. I tried installing a fresh copy and taking the new exes and replacing the old ones but it wont launch. How can I save this. Is there anything I can do?!
  15. I have recently been changing all of my accounts over to email addresses I currently use, and I was wondering if I can change the email associated with my lifetime licence for launchbox. Its linked to an old email that I never use and plan to delete soon. I changed my Forum email and my GamesDB email, but those didn't seem to do the trick. Any advice?
  16. Sorry. I just saw this reply now. How do I do that? I mean. I know what a clear logo is but how do I do that for all the pictures I have for that game?
  17. How come every image I add to LaunchBox to display as backgrounds are super zoomed in and all the image is cut off screen? How can I fix this?
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