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Everything posted by emko
I am using the Kodi plugin to switch back and forth between BigBox and Kodi so sometimes the kids close a emulator and BigBox right after the emulator is closed this causes the xml file to corrupt opening the xml all you see is lines of NULL. Is it possible that after closing the emulator BigBox then adds a +1 to play count? and then saves the xml and by closing it to fast its corrupting the process? if so is there any way BigBox could just do this as its opening a game instead of after? or maybe if user does have backup of these xml files it can ask you if you want to load a backup instead of having to manually copy over and rename the backups file size of the xml from backup and corrupt file are the same just one is full of text of NULL
Mario Bros. 2 for the Famicom Disk System is a Japanese only games so i cut out the clear logo from the front box and made a clear logo and set its region to Japan then i made a English version and set that to North America no matter what Region priorities i set i can't get it to download the North American clear logo instead of the Japanese. Did i add the clear logo in a wrong way? any ideas? tried also with just North America and United States selected http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/40377
well after running update metadate/images on my collection i do a "clean up images" i get like 700+ duplicated images deleted, is there a way to log the new image download to see what LB DB CRC its trying to match and what my image is returning? because clearly the clean image system is working correct so why wouldn't the image downloader return the same CRC match?
the CRC dupe check is not working for some games and each time i run the metadate update i get a new image fix this buy manually deleting all of the killer7 front box and then did the metadata download and this time it will only get 1 so its working but its still getting dupes for all the other media types, i tried this method on another game that is having this problem but it does not work. http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/31 is it possible the problem is that the database has more then 1 front cover and its confusing the CRC check? seems like the games i have so far found all have more then 1 front cover not sure if this means anything. on beta 2 i did clean images and it removed all dupes, i have not used emumovies for anything all the new metadata/images where grabbed from Launchbox DB so something is still not right it should show no deleted images.
whats the rules for consoles/games that never got released in English? for example the famicom disk system can i do this? then make a new logo in English ? i like the clear logo wheel views but it wouldn't make sense it being all in Japanese also if its allowed will launchbox just download the Japanese version because the rom is Japanese? or can we choose to only get NA clear logos? Thanks
this is the Database section "LaunchBox Games Database", i guess i should have said DB my bad just thought this section was just for the DB anyways this would still be very helpful to see whats missing on the DB.
ohh your talking about launchbox its self, that's not really helpful as i don't have every game but i would help out filling in the blanks if there was a way to easily see whats missing in the db instead of blinding going into a game and clicking images
sorry am i blind? i cant see that anywhere on the games db
same here used to show start up video then bigbox now its showing the vdeo twice
Would be nice to have a list of missing data/images in a list so we can see whats missing so we can add the data quickly, right now i created clear logos for games that don't have them on my Launchbox collection but i wouldn't mind helping with other games but its hard to figure out what games have none, I think it would be best to have the list for each platform. also maybe have a option to upload the best quality image of the logos for people who can then use them to cut out the logo for clear logos, would cut down the searching for people who can do the photoshop stuff. When i do the cutting of the logos most of my time is spent googling for a quality image with the logo in it and it would be a big help if i get a image already that way i could make many clear logos images quickly
my setup is like that, but also videos on the network so what happens is stupid windows tries connecting to a network drive before network is up and can't so it marks it unavailable then BigBox starts and can't find the video so it crashes, no software is doing it as it works fine using startup but only has problems when run with batch or directly opening program bigbox.exe using Task Scheduler. What did work was getting task scheduler to open Kodi and that's in focus so with that i can now launch bigbox, what makes no sense is why does the VLC player that plays the launch videos for bigbox stay in focus but not BigBox its self? yea its dedicated PC i will check that out Thanks
its very confusing my batch ends with, start C:\Launchbox\BigBox.exe also tried adding exit after that when i run the batch file from file explorer Bigbox loads and right after the launchbox video i see BigBox for a second then the file explorer shows on top of BigBox, so its interesting that VLC can take focus but right after that Bigbox loses it ? i have this batch file run on start after network connection is available but it will always have BigBox not in focus using task scheduler i have also tried running the batch file from startup as a short cut in that folder it does the same thing all ways not in focus @ckp no the last thing is start C:\Launchbox\BigBox.exe you can see the cmd prompt window close just before launchbox starts only solution i have now is to put a short cut of bigbox.exe in the startup folder, problem is sometimes the batch file takes longer to run and i end up with BigBox crashing because it can't find the folders since stupid Windows tries to connect to network drive before the network drivers are up and ends up being marked as unavailable, though BigBox should bring up the drive if it tries to access it but some reason it just can't. Thanks
is there a way to force the focus of Bigbox? i have my setup where task scheduler runs a batch file that will wait for the network to start and then open a network drive to make it available after that it starts bigbox but problem is bigbox will never launch in focus i have to pull out a mouse to click on it.
