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Everything posted by FastFeet

  1. Thank you PurleTentacle. I spent all day trying to get my M30 working with no success. That is until you helped. I wish I could find a better way but this does the trick. Thanks again.
  2. Awesome. Thank you for the quick response and the fix. So obvious and easily overlooked. Thank you.
  3. I am using Retroarch with Launchbox for NES and SNES. I get the loading screen but never launches the game; it returns me back to Launchbox. I am also using Retroarch with no issue with ATARI 2600, 7800, N64, Genesis, Master System, and Playstation 1 from Launchbox. The only way I have been able to get NES or SNES game to work is if I right-click a game, select "edit" / "Emulation Tab" and select "Use Custom Command-Line Parameters". For SNES is I enter the following it the game will Launch. -L "cores\snes9x_libretro.dll" This is very inconvenient and isn't a neccessary step for my working Consoles using Retroarch. I deleted my NES and SNES and even tried re-importing them, with no success. I am using: Windows 10 Licensed Launchbox v9.5 Retroarch 1.76 EDIT: Just imported my TurboGrafx-16 titles; they too are not launching. Not sure why this is happening. Is there any debugging I can do or has anyone else experience this? EDIT 2: SUBJECT: RESOLVED
  4. Just quickly thinking without much thought (if that makes sense), but here goes... What if a local database could be created for each Console/Computer system, complete with game metadata, manuals, videos, and image files. The database could then be downloaded for each console/computer as a separate download from LaunchBox (using torrent files). A user then could download a complete database for each system the user has as needed. The user could then place the download somewhere within the Launchbox file structure, or through an import option. I'd be willing to assist in any way I could...
  5. Still down.......
  6. Thank You DOS76. That was indeed the issue. This is a known issue? I did check the forums before posting; didn't see anything. Kind regards sir. PS: Yes I am indeed using 5.8 beta 1.
  7. I seem to get this error pop up on a few of my games. Error: "Property set of 'URL' cannot be invoked at this time" and Launchbox crashes/closes. It happens when a ROM is highlighted (not all ROM's, just a certain few (same ROMs everytime)) . I been trying to resolve the error by changing the file name and deleting some of the metadata; without success. EDIT: I do not seem to have the issue in Big Box Mode, so far it seems to be in LaunchBox Desktop Mode.
  8. Jason Carr said Yeah, there's a daily limit of 1 GB at EmuMovies if you don't have a paid membership. But does the importer just disappear in that scenario? Obviously that's not ideal if it does. I am now a lifetime member for both EmuMovies and the awesome LaunchBox. The importer appears as if it is importing ROMs, but then disappears with no warning. Some feedback advising of the fail would have been a nicely added feature. I tried a half dozen times before posting in this forum. Thanks for your assistance.
  9. Jason Carr said FastFeet Do you have a lifetime membership? Or a paid membership at all? Not yet.... just found LaunchBox this week. Is this the issue? Edit: Guess that is the issue. I didn't see a subscription option before. Good to know.
  10. I was able to import my NES Roms, and SNES Roms, but I tried to add my N64 and Sega ROMs but started to fail. I tried the recommendations above and even reinstalled. After reinstalling LaunchBox, I couldn't import anything including the NES roms I did earlier. I reviewed the file names of my ROMs and removed any non-alpha-numeric characters and it still failed to import. I then removed my EmuMovies login from LaunchBox and boom! Import worked again... Something is up with the EmuMovies or EmuMovies is blocking the import (too many requests perhaps?). Looking forward for resolve.
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