Hi everyone, new member here.
I've been trying to set up my HTPC for a good while now and up until recently have been using RocketLauncher along with kodi (Advance Launcher) as the frontend. However, I do find that kodi is just too slow and is quite cumbersome so when I found Launchbox, saw the video and tried it out yesterday for myself (bought the premium since I want it for use on my TV) I've decided that I will be moving over. There are a few things I'm wondering about, some of which might be feature requests? Probably stuff that has been asked for before. I did have a quick look around the forums, but couldn't find any specific answers to exactly what I'm wondering about.
So when importing games/roms into Launchbox is there a way for it to automatically detect if I got multiple language versions of a rom? Like in AdvanceLauncher it would look for tags.
It would look something like this: "Gamename {English} cd1.xxx" then the next being "Gamename {German} cd2.xxx" etc. The importer would collect all the roms that have the same name before the brackets and order them based on the cd-number. Would this be something that could be implemented into Launchbox?
The same was used when having multidisc games.
I found that you can set this up manually by using Additional Apps, but having a lot of games would make this a very long process :/
It would be great (might be asking a bit much here) if the importer would recognize the {} brackets as well if your already planning on implementing something like this? since it would take a long time to re-name everything :p
I've seen other people ask for importing local info on games as well, and I would love it if I had the option, but that is less of an issue for me than the multi language/disc games.
In any case, love the style of Launchbox and will definitely be migrating over as I can see this just get better and better :)
Advance Launcher I feel has slowed down a lot in development and working inside kodi (which also does a ton of other stuff so it's understandable) is just a pain.
Cheers :)