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DazStelfox79 last won the day on June 6 2024

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About DazStelfox79

  • Birthday 03/20/1979

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  1. Playtime is a theme based on the new Game Discovery Center where you can browse & discover content you may have forgotten about or just not played in a while. It is designed with much inspiration from my very popular Play Box 6 theme. Included is a WheelGamesView based in a bedroom or Arcade room with a device hooked up to a screen to showcase some Nostalgia. Game Discovery Center To set Game Discovery Center to startup as your Home view. Start Big Box & go to Options/Views/Default Startup View: Game Discovery Center Important Note For Gameplay Videos set your Video Playback Engine to Windows Media Player in Big Box options/Videos/Video Playback Engine. VLC Player does not like videos in a Dock or Stack which will result in video playing sound but not visible. Avatar Profile & Username Customisations & Instructions You can personalise your Home Screen ect with your own Avatar profile/Gamer Pic & i have created 50 Avatar pics for your profile for you to play around with & enjoy.
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  2. I agree with game collections in Playlist. I would also like to see in Game Discovery Center a list of our personal Playlists like all my Sonic games, Mario games, Racing Games etc. Also a Platform Category list would be nice as before using Game Discovery Center I previously started Big Box up in Platform Category View
  3. For You SidewaysMan I am currently working on a Skin for Fullscreen Fanart Backgrounds, Stay Tuned
  4. Not sure if it is to do with the game play videos being in a dock or stack. Also all the views were designed off Selected Item View where the images load instantly scrolling through games. I have another version that was designed off Active Item View where there is a slight delay loading images scrolling through games which should prevent lag hopefully, I will upload this version when I am next at my pc to see if this resolves the lag
  5. Hi Guys Ive been going through all the xml files to find the problem with the videos playing without sound. It seems that VLC Player does not like videos that are in a Dock or Stack & I have always used Windows Media Player for playback. Could you please set your Video Player to WMP in Big Box settings/Videos & let me know how this works for you. If I need to I will upload all the original view files if people still have problems so let me know & when everything is fine could I please have a review.
  6. Ahh thanks Shermo for letting me know. Which view does this happen in?
  7. good night. I wanted to congratulate you on your creations for bigbox. they are great. I ask you to try to create a simpler theme that simulates the PlayStation 5 menu. I know that you can do it because of your great knowledge and skills.

    1. DazStelfox79


      Hi robertft 

      Nice to see you enjoying my themes

      If you could define simpler theme & send me pictures of what ideas you have in mind then I will try to help 😀

    2. robertft


      hello. I am very grateful for your response. My idea for a theme is that it looks similar to the PlayStation 5 menu. No background videos, no game videos, no arcade wheels. Create a stylish theme that looks like a modern console. It would also be great if browsing through menu categories always played a PlayStation 5 theme song. 

      When entering each platform it is not necessary for there to be multiple views, I would like only two views. One in horizontal displacement and another in wall. always using only covers and fannart background.

      Below add some images and sound. Where Kratos is is the original PlayStation 5 menu. I apologize if I can't explain well what I want, but I don't know the technical language they use in creating the themes.

      theme 3.jpg

      theme 4.jpg



      theme 5.png

      view games 2.jpg

      view games.jpg

  8. Nice One, Glad to see you enjoy😀
  9. Thanks SidewaysMan, Keep an eye out for future updates & possible Skins for my theme😀
  10. 603 downloads

    Playtime is a theme based on the new Game Discovery Center where you can browse & discover content you may have forgotten about or just not played in a while. It is designed with much inspiration from my very popular Play Box 6 theme. Included is a WheelGamesView based in a bedroom or Arcade room with a device hooked up to a screen to showcase some Nostalgia. Game Discovery Center To set Game Discovery Center to startup as your Home view. Start Big Box & go to Options/Views/Default Startup View: Game Discovery Center Avatar Profile & Username Customisations & Instructions Important Note For Gameplay Videos set your Video Playback Engine to Windows Media Player in Big Box options/Videos/Video Playback Engine. VLC Player does not like videos in a Dock or Stack which will result in video playing sound but not visible. Avatar Profile & Username Customisations You can personalise your Home Screen ect with your own Avatar profile/Gamer Pic & i have created 50 Avatar pics for your profile for you to play around with & enjoy. LaunchBox Big Box 2024-06-06 16-25-29.mp4
  11. Playtime View File Playtime is a theme based on the new Game Discovery Center where you can browse & discover content you may have forgotten about or just not played in a while. It is designed with much inspiration from my very popular Play Box 6 theme. Included is a WheelGamesView based in a bedroom or Arcade room with a device hooked up to a screen to showcase some Nostalgia. Game Discovery Center To set Game Discovery Center to startup as your Home view. Start Big Box & go to Options/Views/Default Startup View: Game Discovery Center Avatar Profile & Username Customisations & Instructions Important Note For Gameplay Videos set your Video Playback Engine to Windows Media Player in Big Box options/Videos/Video Playback Engine. VLC Player does not like videos in a Dock or Stack which will result in video playing sound but not visible. Avatar Profile & Username Customisations You can personalise your Home Screen ect with your own Avatar profile/Gamer Pic & i have created 50 Avatar pics for your profile for you to play around with & enjoy. LaunchBox Big Box 2024-06-06 16-25-29.mp4 Submitter DazStelfox79 Submitted 06/06/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  12. Thanks Faeran I will try in steps
  13. Hi Faeran Wondering if you could help me. I have created a new theme called Playtime, My themes are normally hybrid so part CTC & part XAML & I want to create a new Game Discovery Center View that looks like my themes Platform View but i am struggling, I have attached some pics for reference. All I basically want to do is keep the List banners layout as it is in the Game Discovery Center View & drop them in my platform view replacing the current coverflow. or create a new Game Discovery Center View, I tried to do this a few different ways, Firstly i renamed the PlatformWheel2FiltersView in my theme to DiscoveryPageView & dropped all the relevant binary's from the default DiscoveryPageView into it & Launchbox crashes. Secondly I copied & pasted the default DiscoveryPageView from Launchbox folder into my Custom theme (Playtime) views folder as stated above then copied & pasted some code from my PlatformWheel2FiltersView into the DiscoveryPageView in my custom theme for instance just the White border you see in my theme & when i go into Big Box, Select Game Discovery Center & either you can't see the white border i put in there or it just crashes. Sorry if this sounds confusing as i just want to try & make the absolute fantastic Game Discovery Center View look like my theme.
  14. Congratulations to Launchbox team for the new Game Discovery Center. This is the greatest feature for Big Box to date & an awesome early Xmas treat. I love this new feature browsing things to play on my TV in Living Room & feels like I’m gaming on a console which is what I think most people want today. All it needs is a Gamer Pic with a profile name of who’s playing, A Game Controller Battery status bar & a Retro Achievements score status then it would literally be like I’m browsing through my Xbox & PlayStation. Keep up the good work Guys I look forward to all future updates.
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  15. Congratulations to Launchbox team for the new Game Discovery Center. This is the greatest feature for Big Box to date & an awesome early Xmas treat. I love this new feature browsing things to play on my TV in Living Room & feels like I’m gaming on a console which is what I think most people want today. All it needs is a Gamer Pic with a profile name of who’s playing, A Game Controller Battery status bar & a Retro Achievements score status then it would literally be like I’m browsing through my Xbox & PlayStation. Keep up the good work Guys I look forward to all future updates.
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