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Everything posted by polygonslayer

  1. Hi all you knowledgeable people :) I got a small problem with PCSX2 that has been bugging me for a while now. It is not a massive deal, and I've tried to tinker with it and read up online, but so far no luck. Basically I get what I can only describe as "micro stutters" in PCSX2. It seems to happen with most games I try on it. The game runs perfectly, no slow down or anything, but every now and again there is a slight stutter. Maybe every 5-10min or so the game will stop for 0.25-0.5 seconds, then resume fine. It's not too bad, but it's jarring. I tried to turn v-sync off and on in the PCSX2 settings, I tried to set my graphics card into performance mode with no result. I tried various revisions of PCSX2 as well. It also happens regardless if I got the game running at 1080p or in native resolution. I got a fairly good computer and don't really have much problem running anything else so I find it kind of baffling. Especially considering the games run perfectly smooth apart from this "micro stutter". Anyone else had this problem? or maybe know what could be causing it? Cheers :)
  2. Getting the same error in Big Box mode as well, normal Launchbox work fine though :)
  3. I set it up a few weeks back and it was fairly simple. There should be a checkbox in the settings somewhere to enable it, the only thing I think you also need to make sure to do is to uncheck the option that saves the state of the rom when you exit or something. I remember reading that it would interfere with the high score saving properly, but not tested that myself (since I didn't use it).
  4. The command is the same setup as with all the other emulators (which work). The platform at the start is already present in the list so shouldn't be that :/ There was Amiga already present on the list, I just renamed it in LB to Commodore Amiga. Really weird that it's working on every other system I got set up, but for some reason WinUAE doesn't like it set up like this in LB even though it works perfectly launching from Rocketlauncher :/ Could be more of a Rocketlauncher thing, wonder if it happens if I had another frontend send the command :/ EDIT: Ok, I've discovered something. By giving a test game a custom command-line parameter including the file name it works... so like this: -p LaunchBox -f "C:\Users\Erlend\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.exe" -s "Commodore Amiga" -r "Battleships_v1.0" but it would be a bit of a pain to have to do this to every game... Could it be that the -r command to send the file name for some reason has problems with the way the rom/zip files are named in the WHD set? :/ Although that sounds a bit weird as well.
  5. Somewhat related to this. I would be interested in something like this as well, but mostly for some sort of autobackup function. I would like it if I could designate save file folder to be backed up automatically (either locally or online, dropbox?). Does anyone know if there is a software that can do this? Maybe one that will copy which ever save files have changed to another hard drive/network/dropbox when you turn off the HTPC? Perhaps some future Launchbox functon? To have it designate save folder that it will backup to a selected location? (not requesting, just throwing an idea out). Just something I've been thinking about that might also be used for something like this? :)
  6. Hey experts :) I've been experimenting with getting Amiga games into Launchbox. I got them all set up and working perfectly in RocketLauncher (WHD collection), but when I add them to Launchbox I get the following error in AmigaDOS: "Unknown Command runme.exe" I got WinUAE set up exactly like all my other emulators; -p LaunchBox -f "C:\Users\*****\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.exe" -s "Commodore Amiga" -r but for some reason it doesn't seem to work with either WinUAE or WHD games? Since it's showing an exe file in AmigaDOS I presume something is going wrong with sending the command from Launchbox? maybe regarding the zip file? Just not sure and I've searched everywhere for a solution :/ I suppose I could set it up to launch just from Launchbox, but I would really like for it to work with RocketLauncher as well. Any help would be great, cheers! :)
  7. Hey, I'm about to look into importing Amiga games and I remembered looking at this thread a while ago. Not sure, but has there been a good solution for scraping them based of the whd file names? Cheers :)
  8. SentaiBrad said Personally, I stick with Desmume in standalone form. As far as a save bug, I haven't heard of one. For the stylus, If I needed to I just use the mouse, or mouse and controller. I've used the left side of a controller before. Also, most games have stylus support but a majority of games use a d-pad and face buttons still too. For a game like Legend of Zelda you can use the mouse and the left side of your controller; Or right side if you're left handed with a mouse. As far as Filters for the X432R version you need to be using Direct3D or DirectX backends if I recall. It should be an option. Hmm... might have to see when it comes to it if I can get the save issue (whatever it is) to work since I would rather not use the mouse unless the game is unplayable without it. If for some games having the mouse on the right analog stick is slightly clunky, then I can probably live with it and it would be better than having to use the mouse on the couch or drag out a book or something to have it on.
