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Posts posted by elwooha6

  1. I've tried the new 3d boxes and like it but after adding some "box - full" images to switch games I can't get them to work in bigbox. 

    This is what the default theme looks like with one of the images:


    And this is the image I have set as "box - full" in launchbox:


    It looks as if the "box - full" image is being wrapped over a flat model without any spine, whereas all the other examples I've seen (which work fine) are the split images with separate spine images.

  2. If that's the mentality behind it then it'll never get done either. When a new standard is developed people are more likely to adopt a different frontend that allows them to use the art they want rather than bother to create new graphics for a feature that doesn't exist. What I'm saying is, it's a chicken or the egg scenario, someone has to make the first move.

  3. I've got my library of games separated by platform and then two separate folders, one for "installed" games and the other for "uninstalled" games. Then when I want to install a game to launchbox I just copy/paste the files to the proper folder and then drag them into the launchbox window to add them. Ideally launchbox would check against already installed file names or database entries and skip those that already exist because it's currently a bit of a pain to work with. Hope this helps.

  4. I just set up Parsec to play BigBox and some pc games while I'm away. I am using my phone and a dualshock4 with a clamp mount to connect to my home pc. As far as latency I did notice a tiny hit in latency but that was in a bad 4G area so I'd say it performed fairly well. This actually made me want to get a new phone so I can still game when I'm in other states and such, playing on my 6" Galaxy S6 was acceptable but it would have been better with a larger screen, especially with pc games but console stuff was pretty ok since it is mostly designed to be view from a distance. My home connection has 30Mbit up and 300Mbit down so it's pretty solid on wifi but expect to see some latency over 4G as noted above.

    Edit: Strike that bit about 4G, turns out I still had wifi on.

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