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Everything posted by zorkiii

  1. I have a question, I'm using PS4 controllers with Input Mapper for by BigBox setup, and running into issues when playing Steam games. The buttons are mapping to XBOX 360 style for the controller, which I am guessing is due to Input Mapper emulating a 360 controller in its settings. This is a little annoying since games like Castle Crashers have the buttons all a bit off. I'm not sure what the best course of action might be for this and wondered if anyone else has run into this issue.
  2. Thank you @Maddoc1007, I will check this out later. I appreciate it. I ought to look into creating / configuring my own game view I guess, as it seems I'm in the minority of wanting a text list with a larger video preview.
  3. Thanks @SentaiBrad, I checked through the CityHunter themes and didn't find one with a larger video. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a theme that has the text list with details configured with a video in a larger window on the right? One thing to note is I am not a fan of the game titles in a wheel style with the logos as the game name, I think it takes up too much space and sacrifices speed when navigating. Just a personal preference I guess, I like just having a text list on the left and would like to have the game video preview in a larger window on the right, and just some of the game stats. Also, where do the platform theme videos get saved to (path on hard drive)? I couldn't seem to find where those go when they're downloaded in Launchbox using the built in Tools > Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos option.
  4. I've only used a few themes with BigBox, and have been using CritcalZone mostly since the game view has the game video in a windowed screen. I am not a fan of the full screen background video themes where the video is transparent, I prefer being able to see the gameplay video footage. My question is, can I configure the size of the video that plays in a theme? Here's a screenshot of the current view I have at the moment, the bottom most image of the Tetris screen is actually the game video that plays. I'm looking to configure a theme to display a larger video size, possibly double that size. Is there a theme that already does this, or can I configure one to do this for all game videos in Big Box?
  5. Everything was mapped properly in Mame prior to the update. This is the second time its happened, the first was on the prior Launchbox update, I can't recall the date of the last one.
  6. I just updated to the new version of Launchbox, for some reason whenever I update Launchbox my Mame controller settings are getting cleared out (default.cfg values are clearing out on launch of Mame I am guessing). I posted this somewhere before on a different thread a while back when it first happened but not sure where it went. The controls appear to be set for all my other emulators except Mame, I am not understanding why my Mame controller setup would be affected by a Launchbox update. To be clear, my default.cfg in Mame (which is on a completely different drive and folder from Launchbox installation) is getting reset to clear all the values I had assigned. It's not that hard to reassign the default.cfg, but wondering if anyone has any input on why this would occur?
  7. That's great, thanks for those tips! I also am a huge fan of Tempest 2000 and Jeff Minter. I appreciate the input on getting this to run in retroarch, I was planning to experiment some with settings. I will check my Wolfenstein rom, I tried two different versions, one TOSEC and one from somewhere else and both seemed to have the issue. It did run in Project Tempest pretty well, but I couldn't adjust the joystick sensitivity in that emulator it seemed. Thank you Zombeaver for that info, I will definitely check that out and use it for situations like this. Also thanks for finding and linking this list. This is kind of what I was hoping to spark here, to get a list of which games work best with which emulator, and tips on settings and such. I recall having a slightly different experience with a few of the games in the PDF from the other thread there. This helps having some options now for these games to play them, rather than removing them from your games list.
  8. Any chance anyone has some input on this? I would appreciate any insight!
  9. Hi, I'm using Retroarch virtualjaguar_libreto.dll to run my Atari Jaguar games, and am running into a lot of issues. The games that are working fine are fun, but it seems to be running a hair too fast. Any tips on slowing this down a touch? Also I'm having trouble using that core with the following games: Battlesphere (not loading) Club Drive (retroarch crashes after driving for a second or two) Cybermorph (sound seems to not work for everything) Iron Soldier (won't get past gun assign screen) Tempest 2000 (super choppy at menus and transitions) Dino Dudes (screen cut off on right) Hover Strike (can't control ship) Power Drive Rally (freezes on race screen) Wolfenstein 3D (will not launch) I had other issues, but this is the primary stuff it seems. I looked up some other emulators and tried Project Tempest for Tempest 2000 and it works great for that specific game, which is nice since it's one of my favorite Jaguar games. I used the custom loader at this thread here, and it launches from Launchbox without any issues: https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/9199-project-tempest-loader/ - but it doesn't work so great for a bunch of the other games, just a few seemed to do well. Anyone having the same issues using the virtualjaguar_libretro.dll core? Also anyone using a different emulator for Jaguar that is running games with fewer issues? Thanks!
