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Everything posted by Puppet

  1. i have v.07 Alpha (aug build) with your settings listed above, but still no luck with sammy, now demul starts but this pops up, naomi naomi2 and hikaru working fine within LB
  2. Maybe someone can help me out, i added sega naomi / naomi 2 / hikaru / and Sammy Atomiswave into LB and everything launches accept for Sammy A. it flickers and then nothing happens. I used the .bat files from Sentibrads tut so i have everything split and here are some photo's maybe you guys can see whats wrong? p.s The games DO work in demul !!
  3. Will the new beta also correct the missing games in the playlists or do i also have to delete the playlists and reimport mame with clones and filters to correct the missing games? I am having the same problem as coptimius.
  4. Thats great news Jason! one question yesterday i updated the images for my playlists manually because beta13 didn't have the images yet. i did this for each platform: Edit -> images. But if i delete those again will it auto download the standaard beta14 playlist images instead?
  5. ah ok yeah i allready thought it would be a manual step thanks for the confirmation ty
  6. neil9000 got one question left, all the new platforms from my playlist don't have images in BigBox i did download all platform videos which work in bigbox but i don't see platform images just plain white text. I guess this is also a easy to fix problem ?
  7. it worked pfff that simple Lol i feel stupid. Thanks !
  8. yes i had them allready as orginal platforms (naomi, model 123) Will try this Thanks!
  9. Hopefully someone can help me out. Yesterday i created a playlist for my already imported MAME list through : "Tools > Create Missing Arcade/MAME Playlist " I did not get a option where i could choose between different, platforms so in my case i already had Sega Noami setup and Sega model "1 2 3" but after the create mame playlist option i have those platforms listed twice and both populated (no difference) How can i change this back to one? thanks
  10. damn thats some fine programming ! respect. When is D-Day?
  11. Puppet

    Sega model 3

    thanks will try that
  12. Puppet

    Sega model 3

    I hope someone can help me out with Sega model 3 platform. When I launch a game through LB i get a pop-up from supermodel UI emulator with the list of games, LB doesn't launch a specific game i have to do this manually.
  13. It worked, thanks Dos76
  14. Thank you ! i am going to try this when i get home and i will let you know if it worked
  15. They are .zip files and they run good when i open them in demul, i just cant launch them through Lb bg. Demul starts and gives me a game/rom list and then nothing happens. I hope you Guys have a solution
  16. Hello DOS76 i am missing something i quess? i can't start the naomi games in LB demul pops up with the game list en thats it here my config (emulator)
  17. thank you Pacman that makes sense ! cheers
  18. maybe a real noob question but i can't locate the launchbox.xml in my launchbox root folder ? any ideas ? i really want to use lightspeed for importing to LB Lb runs normal tho i just dont see the xml
  19. Thank you guys! because from 161 to 177 would have been a nightmare
  20. ok thx for your help, so then this line of text aint correct: "If you have more than one update pack you can add all update packs at once in order to update your ROMset to the current version. No need to repeat this entire updating process for every single update pack." i added all packs the only difference is they are in one folder
  21. ok so separate folders for each update version, and add all folder paths separate in step2 :12 ?
  22. Thx for this great tut, just one question about step2 :12 i Have the complete romset 161 and all update .rars to 175 can i just add a path to the one folder with all these update rars in it? or do i need to make a folder structure first with all update rars in separated folders ? Thx
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