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File Comments posted by RegularRegs

  1. I wish they would just put it back into the native LB/BB with its default setting off, instead of completely removing it. Especially now when we have AI search coming, a lot of people are going to be using voice in 2023. This is cool, i just don't use Big Box unless I'm browsing games slowly anyway. I feel like the real utility would be in LB. Good work though, man. LMK if you can get this working for Launch Box.

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  2. Any shot at updating this? Maybe to a direct duck-duck-go search rather than Wikipedia? Or maybe just a plugin that identifies the default browser and default search engine and then run a search for whichever game is selected. This would be great. I have a lot of really obscure games that don't have too much information or manuals. A tool like this would be great for learning about some obscure games.

  3. Sorry for bringing this up again over a year later but, is there any way of fixing the "arrange by" playtime issue in base launchbox5? First it puts none, then it doesn't put the highest first, its using numerical values but not determining whether its hours minutes or seconds. It would be cool if we put arrange by playtime and had the highest first and going down in order, maybe without the separations for each individual game… just an idea. If that is even possible.

  4. On 11/10/2019 at 12:32 AM, samiam said:

    from what i am gathering you could just as easily scrape the entire site howlongtobeat.com HTML capturing the data you want then format it into a launchbox friendly xml like this plugin outputs now. Then you have data for all games on howlongtobeet.com. You no longer have to worry about the sites html changing every time you add a game.

    is that something someone would be willing to write? i dont know how to code at all. that sounds like a solution though

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  5. 18 hours ago, Grila said:

    The whole point of it is to track your playtime...why would you want to reset it? 

    i think the idea is just in case it gets left on accidentally or i imagined maybe .txt or .cfg file that you can manually set it if you already played a ton of the game. just idea. cant wait to try this. i was one of the people requesting this. thanks so much man


    EDIT** I just realized you can edit it in the custom fields. which makes this the perfect plugin. you are the man.


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  6. 5 hours ago, Kondorito said:

    Please do!

    hey actually i just realized that if you right click the video player, you can save the video. just name it startup and it should be good to go. I am going to attempt to make some of my own videos with my own music in it. when i do that ill post them on the main upload area

    • Game On 1
  7. hey man. really good video. I hope its ok but i switched the music with a synthwave track that i made. not a huge fan of the 80s guitar type music. Idk if youd want to put it up as another option but i figured id upload it here just in case... lemme know if youd rather me take it down.


    If anyone wants this let me know and ill upload it

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    Neon Rain Startup

       200    1

    I made a longer version of this. i put my own music to it and basically just stretched the duration. Unfortunately it makes all of the video effects slower but it fills the 30 seconds it takes for my system to load up. is it ok if i post it on here? ill give you all of the credit for the video effects.


    actually it would be awesome if you made a 30 second version of the same intro because its really awesome and mine is a little weird being that its slowed down. and it goes perfectly with the retro arcade theme.

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