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Everything posted by wyzrd

  1. I released a small update to improve accuracy. Try out the Self-Updater to download the latest version. Here's a look at how the Core Comparison works.
  2. Update 0.8.6 https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases You can now update Stellar from the menu instead of downloading manually from GitHub. Change Log Added Self-Updater Improved new window positioning Window saves position on exit Fixed Progress Info not displaying underscore Menu Options Troubleshooting @Retro808 @Mizar @JamesBaker @Rincewind @dragon57 @neil9000
  3. The next feature I will try to add is a self-update option, so you no longer have to download manually.
  4. @dragon57 @ALIE @neil9000 User on Libretro Forums found a small correction to make. It's downloading the earliest RetroArch date on the list. Since I redesigned, I've now change the code First() to Last() and patched the download. Sorry bout that.
  5. Update 0.8.5 https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/tag/v0.8.5-beta The last release was broken, thanks all for the reports. I've redesigned half of the program and how Core comparison works. I've tested on both Windows 10 and 7, it appears to fetch the correct RetroArch and Cores. It accounts for whether there are Unknown or Missing Cores, and if either the PC or Buildbot List is larger than the other. It also double checks until both Lists Dates are in sync, and I've placed Error messages throughout the program. If some Cores continue to reappear after updating, it may be because of the PC/Server time zones. If anyone can find out what time zone the Server is. It's still in beta, as there may be configurations I've not tested, let me know if this has solved the problems. Change Log Redesigned Core Comparison Improved Accuracy Fixed Crashes Notes If program starts with a white background, go to Configure → Clear Saved, restart program. If program crashes or cores not synced, go to C:\Users\[Your Name]\AppData\Local\Stellar and delete the old configs. If you receive "Error: Cannot connect to Server", try a few times, it may have failed to download the cores list. If certain cores are throwing the updater out of sync, delete them and use "New Cores" option to download a new version. Menu Options New Install - Installs RetroArch, Redistributables, & Cores. Replaces Configs with default. Upgrade - Upgrades RetroArch to the latest version, including Redistributables and Configs. RetroArch - Updates RetroArch to the latest version, excluding Redistributables and Configs. RA + Cores - Updates RetroArch and currently installed Cores. Cores - Updates currently installed Cores. New Cores - Installs Cores that are newly releseased or missing from your current install. Redist - Installs Redistributables. Helpful if RetroArch won't start after update. @Retro808 @Mizar @JamesBaker @Rincewind @dragon57 @neil9000
  6. @dragon57 @neil9000 I've identified the crash and replaced the download with a fixed version. The Buildbot Date List was going out of range when it checked for mismatched cores. The "Cannot connect to sever" error only happens if the scanned url returns empty. It connects to the hidden index-extended file in the Buildbot directory. I will look into this. I will work on v0.8.5 and redesign so no more errors will occur.
  7. Go to C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Local\Stellar and delete the config folders. If that doesn't fix it, I will have to add some error checks that display a message so we can identify where the problem is. I will have to get to it tomorrow, Im away from my PC.
  8. User on Libretro Forums found a bug. I replaced the same download with a v0.8.4.1 hotfix. https://forums.libretro.com/t/i-made-a-nightly-updater-program/5617/77 RA+Cores was not downloading RetroArch if Cores were already up to date. v0.8.4.2 - Further Improved Accuracy
  9. Update 0.8.4 https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/tag/v0.8.4-beta https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/download/v0.8.4-beta/Stellar.7z https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/blob/master/docs/Guide.md New Features I've tried to improve the accuracy by using a new method to fetch cores from the update list. And to exclude unknown or renamed cores that are still in the folder, causing date comparisons to be off. I've tested all the features, though it's still experimental, let me know how it works. Changed Parse HTML to index-extended Changed File Creation/Modified Time to UTC Added Debug Window Added Star Dust Theme Added Chaos Theme Fixed "New Install" Cores Extraction "New Cores" Check Clear Excludes Unknown Cores Notes If the program starts with a white background, go to Configure → Clear Saved, restart program. Or go to C:\Users\[Your Name]\AppData\Local\Stellar and delete the old configs. If you receive "Error: Cannot connect to Server", try a few times, it may have failed to download the cores list. If certain cores are throwing the updater out of sync, delete them and use "New Cores" option to download a new version. If you Update cores, but it still says they are out of date, it might be a Time Zone problem. Menu Options New Install - Installs RetroArch, Redistributables, & Cores. Replaces Configs with default. Upgrade - Upgrades RetroArch to the latest version, including Redistributables and Configs. RetroArch - Updates RetroArch to the latest version, excluding Redistributables and Configs. RA + Cores - Updates RetroArch and currently installed Cores. Cores - Updates currently installed Cores. New Cores - Installs Cores that are newly releseased or missing from your current install. Redist - Installs Redistributables. Helpful if RetroArch won't start after update. Debug You can see the scanned files and date comparison by selecting "Cores", then clicking the Debug button [#] in the Configure window.
