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Everything posted by TheHillbillyGamer

  1. So i have been toying with the idea for making a ArcCab for years. TBH Who above 35 with a massive interesst in gaming hasent? 🤣 I have the know how to hardware wire, carpent and all that stuff. Grunt stuff. Hehe The Computer part i suck at so im looking for some help. What bare essential do i need to make the brain for a cab running Launchbox(Im such a noob but running it as a OS kinda?) being able to play everything from Atari 2600 to PS2 and that gen. Handhelds also maby but not DS if im not using a touch screen or mouse wich takes away from the ArcCab experiance. Pointers? The more spesific the better. Copy Past Google Find cheap part buy spesific 🤣
  2. No pack JET! Im slowly working through the boxes on my shelves and then in GIMP one at a time so i will either keep at it until i finish one console, Famicom f.exs, then if no option to upload the sides and tops are jet there il smack a media zip together and upload for sure love that my collectors ocd might help other out
  3. More custom options is always good but what meta data you planing on changing? Just wondering out of curriosity
  4. I will, but where do i upload all this and under what catogory? The DB im at 45 Famicom boxes, 2 PC engine cd, 4 saturn(not even scractched the surface on what i own in japanese there) Im readdy to share it all. Maby i should make a media package or something? I have been away for a few days but there still is no option to upload top,bottom, left and right and only spine jet? Full3D box i have not tried to upload to as i do now know what to upload
  5. also top and bottom would be nice
  6. Hey this was the first post i saw talking about the new 3D Box feature. Love it. I have been grinding away at my japanese collection making 3d boxes for the old view, Front and spine/one side. Almost all the japanese games 3d box images are not correct and it bugged med. Having the acctual boxes in my collection i have either found full scans online or scanned my own and made the boxes using cover commander. I Have however only been able to use like i mentioned "Pictures" of two sides. What format do the DB need for me to upload my boxes? And if its even possible... I hope so seeing that everyone else can take part in my tiny bit of ocd im adding one box to show how i have cut the scan up (Minus the front and back) then added to a 3d model.
  7. Awesome, i think what im asking more is if anyone here knows of sed emulator to use and how to make it work with another emulator like retroarch Thanks for a quick respons
  8. Hello y`all! First post here. Im uber bad at anything computer related, unless its as cut n dry as install a game and play. I have spent some time digitizing my entire physical collection of close to 2000 games for a while. Launchbox fit my needs perfectly. Gives me a way to play what i want if a console is not hooked up and also lets my kids play whatever they want with out me fearing for the condition of my games hehe. I was going over some PS1 stuff and i remembered i own a Pocketstation! also a bunch of VMUs for the dreamcast. And i tried googeling a bit but got confused fast. With launchbox im using retroarch for the most part, is there a way to integrate the PocketStation and VMU to the games being emulated? Also have a hotkey to open it up on screen? There are few games that acctually have a game function on those perefrials but it would be cool if there was a plugin or something that did this. I know Saga Frontier on PS1 has a game and Shenmu on DC if im not mistaking. Hope someone can either tell me i should stop looking or tell me if there is something like this. Either way, LOVE the helpfull guides and tutorials and ofc Launchbox it self.
  9. Yes you have the Supergrafx but thats just a later release. Having the PC-Engine as you have the TurboGrafx 16 would be a good way to go in my opinion. I know NEC has a lot of different names for theyr different releases but its generaly PC-Engine(TBG16), PC-Engine CDrom, (Both combined PC-Duo) and PC-FX. If im not totaly wrong, as the handhelds use the same type of Hu-Cards
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