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Everything posted by emko

  1. @Jason Carr have you had to change to look into this? Just had a case now where it wont even download any images for all the selected games that have no images if only one selected game has a image already. Right now i just go to my image folder and deleted all the images and then do a select all and then it will redownload all the images and the missing ones but it takes a long time with a big collection of games, i would rather it just download the missing image types Thanks Edit: Also it looks like it does download all the missing images etc until it hits a game where it has one image then anything after that game it won't download any images for example 20 games and the 15th game has a cover image games 1-14 will download images, games after 15 won't.
  2. still some issues with the Download Metadata and Images.. process still does not behave correct https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1355/image-downloading#comment-29670883 here is one issue with it, i recorded it because maybe my explanation sucks as you can see the option "Yes, but do not replace any exising fields" does not work correct for example if one of the selected games has that image type and others don't well it will not even try downloading the images for the games that don't have them. In this example video its the clear logo you can see it won't get downloaded unless i have only selected the games that don't have that image already. Thanks
  3. Has anyone setup Launchbox to use Retroarch Scummvm core? i can't get anything to load from Launchbox but i can load games in Retroarch i think it has something to do with the command line any ideas? Thanks
  4. Jason Carr said emko said beta 6, back button on controller does not work for most menus anymore only place it still works is in the games details menu when you press back it goes back to the systems games list but you can't back out of the games list or if your on the systems menu you can't back out to the options menus etc Hi @emko, I just put out beta 7 which I'm hoping will fix this for you. I couldn't replicate it so I'm not 100% sure what might be going on. I'm hoping to put out the official release later today if possible, so if you can test this to see if it fixes it I'd appreciate it. :) What ever you did fixed it, Thanks
  5. beta 6, back button on controller does not work for most menus anymore only place it still works is in the games details menu when you press back it goes back to the systems games list but you can't back out of the games list or if your on the systems menu you can't back out to the options menus etc
  6. well apparently i am not the only one :) just read a page back and few people have the same issue with beta 3 switched back to beta 2 a and i can exit games fine now in bigbox thanks hopefully this gets fixed
  7. SentaiBrad said If I recall, the dolphin bar can mess with controllers, so unplug that or change the settings to test there first. Otherwise, there was a thread on here about someone else having issues with controller automation after the last beta, and it turns out it was a settings issue, so the specific settings may have been corrupted. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/games-database-troubleshooting/entering-and-exiting-pcsx2/page-2#p22920 like i said worked fine before, nothing other then updating to newer beta version has changed, works perfect in launchbox just not in bigbox. Did some testing every other automation command is working just tested volume up and down only function that wont work is to exit open program. For example i open up a emulator and i can change the volume with holding down button 7 and pressing button 3 for up and 4 for down it works pressing 6 to close does nothing yet in launchbox it does work. 6 i tried mapping close button to different buttons still same problem
  8. has anything to do with controller automation exiting emulators with controller in Bigbox changed? Was working fine but now i can't get anything to close with the controller automation, same exact settings work in Launchbox Enable Gamepad/Joystick input - checked Use Z-Axis (triggers) to scroll - checked Choose a Device: XInput Xbox 360/Xbox One Use All Attached Controllers - Unchecked Automation Hold this button: Button 7 Close the active window: Button 6 That is select and R1 on my controllers i use a dolphin-bar for wii and ps3/ps4 remotes using scptoolkit that makes them be xbox controllers to windows. thanks
  9. i don't know but its downloading it two times so i end up with 2 fanart-background images that are exactly the same file. you can test this add arcade game Air Gallet to your launchbox http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/18904 you see DB as no fanart-background image edit the game and download your images from emu movies you will get 1 fanart-background image, delete this image now try using the Download metadata and images wizard this will download 2 exact same images Air Gallet-01.png Air Gallet-02.png i dont know why the wizard does this because there is only 1 fanart-background image on emumovies
  10. Jason Carr said knewlife Glad you got that font issue resolved. Really strange but it does appear that it must have somehow gotten corrupted on your machine. Pretty weird. @emko It's possible for two identical images to be downloaded if the same image is located both on EmuMovies and on the LaunchBox Games Database. I may add a solution for this in the future; could use a Bitbucket ticket for it. @shinra358, per help with that XAML, it really helps to use Visual Studio for that if you can download it. Then you actually work on the grids visually. @Zombeaver Thanks for reporting those controller automation issues; I'll take a look at them soon. @SentaiBrad and @DOS76 I'll see what I can do about those exceptions. @Drybonz I hope nothing broke more than it was supposed to. ;) What happened exactly? Thanks all. :) Its not that, for some reason fanart-background same image gets downloaded twice from emumovies in launchbox i tested emumovies sync app and i get only one image with it, at first i thought it was because maybe it was downloaded from launchbox database but i checked launchbox does not even have a background image for this game i was testing with. some more info this does not happen when you do a EDIT on a game but only with Download metadata and images Wizard, edit a game and download images works correct maybe this helps you find the problem?
