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Posts posted by elwooha6

  1. I'm not super familiar with Launchbox logs yet but I did notice there are a lot of messages about a missing image. Have you recently moved any images around manually that it might be looking for? Other than that I'd recommend refreshing the image cache in BigBox, I have had luck with that in the past. You can find it in BigBox at Settings>Image Cache>Refresh All Images.

  2. On 8/6/2024 at 1:00 PM, Suhrvivor said:

    Is it really worth the saved space if you have to wait much longer for the game to start? I rather have Launchbox be fast and slim than slow and cluttered.

    I think the real question is "is it helpful posting in the troubleshooting category for a non-constructive reason?" and the answer is no.

    @skizzosjt Thanks for the example script, I've recently been going through my collection of fangames and opensource ports and such and this will greatly come in handy!

    • Game On 1
  3. I just tested on mine and it's working fine for me. Keep in mind that sometimes BigBox doesn't respond to certain inputs until you switch platforms once. Also I did have trouble with my keyboards' G1-G6 buttons not working with the long press but I believe that is related to Corsair and not BigBox. I'd try it again and keep in mind that you need to jiggle the platform wheel a little before it will allow a long-press action and if you're trying to use a button that isn't part of the standard 101-key keyboard keys then it may not work.

  4. Just posting this here for anyone else that runs across the issue I just had.

    Basically I noticed that my Arcade games no longer launched in RetroArch properly even though other systems worked fine. I checked the settings in Retroarch for Associated Platforms and Arcade was set to extract roms, which need to be disabled for Mame.

    Hopefully this helps someone avoid the couple hours it took me to figure it out.

  5. I've got a license to Music Box Alpha as well and while it works fine I'm also a bit disappointed with the lack of progress and eventually just went back to using other apps, mostly Kodi. Clementine is a good tool if you just want to listen but for nerding out at your collection (in a desktop environment) there really isn't a great option atm in my opinion.

  6. Showing the same as others. I've updated to 13.15 beta 5 from 13.14. When Launchbox starts it says I have plugins to update but there are no plugins listed in the Plugin Manager. I've also noticed that there is an issue where opening Launchbox too quickly after closing it will cause the window that states there is an instance running already is behind the startup/loading bar window so you can't actually read the window with the message.

  7. Hey @Zombeaver, are you still taking requests? I'd love to see Beasts and Bumpkins given the treatment, used to love playing the demo back in my youth and never got the chance to play the full game. If not thanks for doing all you've done, it's really great to be able to play some of the old classics that don't have things like battle passes and subscriptions and junk.

  8. I'm glad to see people making headway with this, currently with Steam allowing good support for linux the only reason I even use Windows still is Launchbox. Would really like to ditch the telemetry machine eventually.

    @Crossfader The problem with just porting the Android version is you still would need a windows install to setup the data for it, though I suppose if someone were able to get the performance worked out in linux it would provide that.

  9. @Oniontears
    Ok, figured it out. In Cemu disable the option to remember main window position. I think when you exit through the pause menu it forces cemu to close before it registers its window position and that causes the error to pop up. I enabled it and tried and immediately got the error, disabled it and the problem went away.

    • Thanks 1
  10. @Oniontears
    Hmm, I feel like I've seen that before but I can't remember why. Does it do this for every game in cemu or just the one? Also the only reason you'd ever need to run an emulator as admin is if it were installed in a protected folder like Program Files or something, which most emulators avoid these days.

    Also have you changed any other settings for the emulator since it worked?

  11. @Jack_77 In my testing I didn't need any special scripts to close RPCS3 with controller. I have the exact same controller and I use the controller mappings feature built into LaunchBox, it's under the "Main Menu -> Tools -> Options" all the way at the bottom. Here are a couple screenshots to show how I have mine setup.

