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Everything posted by polygonslayer

  1. I use RocketLauncher to manage all my emulators and handle the launching, fullscreen, closing etc, but it's all in the background. RL isn't really a frontend itself, it used to be part of the HyperSpin frontend, but they split a little way back. What I find handy is that there is so much already done out of the box in RL and I hardly need to touch the settings for my emulators. It does it all when it launches it via scripts that come with it. I have my PC set up in the living room and use an xbox pad to control everything :)
  2. Regarding the disc swap I would recommend looking into launching your PS games using RocketLauncher. I'm using that at the moment for swapping discs/floppies etc. For discs it works great with daemon tools and swapping discs with epsxe etc :) You could use it for only PS1/PS2 etc. but I personally use it to launch all my emulators, it's fantastic! It takes care of all the "esc" to close, various settings and a bunch of stuff I haven't fiddled with myself like fade in and out. It also works great with Launchbox which is my main frontend. The combo of these two are essential for me these days, especially since I was using the nightmare of Kodi beforehand. ugh..
  3. Cool, yeah I was thinking I would have to resort to using something like that, but I'm kind of shocked there is no PDF viewer out there with native controller support, even if only simple page flips etc. :/ Thanks for the reply, will have to try and set up my xpadder to do it :) Launchbox support for pdf files would be really awesome, but yeah, I'm sure you got plenty of more important features :) Cheers
  4. Hi, Not really directly regarding LaunchBox, but when your in Big Box mode for example and select to view the manual, it opens it in your default PDF viewer. Which when sitting in the couch is a bit of a pain to stretch out for a mouse just to flick through it. So, does anyone know of any PDF viewers that supports controllers/gamepads? or any other solutions? I did a search on the forums and on google, but couldn't really find anything :/ Cheers :)
  5. That would be absolutely fantastic! :D Curly braces, haha, always wondered what those things were called :) Cheers! Love how easy it is to edit the info on game titles, how you can rate games, mark them as completed etc. All of these things were stuff I wanted when setting it up in kodi originally, and here it's all there already :)
  6. Cool, I was more worried about renaming the tags for languages and discs etc :) Since AdvanceLauncher in kodi uses the weird { } All the other import functions seem to be great so far!
  7. A cool, great to hear. :) It's very impressive work for one coder, got to say! Easy to use, snappy and looks great on the TV already. Might wait to do the big importing though until some of the detection stuff is in. Not sure if I wanna go back and re-name it all etc. Took forever to already name it the way it is haha. The switching of discs RocketLauncher handles perfectly already so not worried about that :) Really recommend RL as a background manager for anyone who want more functionality and options there, only thing is that it's fair from as userfriendly as Launchbox. Took me a good while to figure it all out.
  8. Hi everyone, new member here. I've been trying to set up my HTPC for a good while now and up until recently have been using RocketLauncher along with kodi (Advance Launcher) as the frontend. However, I do find that kodi is just too slow and is quite cumbersome so when I found Launchbox, saw the video and tried it out yesterday for myself (bought the premium since I want it for use on my TV) I've decided that I will be moving over. There are a few things I'm wondering about, some of which might be feature requests? Probably stuff that has been asked for before. I did have a quick look around the forums, but couldn't find any specific answers to exactly what I'm wondering about. So when importing games/roms into Launchbox is there a way for it to automatically detect if I got multiple language versions of a rom? Like in AdvanceLauncher it would look for tags. It would look something like this: "Gamename {English} cd1.xxx" then the next being "Gamename {German} cd2.xxx" etc. The importer would collect all the roms that have the same name before the brackets and order them based on the cd-number. Would this be something that could be implemented into Launchbox? The same was used when having multidisc games. I found that you can set this up manually by using Additional Apps, but having a lot of games would make this a very long process :/ It would be great (might be asking a bit much here) if the importer would recognize the {} brackets as well if your already planning on implementing something like this? since it would take a long time to re-name everything :p I've seen other people ask for importing local info on games as well, and I would love it if I had the option, but that is less of an issue for me than the multi language/disc games. In any case, love the style of Launchbox and will definitely be migrating over as I can see this just get better and better :) Advance Launcher I feel has slowed down a lot in development and working inside kodi (which also does a ton of other stuff so it's understandable) is just a pain. Cheers :)
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