  10. I was wrestling with this too in Mame/Mess but I think I've got it figured out and wanted to share. In Mame/Mess hit Tab and select Input (This Machine), mine are setup as in the first image to use either the controller or a mouse. I have a PS4 controller using inputmapper emulated as Xbox 360 controller, and it is working well for the games I tested. The Button 1 and 2 are left/right buttons on the mouse, and A/B on the PS4. The mouse is only using the Mouse X and Mouse Y Analog, the PS4 controller is using the Mouse X Analog Dec/Inc and Mouse Y Analog Dec/Inc controls. For the mouse movement just click on Mouse X/Y Analog and move the mouse left for the X setting, and up for the Y. Also in the Mame/Mess settings, go to Analog Controls and change the Mouse X and Mouse Y digital speed to something that works well for you. I had mine at 6 and it seemed alright for some of the point and click games. The speeds didn't seem to matter for games like Hotel Mario or any where you are moving a character around using left/right/up/down, the speeds are mostly for mouse style games if you plan on using a joystick controller like Xbox 360 or PS4 instead of a mouse.
  11. One other piece of info, when attempting to launch Badlands I am receiving an error screen (attached). I was not receiving this error before the issues occurred. Just to clarify, these were working properly and launching properly the first time I imported everything. The issues occurred only after I imported the other games from the vldp_dl folder, which wiped out all the other games.
  12. I just renamed my previous Daphne folder to a .old extension, and downloaded everything from scratch again from step one. After importing the .txt files from the standard games that download through Daphne into Launchbox, it still only imports Badlands and Road Blaster. I left the other unnecessary files in there for the screenshot, I know I have to delete the readme.txt and road blaster.txt files yet. Somehow Launchbox is filtering the other titles, not sure what is going on. Is there a log file I can review for the import process? Is it possible something didn't get cleared out from Launchbox from the previous issues? Hoping someone involved in development might have some input on this. Thanks!
  13. Hey that did the trick! Thanks a lot Zombeaver I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
  14. Hi, I followed the instructions on the official Launchbox video for setting up Daphne and adding games ( at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh17Nr3GRnA ) and I was able to get everything working for the standard games, and launching fine in Launchbox. However when I moved on to adding the other games (.txt files) in the vldp_dl, all of my original Daphne games disappeared and I was left with only the new ones I added..... I removed those new additions by deleting them, and then attempted adding the original games from the main vldp directory using the same steps, and for some reason it only imports RoadBlaster and Badlands.... The only other information I can think of that might be relevant, after I imported the games the first time successfully I renamed them in Launchbox, since they were named like "astron" or "bega" etc, and renamed them to their full names. Has anyone else run into these issues before? Any ideas on what I can try? It's really odd that it would have removed all my original games after importing the ones from vldp_dl, and then not import the originals back in (except for two).
  15. I am getting most everything to run just fine with mednafen, but am seeing some graphic issues with certain games. I attached a screenshot of Fighters Megamix here, there seems to be an interlacing issue or something as you can see with the guy on the right, the long horizontal stretched pixel thing going on. I am wondering if this is something I can control with different settings at all?
  16. I have four PS4 controllers and have been using them wired into my emulation PC with Launchbox. Things are working great for a number of emulators, but I'm having trouble with a few and often losing my mapping in a few as well. For some reason I'm having trouble getting the mappings correct in MAME, I had things working well and setup the coin buttons and start and such, but strangely after some time the mappings just completely reset.... I'm wondering if that might have to do with me updating Launchbox/BigBox? I'm not sure if controller settings get wiped when that happens, but I can't think of any other reasons. Also I'm running into problems getting controls to map well with N64 games, especially multiplayer. I tried Goldeneye out with a few friends and it was super frustrating trying to get the controls to map properly across controllers. Player 1 settings would be perfect, then when attempting to set the same controls for the other player controllers, the behavior was completely different. I can get more specific about what's happening, but wanted to post something specific to PS4 controllers here to see if anyone who is using multiple PS4 controllers might have any tips for getting a good setup going? Are there any general tutorials out there for PS4 controllers or anyone with some helpful insight? Thanks.
