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Posts posted by latin625

  1. @maxforwardspeed

    Awesome to hear!  Great game too!
    Mine were off too.  Had to manually adjust them in the Sinden Config app. This video should help explain it  (10:42 mark).  Let me know how it works out!

    Ill look into the service keys stuff tonight.  Send you what I find.  You can setup mostly everything from TeknoParrot.  What are you trying to get to?  Calibration?



  2. Hi, Does any one have their LEDBlinky working with the PS3 emulator RCPS3?  Cant get to import the games as "unknown" or on the list of played games.  It uses an EBOOT.BIN file to launch in LB.  Do I need to have an exe or ahk file for LEDBlinky to see it?

  3. Thanks! 🏆 Works like a charm!  Very cool script that I will modify for use with other x arcade required games. 

    Made some updates to hide the cmd windows and browser interface when launching the game

    My current script:

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #SingleInstance, Force
    Run "D:\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\xarcade-xinput\XArcade XInput.exe - Shortcut" --skip-ui
    Sleep, 5000
    Run, D:\LaunchBox\Games\PC Games\Street Fighter V - Champion Edition\StreetFighterV\Binaries\Win64\StreetFighterV.exe
    Sleep, 1000
    SetTimer, ProcessCheckTimer, 2000
    Process, Exist, StreetFighterV.exe
    pid1 := ErrorLevel
    If (!pid1)
         Process, Close, XArcade XInput.exe


  4.  I can load the xarcade input.exe as an additional application before the game starts to get xinput working. However, when I exit the game, I can not close the arcade input application (xarcade input.exe).

    I have an ahk script that is this to launch the app: (I run the shortcut to avoid issues with the CMD window)

    Sleep 15000
    RunWait, "D:\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\xarcade-xinput\XArcade XInput.exe - Shortcut"--skip-ui

    Here is my script that I automatically run after the main application:

    if WinExist("XArcade XInput.exe - Shortcut")
        WinClose ; Use the window found by WinExist.

    Shouldn't it close the application?  Is there a better way to run this as possibly one script?  Load the app and on exit, close / terminate the app?
    Im still learning AHK scripts, so apologies for the bad code.


  5. Solved it by using  XArcade XInput.exe to remap everything just for that game.  Ill run it as an application before the start of the game and terminate it after the game closes. In case anyone wants to use it, link here:


    Better solution for me:  Use Borderless Gaming App: https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming
    Now there is no "window" or "different resolution" issues and the menu never shows up with nothing to start or close.

    Thanks to everyone for the input.

    • Game On 1
  6. Thanks!  I forgot that you can reassign button using the Ipac or Minpac (That is what I have).  I did this before and have had a rebuild since and it didnt carry over.  Ill look into this again, though it would mean resetting the controls on quite a few games to have the new button assigned. 

    I was looking into AHK scripts to temporarily disable the use of the shortcuts / Alt Muenu Accleration.  Found this, but cant get it to work. 

    ; ~LAlt::Sendinput {Blind}{sc0E9}
    ; ~RAlt::Sendinput {Blind}{sc0E9}

    The main script is here:


    He says it works 100%, but I cant figure out what part is the part I should use.  Very limited in AHK scripts.  The issue arises as you said, during button smashin' (Beat em ups and fighters. and most recently on Tecknoparrot DOA 6)

  7. Hello,  Does anyone have a solution to disable Underline Access (the Underlined shortcuts in your windows.  Alt=File menu, etc)  The menu shortcuts displays sometime during game play when I press the Alt key on my arcade controller.  Annoying to see that show up and it evens sometimes make the game lose focus.

    Press ALT on your keyboard and you will see it highlight the menu at the top of any window.


  8. I upload small AHK script that handles the same issue I have with Star Wars Battle Pod for TecknoParrot.

    Give it a try. Hope it works for you.  You need to add it as an "additional application" and RUN BEFORE must be ticked on.