  10. Update 0.8.3 https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/tag/v0.8.3-beta https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/download/v0.8.3-beta/Stellar.7z Change Log Added "New Cores" option Optimized Load Saved Settings Uses new method for Loading Themes Reduced Program Size by 40% Notes If the program starts with a white background, go to Configure → Clear Saved, restart program. or go to C:\Users\[Your Name]\AppData\Local\Stellar and delete the old configs. Menu Options New Install - Installs RetroArch, Redistributables, & Cores. Replaces Configs with default. Upgrade - Upgrades RetroArch to the latest version, including Redistributables and Configs. RetroArch - Updates RetroArch to the latest version, excluding Redistributables and Configs. RA + Cores - Updates RetroArch and currently installed Cores. Cores - Updates currently installed Cores. New Cores - Installs Cores that are newly releseased or missing from your current install. Redist - Installs Redistributables. Helpful if RetroArch won't start after update. @Retro808 @Mizar @JamesBaker @Rincewind
  11. Yes, it will be left as the option "Cores" and I'll add "New Cores". I did that originally so it wouldn't download a bunch of cores the user didn't want installed.
  12. Thanks. I'll be releasing a new version soon with an option to download New or Missing Cores. I hadn't used RetroArch in a while and I noticed there were 11 new cores available and had to download each manually. Right now the Updater only updates Cores that you currently have installed.
  13. Update 0.8.2 Optimized Code Added "Upgrade" menu option. Use this if updating to a new milestone version, such as 1.5 to 1.6. It will update all files, such as overlays and shaders. It excludes extracting and overwriting your configs, but you should backup to be safe. RetroArch & RA+Cores menu options only update the exe's. Use these options when doing everyday small updates. https://stellarupdater.github.io https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/download/v0.8.2-beta/Stellar. @Rincewind
  14. @neil9000 @Nielk1 @massatomic @Rincewind @lordmonkus Small bug fix. When updating Cores, the Update button caused crash if the List was empty. This error was caused from the last version after many changes were made. New Version 0.8.1 https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/tag/v0.8.1-beta https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar/releases/download/v0.8.1-beta/Stellar.
  15. I don't know how to make it a plugin yet. I use Visual Studio and C#. I'll continue to optimize the program and put the code on github. https://github.com/StellarUpdater/Stellar
  16. You may have to download https://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/windows/x86_64/RetroArch.7z And manually extract and replace any files or folders that weren't updated. Such as: autoconfig assets filters overlays shaders I will have to test this some more.
  17. It should. I updated my old install with it. Backup your RetroArch folder and configs first, then try. It will download the zip files from https://buildbot.libretro.com/stable/1.6.0/windows/x86_64/ And then extract and replace existing 1.5 files to your RetroArch folder. If RetoArch launches with error, run the Redist Update in the Stellar Download menu. Do Not use Full Install if you just want to update an existing install, it will overwrite all the configs.
  18. Update v0.80 Beta https://stellarupdater.github.io Redist option added to the Download menu. If RetroArch has errors starting after update, run that option to install the latest Redistributables.
  19. Thats fine, it's free to use and post however you need.
  20. Ok thanks. I'm going to remove my v8.0 download post because it looks like it has a problem with 7zip path, and then I'll release a new update. I rushed to get it available after getting a notification of this thread in an email.
  21. You can leave it there, the v8.0 may have bugs. I will update the link when I release another version.
  22. Update v0.75 Beta ~~ Themes & Full Installer ~~ Download http://x.co/nightly New Features: 6 Space Themes Full Installer - for first time use or installing on a new system General Optimizations Themes Click the Configure Button, select theme from the dropdown. Full Installer To install RetroArch and Cores for first time use (Large download): Create a RetroArch folder on your computer Select the folder Select Full Install from the dropdown. Don't use this option to Update or if you already have it installed. Please conserve Libretro server bandwidth. If you don't need Nightly alpha builds, consider using the Stable version before installing. If you experience any bugs, send me a message.
  23. Ha, yeah that's what I based it off of. I remember going to the real site with all the popups.
  24. It only extracts the exe's, but not the redist 7z 14mb. I'd say download the redist separate and overwrite all the dlls manually first. I could add a checkbox that allows it to optionally download that. I may also do a full installer.
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