@Jason Carr would it be possible for launchbox/big box to add a flag to the update installer to skip DirectX install? since we already know the user has installed Lunchbox and Big Box so they must have Direct X already installed? or is that not possible? that's the only time i have to bring out a keyboard to press yes/no on the direct x part and since i already have it i rather we just skip it. What i mean is when Launchbox/Big Box triggers the update installation process can we not pass a flag like -nodirectx that installer will check and if its there skip the directx install part?
after its done that it starts showing how many images are deleted
any way to have it prioritize Launchbox DB? and if the image does not exist then try emumovies? because even with CRC launchbox and emumovies many times have different images for the same image type then you end up with two box front etc
For some reason windows tries to connect to network drives before the network drivers are actually up so it marks the network drive as down even though it works fine when you go to it with file explorer, so when big box starts up it can't see the files. Is there any way for Big Box to be able to ignore this? i can go in file explorer and click on the drive and all the files are there but Big Box for some reason won't see them until i do this. I have tried to setup a task that runs cmd where it opens up the network drive right after network is up, works some of the time but sometimes big box launches before it or is resumed from stand by. Big Box is the only software i ran into that won't bring the drive back to working instead it just fails to find the files, any other software works fine when i run into this, seems like Big Box won't cause a drive reconnect when its looking for files like other software anyone else run into this problem? i want to make the living room gaming pc boot up into bigbox without any need for keyboard/mouse to fix this every time.
by the way the solution is just make sure to delete all images for that platform then select all your games and do it all in one go, it takes time but works
i think this is the same problem, for example you have 5 games no image and 1 game with and you select all games once the image downloaded gets to game with image it will stop downloading any further images for games below it. this is what happens when you try select 3 games 2 games with image and 3rd without it will not download but if you select only the game without the image it will work https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1355/image-downloading#comment-33143293
Updated to 7.1 still same issue until i found out i was on WMP i switched to VLC and everything is working fine now no more black screens when videos are loading. The issue is every time i press up or down and a game details has to load a video preview the screen would black out for 1-2 seconds, on games without videos this issue did not happen. Only on the games list on the platforms list the videos did work without black screen.
Would it be possible if the games database gave each image a ID number so that it could be compared to what we have so that we don't download duplicate images and so that a new version of a image will have a new ID making it easy to compare that the ID is older so it will download and replace the new image. like Clear logo image would be like Mario Kart 64 - 1.jpg so say we delete this one from the database and we upload a new better quality clear logo now it would make it Mario Kart 64 - 2.jpg, so now when user checks their library to update image/metadata it will see that local image has ID 1 and database has ID 2 make ours old and will download and replace the old one with the new one. This would also prevent the system from downloading multiple duplicate images as happens over time. I know this would work only for launchbox games database not for emumovies but i would rather get my images from lanuchbox if it worked like this and just set emumovies for videos. what do you guys think?
i don't think its a performance issue the wheel works fine on the platforms view but in the games view when i press down or up the whole screen is black for 1-2 seconds but on some games it works correct going back and forth really fast no issue but on most i have to wait for the black screen and when i say black screen i mean there is nothing but black on the tv.
i am using the default clear logo views
V 7.0 On games view i get a black screen for like 1-2 seconds each time i move to the next game, and also some games on the list load correct without a black screen for a second. If i go quickly so that i don't give it time to load the games detail it will scroll through the wheel without blacking out. This does not happen on the system select screen. That's on my htpc basically the same setup as my desktop but on the desktop it works fine ? is the resolution getting changed somehow? because my htpc is plugged into my AV receiver? any ideas? system is very clean install of windows 10 with just launchbox on it. Thanks