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Everything posted by joel

  1. Yes I got it, thank you all
  2. Thanks again lm
  3. I haven't heard back yet but if anyone has launchbox v7.10 please PM me.
  4. Still waiting to hear back, I'm launching my games like a peasant in the meantime lol
  5. Glad to hear that
  6. the issue came back. I disabled controller automation in launchbox. I set up rocketlauncher and used its exit key. Everything works like is should now
  7. I did that, thanks lordmonkus
  8. I use rocketlauncher and it works fine with i exit cemu, if you don't like that route you use this autohotkey script . it exits when you hold select+start JOY8:: If GetKeyState("JOY7") { Process, Close, Cemu.exe }
  9. hi, i got a new pc and reinstalled launchbox, however I have a 1 year licence thats expired. Where can i download the old version?
  10. I mean its an option to select if you want to exclude an emulator using controller automation. I notice its more reliable when i use xbox 360 controllers because I can add an autohotkey script. but xbox one controllers on windows 7 don't play nice with autohotkey.
  11. Can we add an option to exclude emulators when using joystick Automation's "close the active window"?. I suffer from issues when exiting mameuifx and retroarch games. When i use launchbox's controller automation to exit a game(start and select with xbox 360 joysticks), I get stuck on the bigbox screen, its frozen and unresponsive. i have to log out and log back in to my pc and relaunch bigbox. its not every time. sometimes automation works fine, it works fine every time if I disable controler automation and use the emulators build in exit key.
  12. Whats up my Launchbox buddies, I figured it out. it was an issue with my windows profile. once i created a new profile everything worked like it should.
  13. i use this autohotkey script to exit Cemu JOY8:: If GetKeyState("JOY7") { Process, Close, Cemu.exe }
  14. I'll add that if i open retroarch directly it opens and closes just fine with no issues.
  15. I have an interesting issue. I have Bigbox configured to use controller automation to exit games. bigbox and retroarch are set to run as admin Senario 1 I login to my pc, run bigbox and run an snes game using retroarch. when I exit with select+start retroarch doesn't exit. so I force close retroarch via task manager and after that, if i relaunch any game that uses retroarch and exit with select+start it works fine. Why does it keep failing to exit on the first launch every time I turn on my computer? Senario 2 so i disable controller automation in bigbox and configure retroarch to exit with its own internal settings hotkey and it exits fine each time no problem. the problem is that all all my other emulators will need to be somehow configured to exit without controller automation, if someone knows an easy way to do this please enlighten me. If i leave controler automation on in bigbox, and retroarch configured with its own exit hotkey, both which use select+start, retroarch exits but when it gets back to bigbox, it acts as if it doesn't detect any controler input. is there a fix for retroarch not exiting? I'm trying to look for a solution but i can't find it anywhere after a few hours of digging on google. Thank you all, Joel
  16. Ok guys i figured it out. I made a batch file name kill neyst.bat timeout 1 >nul taskkill /im NesysService.exe after that the game exits like its supposed to
  17. this autohotkey script works for me. JOY8:: If GetKeyState("JOY7") { Process, Close, Cemu.exe }
  18. I'm having the same issue. but those fixes dont' work for me. j
  19. maybe I can make a batch file that closes the nesys process after I exit the game...
  20. I launch a nesicaXlive game Aquapazza with a batch file (Nesys.bat) and it launches two programs, NesysService.exe and RFIDGod_inject.exe. then the game runs fine. The problem is when i exit the game to return to bigbox because Nesysyservice is still running in a command prompt like in the screenshot. I have to use my mouse to exit the command promt. how do i get NesysService.exe to close automaticaly when i exit aquapazza?
  21. joel


    I saw SimplyAustin's video and was wondering if anyone can tell me how to set it up? pm me if necessary.
  22. Please I would like to know also, ever since i saw simply austin's video I have been wanting to set this up.
  23. Alright guys I renamed my roms to match hyperspin's game boy xml file. all videos are now downloading as they are supposed to. Thank you for your responses.
  24. I did a fresh install of launchbox 6.12 and ran the import tool. only these videos were pulled. Super Mario Land 2_ 6 Golden Coins.mp4" Bubble Bobble Part 2_ Rainbow Islands.mp4 Castlevania II_ Belmont_s Revenge.mp4 Kid Icarus_ Of Myths and Monsters.mp4 Metroid II_ Return of Samus.mp4 Pokemon_ Blue Version.mp4 Pokemon_ Red Version.mp4
  25. here is the exact rom filenames I am using, maybe they are the issue? Bubble Bobble Castlevania II - Belmont's Revenge Dig Dug Disney's Lion King Donkey Kong Land II Donkey Kong Land III Donkey Kong Land Donkey Kong Dr Mario Duck Tales Final Fantasy Adventure Final Fantasy Legend Gargoyle's Quest - Ghosts'n Goblins Harvest Moon Kid Dracula Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters Kirby's Dream Land Kwirk Legend of the River King Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening Mario's Picross Mega Man V Metroid II - Return of Samus Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Movie Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Paperboy II Pinball - Revenge of the Gator Pokemon - Blue Version Pokemon - Cock Version (Bootleg) Pokemon - Red Version Primal Rage Super Mario Land II - 6 Golden Coins Super Mario Land III - Wario Land Super Mario Land Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tetris yoshi Adventure Island II Battletoads & Double Dragon Battletoads in Ragnarok's World Battletoads Beavis and Butthead Blades of Steel Bubble Bobble - Part II
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