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Everything posted by ashramrak

  1. Hey @CoinTos I edited the OP of my thread and put a link to here, maybe a mod could merge the two threads ? (while keeping you owner of the first message) Regards
  2. Hi there, Give me a few days to review and test it edit : updated OP, cheers
  3. UWA is a good idea with a poor implementation
  4. Worked for me as well on both my laptop and htpc, so I just updated the OP with the new version of the addon
  5. I tried it and it behaves exactly the same Maybe we should keep it simple and just consider that it doesnt works with the upgrade process ? I mean it's not a deal breaker, and at the same time I don't have the feeling anybody really cares around here
  6. I tried it and kodi opens right away as soon as the LB upgrade window is displayed (setup has detected that launchbox is currently open, blablabla close it then click ok to continue)
  7. Alright I'll update the plugin asap ! edit : updated OP with v1.2, thanks man !
  8. This thread is now outdated, for the most recent versions of the plugin check @CoinTos's thread Here is an addon for launching BigBox from within Kodi. This started as copy/paste version of the Steam addon, and while it was a "quick and dirty" job it somewhat did the job. @CoinTos then vastly contributed by doing a lot of cleanup and improvements in the script NOTE ON UPGRADING: please make sure to go in the options and select "delete and update userdata scripts on next run" script.launchbox.launcher-1.1.zip script.launchbox.launcher-1.2.zip script.launchbox.launcher-1.3.zip script.launchbox.launcher-1.4.zip
  9. agreed edit : new thread
  10. ok so here is the plugin v1.1 courtesy of CoinTos, many thanks to him for his much needed modifications ! if you are upgrading from 1.0 please make sure to go in the options and select "delete and update userdata scripts on next run" script.launchbox.launcher-1.1.zip
  11. Tried it and it's working properly, except for the BB upgrade prompt which was not properly detected for me because Kodi was launched again during the upgrade edit : my bad, when the plugin is upgraded instead of freshly installed there's an issue where the autohotkey exe is the one from the old version, currently looking into it edit2 : just needed to scratch the stuff from userdata...
  12. will check it out this weekend ! are you on kodi 16 or 17 ? I still didn't upgrade waiting for a release candidate
  13. awesome, I really love the idea that that its handling bigbox updater properly ! I'll look into it asap, very busy at work for now I'll also make sure to credit you properly in the changelog of the addon ! or you could also repackage it yourself and put your own name in the author field; it's not like I'm the original dev of the plugin or anything
  14. like mentionned above this addon is a really quick and dirty copy/paste of teeedub's steam addon so to be honest I don't know
  15. Nice! I've been pretty busy the past few days but I'll recompile the exe with your mods and upload the fixed addon when I get a minute next week
  16. make sure you have kodi location setup correcty in the addon settings
  17. try my version of the addon : https://cloud.e-rak.net/index.php/s/xTk0DRtUCYP9Wxo
  18. Bedwyr said It's not a critical use issue for me as I've reverted to XB360 controllers for the time being. The problem has been twofold. First, Kodi 17 implemented initial support for the XBOne controller under xinput, I believe. This was needed as Microsoft mucked around with the input assignments again in March, screwing up 16.x Jarvis use (Kodi reads the controller trigger at rest as "right-input-as-fast-as-possible"). Unfortunately right now the beta incorrectly reads controller input *even while Kodi does not have focus*. I put in a bug report but have yet to see activity or a single response from whoever on the team is responsible for developing the XB1 support. Hey there, is it better now in regard to your xbox one controllers ? like I mentionned I'm considering getting one of these... apart from kodi/LB are you happy with it ? any particular issues configuring it in various emulators ? I'm really hesitating between getting a new xb360 pad (mine is really old and getting worn out...) or a XBO one... but they are more expensive so I'd like to know it's worth it as an upgrade :)
  19. SentaiBrad said What is the Add-on's License like? I know most Kodi addon's are Open, but not all of them are. As long as the license is being followed everything should be fine. teeedubb's steam launcher has a MIT license : Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  20. ok here is the full addon v1.0 The addon name is "LaunchBox", because I wanted to avoid all confusion with Syriacn's version; I also replaced the main icon with the LaunchBox logo (mainly because I don't like the BigBox logo with the blue stuff on top) I replaced every single reference to steam, adapted everything to launchbox and removed all the code refering to linux, OSX and android : the addon is now windows only (as is launchbox so it makes sense...) Everything should work as intended: quit kodi, minimize, pre and post scripts, and no more strange behaviour with the Steam launcher; tell me if you got any issues... also; the AHK code source is provided inside the archive, like it was the case with teeedubb's steam addon @Syriacn : hope you don't take offense or anything in any of this, I really appreciated your version of the addon and I used it for awhile
  21. Syriacn copy and pasted teeedubb's addon, changed a few strings here and there then the whole stuff kind of worked, but the AHK script still had a lot of references to Steam... for example it was waiting for steam BPM to be loaded before it closed launchbox, which of course never happened... I copy and pasted teeedubb's addon as well but changed every single reference to steam and adapted everything to launchbox, everything should now work as intended. I am almost done with the full addon repackaging; I'll also publish the .AHK source, it was not present in syriacn's mod cheers
  22. I fixed the problem... here you go it also fixes the problems with the steam launcher... this is a quick and dirty fix, I'll release a fully repackaged and cleaned version of the addon asap
  23. Syriacn said Bigbox launches perfectly while Kodi minimizes what we are pointing out is that when the "quit kodi" setting is set to "yes" kodi should close completely and not minimize itself
  24. been investigating the addon a lil as well, seems indeed a total copy/paste of teeedub's steam addon with the biggest difference being the bigboxlauncher-ahk.exe executable... you can specify "pre big box script" and a "post big box script", kodi closes correctly if you put something like "cmd.exe /c taskkill /im kodi.exe" in the pre big box script, but for some reason the post bigbox script is not executed (tried this feature in steam launcher and it works) also there is still other issues, like if steam big picture is running minimized and you use the bigbox addon it just puts steam on the foreground instead of launching big box... My feeling is that in the current state of this addon it should not be "advertised" as a feature on launchbox front page... I had the feeling I was buying something ready to go, but it's not and needs some tweaking (not whinning here, just pointing out... I'm willing to help find some solution) edit : ok here is some really dirty stuff : create a bigbox.cmd with something like this inside : cmd.exe /c taskkill /im Kodi.exe cmd.exe /c "D:\Emulation\LaunchBox\bigbox.exe.exe" cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\Kodi.exe" and point your bigbox executable setting to this .cmd instead of bigbox.exe... kind of work, but at this point it would be much much cleaner to use advanced launcher
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