  9. Has the save issue been sorted, or does anyone know if there is a fix? I'm thinking of setting up DS in LB soon myself and was thinking of using Retroarch because it apparently has support for controlling the stylus with one of the analog sticks. Something the standalone version does not (from what I've read, but I could be wrong?). If not, what solutions do other people have for the stylus? I got my HTPC set up in the living room and would prefer to be using the gamepad as much as possible. :)
  10. I've not noticed any performance hit having put about 5 of the games I want to run faster on my SSD. I'm sure there is technically a difference, but not noticeable on the game I got there or for my eyes :) I'd personally have virtually zero loading in Dark Souls 2 for example and maybe a tiny performance hit (somewhere) than having to wait through loading screens in that game. Personal preference I suppose :)
  11. Highly recommend getting and SSD for you main OS drive. Windows boots up so fast I most times don't have time to reach for the remote and turn on the TV before it's ready to go :) I got a 500gb SSD where I also store some PC games I want faster loading in, Launchbox itself and any other programs (as long as they don't take up too much space), I find this to be plenty of space to be honest, but I suppose it depends on your needs and budget. Also as long as you got your disc based systems unzipped I can't imagine they being much faster on an SSD, it's already just a couple of seconds to mount an image and the emulator boots it so toss them all on your big drive/s. I find it hard to go back to my laptop whenever I need to turn it on, takes foreeeeever to boot into windows. :P
  12. Drybonz said I would also like to see this option... it's one of those things that would save a lot of time if you are going through a large number of files. (a confirmation dialog would make sure you didn't accidentally delete a file) I also wouldn't mind seeing the "import rom" on the right click menu... although that's a minor issue. I would still prefer an option for the function to be turned off, I know I have myself accidentally pressed "Yes" on pop up boxes when I wasn't paying attention, and with a big group of people, maybe some alcohol... I rather not having the option there under those circumstances :P
  13. Sounds reasonable to me as long as there is a way to turn off the option to delete (either the rom or entry) since if I got lots of people over I don't want them to just accidentally delete my roms when in Big Box mode :)
  14. I think I might have encountered a similar problem last night when I was trying to set up some CPS-1 games using FBA. I was doing a test and just imported a bunch of them to see if things were working (also running Rocketlauncher in the background so problems might be there as well, I need to investigate). While some games worked fine, when I tried to launch 1942 it just opens FBA with the blank screen, but to lanch the game in FBA I have to select the one called 1942r1 which is a clone of 1942 I believe. The problem is that there is no 1942r1.zip file, it seems this version is somehow emebeded in the 1942 zip file? But when clicking play on it in LB it just sends the command to boot 1942.zip which on it's own doesn't work (it has a circle with red line on it in FBA as well). I tried to experiment with the command line to make it send instructions to launch it using 1942r1, but no luck. Tonight I might try and remove RocketLauncher from it and see if I can get it working directly through LB first, or my other plan it to get MAME and see if I can get it working there, but it sounds like similar issues are there. :/ I'm kind of a newbie to the arcade emulation (only really done NeoGeo games before in FBA) so not sure if I'm doing things right.
  15. Hi, Is there a way, or if not is it on your schedule to implement a parent/kid mode? In my library of games there are some violent games that I might not let kids see when letting them browse the games. Would be cool if you could tag games either based on rating or as Adult then have them be hidden if you launch it, then have them appear with a password.
  16. Running about 15k games here and Launchbox is by far the fastest frontend I've used in terms of performance. Virtually no lag or slowdown when scrolling through the games list. Also launching stuff (even with RocketLauncher in the background) it's super fast. What kind of specs are you running?
  17. Hi, While I have been adding info and games to Launchbox I have noticed that my C drive has gone down in space by quite a bit. I ran Windirstat and found that in \AppData\Local\Temp there were a bunch of what seems to be either backup, or in progress versions of LaunchBox.xml. All in weird names. I could even open them in Notepad++ I assume these are not needed and we should delete them? Mine counted into a whopping 140gb!!!! Space I would like for other stuff :P Is this an issue others have found as well? Is it supposed to delete these itself (LB) ? I tried to cut/pase them into another place to see if LB worked fine and it seems to be totally fine. So I take it they are just junk? Cheers
  18. aaaaaand I found it. For some reason it added it as a new system and I didn't notice. Delete!!! haha :P (I did do a dumb thing!!)
  19. Hi, I was editing my games and while trying to test it I must have accidentally hit a button or shortcut because the game just vanished. I tried to show hidden games, still nothing. I also tried to re-add it, but I get the message that 0 games were imported successfully. What dumb thing did I do? :p Cheers
  20. Would be awesome to have this built in to Launchbox. You can do it if you run your emulators through RocketLauncher, but I haven't set that part up myself so no idea how easy/hard it is, and also not 100% sure it works too well with all emulators.
