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Everything posted by jevcleem

  1. I seem to have an issue, I'm not sure if its because of the new launchbox version but i don't think i had it before. When launching a game using the emulator dolpin with launchbox/bigbox, the game doesn't open fullscreen anymore. When i open the game in dolphin, it does (so the settings are correct in dolphin). I've tried many different settings in dolpin and also explicily tried adding the cmd startup command for dolpin to be fullscreen (even though it should not be necessary because start in fullscreen is checked in dolphin) but nothing seems to work. edit: also tried to do it directly in cmd prompt and it works there as it should as well, so it does seem to be an issue with launchbox
  2. I've got a similar issue when " Mute Audio During Transitions" is enabled in the Pause Menu. The sound just completely stops working in windows after opening the pause menu, muting/unmuting and changing the volume doesn't work. I have to restart the computer to get the sound working again.
  3. Awesome giveaway! Recently bought a steam link, would be nice to play some GameCubeon the big screen this holiday :)
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