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  1. If it was a browser cache issue wouldn't that prevent me from posting with my alt account also?
  2. More laziness than anything if I want to change something or pull a drive I also have been known to stash small items behind some cables up above the drives.
  3. Okay when I try to edit a post it looks like this at 1st then when I refresh it reverts to the original post. I tried to then re-edit my last edit that succeeded and that then was giving me the same results. Also while trying to add a image with my original account I was getting this error message.I refreshed it then it let me add an image but when I went to add a 2nd one I got the same error message also when I try to sign out it takes at least 2 tries and it throws this error message. I don't have a clue what the issue is but it seems to be specific to my account hopefully we can get this solved because it is driving me nuts not being able to post at will.
  4. DOS76Alt


    1. I don't know who you think you are but no worries I will never try to assist you ever again. 2. I assumed you would be intelligent enough to upgrade to the latest romset because you are 12 versions behind which will be 13 sometimes next week but I see my assumption was erroneous for that I sincerely apologize. I will never overestimate your mental capacity again.
  5. DOS76Alt


    Yeah then you will need a newer MAME ROM set.
  6. This evening I became unable to post again with my account @Jason Carr I don't know if you've seen this post yet but my account keeps getting to where it can't post any more. Once it occurs it is on every device I just can't post.
  7. DOS76Alt


    If you already have a MAME set then it should already be in there.
  8. Yeah I don't know what it is.
  9. When I try to sign out it says I don't have permission and that is probably why I can't post either.
  10. I couldn't reply or post anything from any device so I tried to sign out and it kept failing to do so then I went to a private browser started a new account and when I went back to my regular browser and signed into the new account then signed out and signed into my account it started working again it was totally strange. Actually when I tried to post this reply with my regular account it won't work again
  11. DOS76Alt

    XML edit

    In LB go to your PS1 platform and click on one game and then hit ctrl+A right click and select edit when the bulk editor opens change the emulator to the one that you want and it will change every thing at once
  12. Hey all its DOS76 I had to make this account because I can't post anything from anyone of my computers or from my phone is my account on lock down or something.
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