  21. Blu_Haze said Yeah, the Retroarch module for RocketLauncher remaps your folders to "srm" for in game saves and a "save" folder for states. Any time you launch a game with that module it creates those folders in your main Retroarch directory. It then makes subfolders in each of those for the system. So a Super Nintendo folder, Sega Genesis folder, etc. Ah, I see. Didn't know that, then again I haven't really used Retroarch. :) Zombeaver said Holy crap is CRT-Royale gorgeous... So much so that I've converted several other platforms over to use RetroArch at this point. The more I use RA the more I'm actually loving it. It works perfectly with Steam's in home streaming as well, for anyone interested. With all the love RA is getting here, I might need to give it a go :)
  22. Zombeaver said Getting pretty frustrated at this point... I have no idea why something so bloody fundamental has to be so convoluted and has so many hoops to jump through. Yep, I felt the exact same when I was trying to get this stuff working. Took me weeks to get it right at first (especially also getting all working in Kodi.. ugghhh), all via just experimenting and reading forums :( How are you loading the discs? Mine are through daemon tools. Blu_Haze said One of the main things that keeps me from using RocketLauncher is how intrusive it feels. I especially don't like the fact that it wants to take control of my game saves and states with no option to turn that off. I prefer to let Retroarch handle that and it would take a lot of compromises to make both of them work together how I would want. It also seems to want to mess with my emulators settings. The lack of controller support without using programs like JoyToKey, or Xpadder, is also a big negative for me. It's a shame, too, because I think that RocketLauncher has several nice features such as HyperPause, MuliGame, and the loading screens. Taking over save files? What do you mean by this? Is this with Retroarch? I don't use it myself so wouldn't know. The lack of native controller support is definitly a big negative. Hopefully something they implement soon.
  23. Yep, I will totally agree that the initial introduction to RL is a complete mess haha. I ended up getting most of the "how to" from the forums from what I remember. Once you get over the initial hump though it's fairly easy to use :) DOS76 said @polygonslayer thanks for the info I will have to look into getting to work outside of LaunchBox and then see how it goes from there. Regarding setting up RL in LB I got these command-line parameters for each associated platform: Example for Mega Drive/Genesis: -p LaunchBox -f "C:\Users\xxxxx\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.exe" -s "Sega Genesis" -r The platform (Sega Genesis) at the end needs to be spelled the exact same way as RL does in it's listing. Hope that helps :)1
  24. A related question to the description not fitting. When you select a game in Big Box mode you get the option to "Play" then followed by any additional apps you got. Sometimes the game title of a different language version, or a special version of a game is too long and you can't read it all. Will there be a way that when you move down to those they could scroll across so you could read the whole text? :)
  25. Zombeaver said How exactly is RocketLauncher going to help me with disc swapping in some way that LB doesn't currently? With RL I currently press the "-" key (planning to set up with gamepad combo) on my keyboard to bring up a screen which lets me pick what disc to swap without the emulator closing. It works great in any game I've tried it so far. Great for those games that doesn't allow you to save before the disc swap. No need to quit back to windows, rename save state files etc. It all happens like you would want, like as if you were swapping the discs in a real system. :) Sure, Launchbox can set up emulators, but it doesn't seem to have all the options that you get with RL and I always had problems getting emulators to "behave" the way I wanted before with other frontends. Can't comment on LB since I found it would be simpler for me to just stick with RL instead setting everything up again in LB. I think that if I were to set everything up from scratch I would probably do a lot of it in LB, but for select systems would probably use RL for things like disc/floppy swapping etc. Another good thing regarding PS1 emulation (LB might have similar options, not checked) is that you will find that a lot of times you can get some games that just don't work right with your chosen emulator. For example I have never gotten Toshinden working right with epsxe, it always runs way to fast, but in RL I have that game flagged to be launched using Xebra instead. DOS76 said This seems interesting how do you set it up in LaunchBox though do you still point to the emulator that you want or do you point it to a RL file that is linked to your emulator (sorry for my ignorance in advance as I have no clue really how RL works). I point to RL as the emulator and have every system use it to launch. There are some commands to put in that let's RL know which system your launching, but I'm at work at the moment so can't remember it at the top of my head. :) Regarding the CUE/BIN issue people are discussing. I seem to recall that epsxe doesn't load CUE files correctly and that it won't play the music tracks. At least I seem to have that problem before so I use Daemon Tools to mount it and then have epsxe launch the disc that way and it worked. Not updated my epsxe emulator in a while though so not sure if it's a bug that is still around. :/
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