    It does the windows swap to the other monitor after 20 secs.  If you need to change the timing, just edit it and reduce the "SLEEP"


    Star Wars Window Fix.ahk

  9. Update on what I have found.

    1. launch Reshade
    2. select the .exe file for the game.  TecknoParrot likes to use game.exe, so find the right one to the game you want to reshade.
    3. Pick rendering.  The list for each game is here: https://www.sindenwiki.org/wiki/Reshade
    4. Make sure that the filter you pick is  SweetFx. It will let you turn the border on.
    5. finish install
    6. When you launch the game, you will see a small overlay on the top left hand side of the screen.  Press HOME to open it up
    7. Select BORDERFX from the filters
    8. 10 pixels or so and a white color will give you what you need for sinden guns to work.
    9. Press home again to hide overlay


    -----Games in order as tested and confirmed working-  UPDATED AS OF 2.18.23 ----

    • Transformers Human Alliance : Only can play at 1280 x 720 . also onl works with reshade if you pick DirectX .  No opengl works
    • Too Spicy: Alt+B to get border  (No reshade needed)
    • Wartran Troopers: ALT + B  for Borders (No reshade needed)
    • Rambo: Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Aliens Armageddon Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Aliens Extermination Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Terminator Salvation : Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Action Deka: Reshade Only (Direct 9) Needed
    • FarCry Paradise Lost: ALT + B  for Borders (No reshade needed)
    • Dream Raiders : ALT + B  for Borders (No reshade needed)
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. I just got Transformers to work with reshade.  Rambo is next. Going to do all the lightguns games and a few fighters for better look.  What game do you have to do?  Maybe I can take a shot here and let you know how I got it working.   Very little help or guides out there on this for sure.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Thanks.  I got reshade to load. so Im good now.  Trying to figure out how to chnage the resolution on transformers from 1280 x 720 to 1366 x 768. any ideas?

    As for the solution, in case anyone wants to know...  Drop the reshader folder into the openparrot folder

  12. Thanks.  I got reshade to load. so Im good now.  Trying to figure out how to change the resolution on transformers from 1280 x 720 to 1366 x 768. any ideas?

    As for the solution, in case anyone wants to know...  Drop the reshader folder into the openparrot folder

  13. Hello,
    I have been trying to get reshade to work on TecknoParrot, but have been unsuccessful.  Read a few articles about a plugin called Reshade manager for launchbox, but cant seem to get it to run.  Any one else have experience using this plugin?


  14. [SOLVED]

    Here is how I got it working using this as the .cfg file for retroarch:

    audio_max_timing_skew = "0.050000"
    input_overlay = ":\overlays/borders/RetroArchBorders/SindenBorderWhiteThin_Wide.cfg"
    menu_wallpaper_opacity = "0.300000"
    video_message_pos_x = "0.050000"
    video_message_pos_y = "0.050000"
    input_driver = "raw"
    input_max_users = "2"
    input_player1_mouse_index = "0"
    input_player1_gun_trigger_mbtn = "1"
    input_player1_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn = "2"
    input_player1_gun_aux_a_mbtn = "3"
    input_player1_gun_start = "num1"
    input_player1_gun_select = "num3"
    input_player1_gun_aux_b = "num5"
    input_player1_gun_aux_c = "num6"
    input_player1_gun_dpad_up = "up"
    input_player1_gun_dpad_down = "down"
    input_player1_gun_dpad_left = "left"
    input_player1_gun_dpad_right = "right"
    input_player2_mouse_index = "1"
    input_player2_gun_trigger_mbtn = "1"
    input_player2_gun_offscreen_shot_mbtn = "2"
    input_player2_gun_aux_a_mbtn = "3"
    input_player2_gun_start = "num2"
    input_player2_gun_select = "num4"
    input_player2_gun_aux_b = "num7"
    input_player2_gun_aux_c = "num8"
    input_player2_gun_dpad_up = "w"
    input_player2_gun_dpad_down = "s"
    input_player2_gun_dpad_left = "a"
    input_player2_gun_dpad_right = "d"


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