  11. How does the image grabing system work? for example i have MAME game Air Gallet selected then i go to download metadata and images wizard On the Would you like to downloads images for your games page Is this combining emu movies with launchbox db? If i select Fanart - Background then on the next page Emumovies i select Background i end up with 2 exact same fanart images and i checked the launchbox DB we have no fanart for this game so is the first page a combination of both emumovie and launchbox and its just downloading 2 exact same files twice? Thanks Edit: NVM its not combined but for some reason EMUmovies downloads two same images for backgrounds any way to see whats on emumovies database? maybe this is a bug with Launchbox just tested out emumovies sync app and it only downloads one background
  12. Yes you fixed the back out of options screen only bug left is that there is no navigational sounds in the option screen other then that its working fine. Just completed a game using bigbox and i just noticed there is no way to mark a game completed in bigbox could this be something you could add please, works very well with favorites/broken just missing this one option. Thanks
  13. yes i know the folder locations have changed like i said Images\Nintendo Wii\Box - Front\LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7.jpg image already exists Launchbox does not want to use it instead i have to redownload the front image and it will create Images\Nintendo Wii\Box - Front\LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7-01.jpg now it works but i have 2 images, trying to remove the extra one LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7-01.jpg results in again no image showing in launchbox. Before this beta you could manually add images from other sources so i am 100% this is some bug I can delete the images launchbox refuses to use and redownload them then it works like this Images\Nintendo Wii\Box - Front/LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7.jpg same exact image from before image system update i have to delete it and let launchbox re download the exact same file then it will show up or i can let it download again but it then i will have 2 exact same files. anyways it was only about 20-30 games i manually fixed them all so its not a problem but i dont know if it effects anything else in the image system. For the navigation sounds in the options screen no i didn't remove the sounds while i was using bigbox ? not understanding the question. Navigation sounds all work fine until i enter option screen then pressing up or down results in no sound effects pressing back button on remote does nothing and if you keep trying to exit out of the options screen big box eventually crashes.
  14. BigBox going into options the navigation sounds stop playing and i can't back out of the options screen i keep trying until i get this error System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\emko\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.xml' because it is being used by another process. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkHost) at (<>c__DisplayClass81_0 ) at LaunchBox.Data.DataManager.<>c__DisplayClass81_0.<Save>b__0() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() the i checked the xml file is not open with anything and launchbox is closed. i tried again and get this error System.Threading.ThreadStateException: Thread is running or terminated; it cannot restart. at System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal(IPrincipal principal, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) at System.Threading.Thread.Start() at (DataManager , Boolean , String ) at LaunchBox.Data.DataManager.Save(Boolean wait, String destinationPath) at BigBox.App.<>c.<BackgroundSave>b__21_0() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
  15. it makes no sense why do many images named correct do not show up on launchbox yet when i redownload the same file it shows up? LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7.jpg from before updateing to new folder location paths where Images\Nintendo Wii\Front\LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7.jpg Images\Nintendo Wii\Box - Front/LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7.jpg so i make launchbox grab the image from the database i get LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7-01.jpg i delete it so i still have LEGO Harry Potter_ Years 5-7.jpg refresh images and its missing again what i have to do is delete the file and let launchbox download it but why? and why for random games only most worked correct. is launchbox storing image names in a local database or in the xml? and the image downloader does not understand i already have all the images, before this beta if i have the image the checkbox would be unchecked. it seems to only effect box - front, every other image type works fine at least i think they do.