    RPCS3 under Manage -> Emulators

    And here is my controller mappings section

    You'll notice I have my Button 7 + Button 8 set to Show Pause Screen, you can do that or if you just want to close the emulator set the Exit Game to a combo or button press. Just keep in mind that if you set it as a button combo you have to press them in order when in the emulator or it won't read it right.

    Hope that helps

  12. To elaborate a little bit seeing as this is the noob section... The loading you are seeing there is the emulator loading the actual game itself, this can take anywhere from a minute upward to tens of minutes depending on the game and how well the emulator has been tuned for that particular title. As our simian friend said there is no way to avoid it but it does usually go a bit faster on later launches since some of what it has to do on first boot is already done (compiling shaders etc..).

    You mention specifically the startup theme but what that does is just display in front of the emulator itself loading up and can't tell whether the emulator has finished loading a rom or not, so sadly the startup theme doesn't paint over this type of loading. Hope this helps.

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  13. On 12/14/2023 at 6:35 AM, Retro808 said:

    So definitely something changed in the newer exp builds. Seems like you cannot use any shortcuts to close Cemu. You can jump in/out of fullscreen a bunch of different ways, but nothing for closing. 

    Did some testing and the AHK below definitely works. I am no guru with this but it was something I had in my AHK notes from either something someone helped me with or I found a while back and just modified it for this use. So I cannot take any credit for it other than tinkering with it.  

    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
    Esc::PostMessage, 0x0112, 0xF060,,, Cemu


    This worked for me on the 2.0-61 build. Thanks for this, it was literally the only thing keeping me from playing one of my old favs on the big screen :D

    @Oniontears Be sure you are setting the script as running script in LB and it should work just fine in both LB and BB.

    • Like 1
  14. The views being swappable was something I hadn't thought of. I'll do some more testing and see which platforms can be done that way and let you know which ones work, who knows you may be able to save a lot of time not recreating essentially the same views. Also no worries about the SNES name, I can always just change the display name of the platform to Super NES or something.

    EDIT: One thing you can do to work on views that you don't have games for is make a bunch of text files that are named for games in the system you want to add and import them as if they were games. I've done that to fill out my collection while I look for games before.

    EDIT2: Also the only major thing that is missing in terms of views is a DVD case version for things like Gamecube, PS2, PS3 etc. Would probably work for the double-cd jewel case in a pinch too.

    EDIT3: Sorry for so many of these. I noticed that Nintendo Wii has a view but it isn't in the folder of views, how do I copy that one?

  15. After a quick test both previous issues are fixed. I did notice a couple of oddities though, some platforms have overlapping artwork rather than the tidy grid look of the others, the odd thing is I couldn't really figure out what reason it was doing. As an example my Dreamcast had overlapping boxart but Playstation which has basically the same size and aspect ratio was just fine. I also noticed that platforms which have no uniform aspect ratio have a lot of overlap on the boxart, for example DOS games and the various home pc platforms. I don't know if that is even possible but just an idea. I noticed too that on the platform list "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" gets cut off on the right, maybe if the text is larger than the window width make it scroll left/right so it's all readable.

    Other than those few things it's working quite well, I even noticed a significant performance improvement with this version so that's awesome! Thank you for your hard work. :D 

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  16. Ah I see about the naming, no worries. I think the image reference is most likely as you said with the folder name as I had been extracting the theme to a folder with the version number in it, after extracting without the custom folder name it is working fine now. The only thing I've noticed so far in this build is that the number of games on the platform list is cut off a bit by the "games available" text. I have to mention that I'm using a 1080p monitor upscaled to 1440p so not sure if that would affect it or not. Glad we got the folder name thing figured out, thanks for the help. :D

    EDIT: Just noticed that the cut off text is only with larger collections of 100 games or more.

  17. Still happening for me:


    I completely deleted the old folder to be certain there wasn't anything left over from before. Also I have a request about the files that you upload, please include the actual version number in the filename and not "2.0 WIP" as I keep a backup of all themes I've downloaded and it gets messy when things are the same name over multiple different versions, totally optional of course just thought I'd mention it.

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