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Files posted by FistyDollars

  1. Nintendo 64 Virtual Console Custom Platform logo

    So @SentaiBrad just posted his tutorial here on N64 Virtual Console emulation through Dolphin, which is a pretty fun trick to use. I've been doing it myself for a few months now, and had put together a barebones (but, I think, not bad) logo for the custom Nintendo 64 Virtual Console platform that I made (because otherwise it looked weird in BigBox to have just one platform without a logo.) Since he posted the tutorial, I figure other people might want to try this, so I've posted the logo I hastily Shopped together. It's in a .zip file because you can't upload .png files for some reason (?), only .jpg images. Whatever.
    This is my first time contributing a file this way, usually I'm just adding stuff behind the scenes to the DB, so sorry for the rambling intro. Anywho, I hope you enjoy it! 


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