  16. I selected all my games in a platform so i can do Download Metadata and Images all i need is for it to grab the missing images shouldn't the option "Yes, but do not replace any existing feilds" do that? it says LaunchBox will update metadata, but only for empty fields. I tried that but it just started downloading all the images i already have
  17. C:\Users\emko\LaunchBox\Images\Nintendo GameCube\Cart - Front should that be Images\Nintendo GameCube\Cart - Front so that if i take my XML data to a my HTPC it wont be looking for images in a users folder instead it will look inside of Launchbox folder i thought this was default but after i update to this beta most of my paths changed to this. <PlatformFolder> <MediaType>Video</MediaType> <FolderPath>Videos\Sony Playstation</FolderPath> <Platform>Sony Playstation</Platform> </PlatformFolder> <PlatformFolder> <MediaType>Manual</MediaType> <FolderPath>Manuals\Sony Playstation</FolderPath> <Platform>Sony Playstation</Platform> </PlatformFolder> <PlatformFolder> <MediaType>Music</MediaType> <FolderPath>Music\Sony Playstation</FolderPath> <Platform>Sony Playstation</Platform> </PlatformFolder> other media paths are correct like videos/music/manuals just the image paths got changed Thanks
  18. for some reason i started getting performance issues with VLC and videos playing in the background, switched to WMP but WMP does not get effected by windows volume mixer i lower the volume of big box but it seems to only effect the navigation sounds with VLC it works correct. Can we have a option to control video/music volume ? Thanks
  19. testing out VLC so far "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer.VideoDisplayCallback(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr picture)" happened while i was going up and down a games list VLC is looking very good now :) you went from thinking to get rid of it to making it work just as good as WMP Thanks spektor56
  20. Also every time you do a metadata search Lunchbox asks you if you want to update the database "An updated metadata package is available from the LauchBox Games Database. Would you like to download it before searching?"
  21. Just added some N64 games to launchbox it asked me to update my gamedb so i did, problem is every game shows up as having no front box art if you check images page you can't check mark front box art shows up as 0 this is for every game and it will only download clear logo and banner. I can click the launchbox db id link and it will open my browser every game i checked has front box images on the website. The platforms clear logo wheel looks very nice, there is just something off with the way it animates i don't know what it is maybe how slowly it animates to its full size? or the animation is low fps? when going full speed it looks good, maybe it just the slow animation to full size logo. also randomly clear logos will have about a single pixel line at the right edge of the image it goes away as you scroll around. example http://i.imgur.com/Y0Agnpk.jpg?1
  22. Jason Carr said Alright, new version is up. I reordered some things and it didn't seem to make much difference on my systems but obviously it made a big difference for @emko. Hopefully this version resolves the performance issues. Thanks works perfect now :) that's really strange that we both have different results but what ever you did it fix the problem for me.
  23. Jason Carr said Odd, still seeing no delays in the text list view of the games. Both VLC and Windows Media Player load the videos quickly; is anyone else seeing new delays like this? Obviously @emko's system specs are not the problem. You should be able to find the beta 6 setup in your Updates folder inside your LaunchBox folder, @emko. Should be fine just to install over top. ok well i didnt know what :) i just used my backup system to restore to beta 6 i made a video of beta 7 compared to beta 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3FxL4uGsrs&feature=youtu.be first part is beta 7 then it will go black for a second after that its beta 6 you can see the difference and how the lag on beta 7 causes a queue of info/picture/videos loading when you move slowly after watching for a bit i see that i exaggerated the delay time but going from beta 6 to 7 was such a huge difference it really did feel that long, but still its long and nothing like beta 6. watch at 32 second mark, you will see me going up slowly watch what happens to info screen it will be queued up instead of showing the currently selected item. In the beta 6 video i show this same slow moving and its prefect loads up info instantly for each game. hope this helps Thanks
  24. SentaiBrad said The specs of your PC @emko could be helpful too. i7 6700k 32gb ram GTX 980 Windows 10 Pro any way i can install beta 6 i want to record the difference
  25. i am using windows media player, the view is list view in the games lists. Just tested out VLC and its a bit quicker but i rather have it like it was in beta 6 with windows media player and the transition effects.
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