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Everything posted by zorkiii

  1. Just wanted to update, I ordered the new version PS4 controllers with some 15ft usb cables off Amazon. This was easier for me to do after aggressively selling some extra stuff on ebay and craigslist, I made more than I needed! I will likely get a few other controllers for retro games soon. I wanted to ask @SentaiBrad or anyone else using the PS4 controllers, if I am using wireless with these, do you recommend any USB receiver of any sort? I am planning to use the built in bluetooth on the motherboard, guess I'll try that out first and see if I have any issues. Thought it couldn't hurt to ask if anyone had experience with specific bluetooth receivers. I see that Sony makes one specifically for the PS4 but looking through reviews it's mostly for PSNow or something like that.
  2. That looks like a great controller, I wasn't aware of that one. Thank you @lordmonkus Considering I could do wired or wireless on the controller, it really isn't that bad of a deal now that I think about it more. Thank you @SentaiBrad Thank you @fromlostdays - I looked that controller up online, which version or model do you recommend? I'm seeing a larger version and a slim version, but maybe those are quite different, I am still researching the Wii controller.
  3. Hey all, I just got around to checking back on this thread, many more responses than I expected which is great. I appreciate all the information. I am pretty close to making a decision, still a little on the fence since I am hoping for one controller for all things rather than 4 for one thing and 4 for another. I plan to order four of something today or tomorrow most likely. I personally prefer the Playstation style controller layout the most with both analog thumb sticks on the bottom, rather than the Xbox layout with the left analog on top and dpad on bottom. But that isn't all that important I guess, I am sure I would manage. That Hori Fighting Commander looks awesome. I guess my ideal setup would probably be four of those for fighting games and retro console stuff, and then 4 PS4 controllers. I agree about the poor dpad and other issues with the XBox 360 wireless controllers, I started this thread because I have two of those controllers that are pretty out of whack and feel like I wasted my money on them. I bought two 2600 Dapter-II usb interfaces for my Epyx 500xj joysticks to use with all those 1 button games for the Atari 2600 and C64 and other systems. My gaming history as a kid started with the Atari 2600, then to C64 and Amiga 500, and loved using the 500xj and slick stik and joysticks like those. I still cannot play games like H.E.R.O. or Montezuma's Revenge and countless others all that well on a dpad. I totally prefer the 500xj for those, I can get through the first 12 or so levels of H.E.R.O. without a single death on a 500xj and die repeatedly on a dpad, not sure why. I guess it's maybe how terrible the Xbox 360 wireless dpad is, or just me. Ah man I really do not want to spend like $300 or more dollars on controllers today. Is there a wired version of a Playstation controller that works well and is cheaper? I can't seem to find one. I am seeing tons of knockoffs of course but the reviews are pretty sketchy.
  4. Hi all, I have been using a few wireless XBox 360 controllers for my Launchbox / Big Box setup, and am considering going a wired route for 4 controllers. I'm curious if anyone has any recommendation for a good all around wired controller that would work for the majority of systems and games? I am running Windows. I've been seeing a few recommendations on the board here, mostly the Logitech F310 for wired. Are there other good options for wired controllers at that price point? Ideally per controller I would want to stay around $30 or so. I think if it were much more than that, I might just go with 4 PS4 wireless controllers since people have had so many positive remarks on them. But that would cost a bunch more obviously. Lastly, are there any potential downsides to using 4 wired controllers? I am planning to host a bunch of multiplayer game parties and looking to make things easier. Sometimes dealing with wireless can be a pain when batteries run out or a controller shuts off. My thoughts were that using wired might be a better alternative in some respects. Any input is appreciated.
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