  17. This is great, I just got home and set it up in less than 5 minutes and it works without a hitch. Thank you very much @spycat! I didn't own one of these consoles growing up but my cousins did and thought it was great, I always loved the voice part of the Odyssey 2 personally. It's really not the greatest machine, but I felt like the emulation was not complete without having the voice option in there. Now I am satisfied thank you again. I guess I can just skip the o2em issues. But I would like to someday know why my system won't launch that app in fullscreen and produces the error. I did write to the developer on Sourceforge today, not sure how often any replies come through on that sort of thing.
  18. @Zombeaver I did have it as Montezuma's Revenge for a few minutes there, I realized I didn't have an icon and thought I'd put something in but couldn't make up my mind. Haha yes, I love your design! I just changed it again to your design if you don't mind, and nice work. I first fell in love with the game on the Atari 2600. I had an Atari growing up but my parents never bought me the game. A friend in school had it and I played it at his house every time I came over. Eventually when my parents bought a Commodore 64 I got a copy of Montezuma's and played the hell out of it. It is a frustratingly hard game!
  19. Ah okay, thanks @Zombeaver. Yeah in games like APB All Points Bulletin for instance, the analog stick controls cause the car to turn insanely fast. I am not at home by my emu PC so I will have to try this out later with the tab menu. Do you by chance have a screenshot of the specific menu? Not any problem if not. Thanks.
  20. Yeah these things when connected via direct USB cables are rock solid, played a ton of four player Arcade games through MAME with friends with all of them connected via USB on Saturday night and had zero issues. It is a great controller, though I need to figure out how to adjust the analog stick sensitivity for several games. Some games when I attempt to move left or right it's on super speed and impossible to control. I don't think that is the fault of the controller at all and more a Mame setting, I think.... I need to work on that yet.
  21. Just wanted to update, the four PS4 controllers have been working pretty well. They work much better when plugged in though, I've had a number or disconnects and odd delays and repeated directional actions through bluetooth. My motherboard has Bluetooth 4.0 / 3.0 + High speed class II on-board. It has the most current driver. I also tried disabling the on-board Bluetooth and used a Plugable BT 4.0 dongle (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009ZIILLI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) - this kinda sorta seems better, but I am still getting lag once in a while. Once everything is connected I haven't had any issues when launching various emulators and having the system recognize all four controllers for systems that support them, so that is cool. Also it is a bit hit or miss connecting them through blutetooth, I'll press the PS button and see it flashing, but it sometimes takes a few attempts for it to connect. Another weird thing is I've had to pair it a few times and remove it from the bluetooth devices. Blargh! I'll keep at it, I am not 100% sure what the deal is just yet. I just built this system as of last week Thursday and it's all new parts.
  22. HI @DOS76 - I am also able to use that core and launch the games with it just fine, however in my experience the sound is not working well, in comparison to the actual machine and other emulators it is garbled/distorted. I wasn't able to get the voice samples to work in it. Hi @spycat and thanks, I did create the config file and added the fullscreen option to it before posting this as well, but I receive the following error: Looking this up online I'm seeing another person that has experienced this same thing at the following forum post: https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13471-hilarious-odyssey2-emulator-harder-to-get-working-than-dolphin/ The solution there was to put the fullscreen option after the game in the commandline as the o2em documentation states the usage should be. I was using MAME/MESS to emulate the Odyssey 2 just fine, but had issues with the voice samples for the games not working, plus the keyboard emulation is pretty weird in that you have to hit scroll lock I believe in order to access the Mame menus, since the Odyssey 2 has an actual keyboard. I am wondering if the order or commandline operations might be configurable in future releases? It would be useful I think to have a checkbox or something on the emulator setup screen that states "Put commandline options after the rom file" or something similar. Hmm, I am wondering what the best solution might be. @spycat do you have the voice samples setup in Mame by chance?
  23. Hi, I am working with o2em to launch my Odyssey 2 games, everything is emulating great including the voice samples and such, however I am unable to launch this in full screen through Launchbox. I can get it to launch in full screen outside of LaunchBox. I believe the issue is that the command line option for full screen needs to come after the o2em.exe "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE" rather than in-between like o2em.exe -fullscreen "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE". When I enter the command line parameter it inserts it between the two as shown in the Sample Command screenshot below: The o2em manual states: Usage: o2em <file> [options] If I take out the -fullscreen parameter in LaunchBox it launches o2em and the rom without any problems, but it's in a small window. Curious how I can get around this? Any help is appreciated.
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