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Everything posted by Nally

  1. @Jason Carr it the same galaxy tab E tablet.....yeah you are right with the roms just wanted my art to b on the SD card as well because of space.....
  2. Good Day Team I just watch the latest video of how to export to android from my launchbox build on my pc....i did everything as directed on the video and for some reason when i try to change the data option from using my internal storage to my sd card its says "android is not granted read and write permissions to the folder you've specified" unfortunately, the selected folder cannot be used without read and write permissions. i can see my sd card and add things there....thats strange...
  3. yep the other logs saying the same thing for me.....hopefully it gets sorted out...love my arcades mane....
  4. thats the only log in that folder im going to do it again
  5. @Jason Carr here it is.....thanks Debug_2021-08-25_04-14-22_PM[1].log
  6. ok thanks.....my setup coming along nicely on my tablet.....i really wish i didnt have that problem importing my arcade games....but what can you say about old tablets lol
  7. @Jason Carr for turbo grafx cd there is no artwork for the banner......i just added that system on my android
  8. @Jason Carrwhen i get to the proceed with import....it just stays on the "Please wait while scanning for game files to import" page i kept it on for about 20 mins and nothing...
  9. Hey Team.....any one having problems importing arcade games to android....for some reason i have some arcade games im trying to import but not working for me.....
  10. Thank You so much @Jason Carr it worked.....trying to import my games as we speak...
  11. @Jason Carr thank you for the reply....i wish it worked on my tablet as well i used the old android version on this hopefully i get a new tablet soon.......Until then i just use the beta on my phone for now
  12. hey @Jason Carr Samsung Galaxy Tab E SM-T560NU Android Version - 7.1.1 Came out 2015 1.5GB Ram
  13. Good day team....I installed the beta on my Samsung Tab E tablet and for some reason it just crashes. I don't know what i'm doing wrong...it installed great on my phone. I restarted my tablet and changed the permission to storage i cleared data and still no cigar. Im out of ideas atm...
  14. Send it here..
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