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Everything posted by drphobus

  1. Just asking but would this be a good time to give the trackball option for arcade cabs
  2. that worked thanks
  3. same here s9+ UK playstore i get the same list as above
  4. This is just an idea With both RocketLauncher and Launchbox doing double duty on some features now, would it be a good time to have a global rocket launcher option ( just under or over led blinky phahaps). ie active = disable conflicting launchbox features Inactive = default (not using RL) The reasoning behind this is simply to keep focus on the ever expanding Launchbox features, but still not upsetting any RocketLauncher folks. Yes I know you can disable features individually but probably in time the list will expand. This would also simplify troubleshooting in the future.
  5. . Just wanted to let you know about this in case. The games are run in a fullscreen mode from a bat file. was put in Launchbox add in the bottom right When using the startup screen with Action Max this error pops up “could not initialize video display directdraw surface3:lock undefined error!” Tried all 4 possible options , hide windows in fullscreen mode, aggressive as well as both options at same time. The error is always the same. Works just fine (but ugly) with no startup screen. Will get around to trying other daphine seige games soon
  6. Sounds great. Retrogaming was never meant to be a have everything now. It’s a ever on going expanding hobby
  7. Sorry thought I would get away without a spelling checker ( I never seem to learn). I just meant a scraper similar to getting manuals, for maps, walkthrough’s (not that i need them ? much) and a notes for old retro computers that need keyboard input to run games .
  8. Any chance of a overview about the type of pause mode your thinking of ie/ like a video pause so you can awnser a doorbell etc. or jump to a whole menu screen with options a simple overlay for controls / maps / protection sheets etc and if one of the latter two , will there be scrapper options
  9. A good start will be have a look at this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHoLXoD5C7s Maverick's Arcade Ultimarc I PAC Ultimate I/O I find he's very good for info. Also has other vids for trackball, led blinky, aimtrak etc.
  10. are you still using the rocketlauncher fade in and out or the new per platform fade in and out with launchbox ( i belive you will need to turn the launchbox option off if using rocket launcher ,not sure ) ps/ miss your old how to vids ( never got my head around the whole technoparrot stuff) one last thing Thanks
  11. Just wanted to take a break myself, from being a long time lurker to say . Thank for your continued support and bug fixing. How i do so hate programs that have that annoying bug that never gets sorted.
  12. Are CHD files the way forward for CD emulation I first found chd files in Mame, but of late i have noticed that saturn and TurboGrafx-CD In my old hyperspin setup i had playstation cd's bin + cue (some have wav as well ie crash bandicoot) format then zipped up except for multi cd games but the thought of not needing to unzip to a temporary folder every time sounds like it would make life easy. Am i being unrealistic ? Just wanted to know what everyone else thinks.
  13. i dont think you have to do things the same way as rocket launcher ie fade in and fade out bezals RL has files for every game LB could do a basic per platform system for most people thats enough
  14. About kickstarter For myself i would never have pledged anything into a kickstarter for the Windows Launchbox, but was happy to upgrade to premium, after using the program with the high level of support . That said, most of my retro time has been with the raspberry pi of late. It's fun and the hardware is cheap, not to mention the software is free
  15. by ignored i mean politely declined
  16. Just done your little poll. After looking at the options, i do think you should have asked if the people wanting a linux version would be willing to pay for a premium version as well. The only time i see linux running is on a old outdated pc and then just for fun. Also if you let people have input in the next poll you might get some other interesting options that will let your creativity demon out again . Ok there will be a lot of Rocket Luncher features asked for and ignored.
  17. It is very nice to know that jason is going strong with launchbox in 2018 still. It would be nice to have a pre poll, live development video. Afterall it did work out very well the last time. my english sucks, i never write that novel :-)
  18. A real adventure, with lots of puzzle solving
  19. Although a pdf reader is not needed most of the time, it's nice to have access to instructions ,maps,guides,walkthroughs at the time of playing the game. Also some games do have need for manuals for security checks.Some Infocom games you must have the included documentation to finish the game. Myself i hope the pdf is built in as that will enable themes around the pdf. Launcbox is an amazing front end with so much artwork already to all our favorite games. Why not a bit more.
  20. About the PDF reader will you be using a existing PDF reader or your own one built into LB (tons more work but better in the long term i think). Just remembering last time you tried, was not able to find a suitable ready built PDF reader. Also if you do decide to go the pre done route, will it be up to the user to decide which version they prefer or fixed. PDF readers can be a pain you find one you like then a few versions later it requires internet or adds adverts or just gets bloated and slows down to the point no longer useful.
  21. Also dont forget theres always RocketLauncher with it's pause mode this option will involve some setting up but plenty of youtube videos to help colpipes1978 video's are great for this
  22. The best solution is the one thing that you are already doing. In the long term that's regular updates with new features. That way the frustration level alone added with that one feature people have been waiting for in the next version where the crack no longer works.
  23. Sorry another brit trying irony, doesn't work so well in print. to put it simply Hyperspin updates are still faster than i would be able to achieve. Yes i'm very happy with all the updates that we get with Launchbox (with the exception of lack of trackball support ). he says slinking back to lurker mode :-)
  24. If you're in a hiring mood , I know Logo (well mostly, unless i forgot it) Also did drop in to most of your live development videos, and i think i almost had a basic understanding of one of them video's. Just think with my help updates might even be nearly as fast as a certain other popular front end.
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