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Posts posted by Pr0FiT

  1. I'm attempting to pull back some of the various folders configured for a platform but all of the properties are empty/null despite actually being set.


    Small example

    Platform = PluginHelper.DataManager.GetPlatformByName("Sony Playstation 2");
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Platform.ManualsFolder); // empty value but 100% set in platform config
    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Platform.VideosFolder);  // empty value but 100% set in platform config


    Now the documentation doesn't state explicitly what they properties are but i think it's safe to assume it should be the path configured in the app, right? This a bug or am I doing it wrong?





  2. Freenas, openmediavault, or just plain 'ol linux are great choices for a NAS OS.

    RAID5 all the way, using either ext4 or zfs, both will allow you to grow the array with new drives (technically I think ext4 will just rebuild the array while zfs has some fancy magic).

    If you want even more security offsite backups might be for you (but its not free). I use crashplanpro and am very happy with their service and price.

  3. Here is a bonus script I use to mount my ISOs as surprisingly rpcs3 only supports JB format o_0

    @echo off
    cd /d "D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RPCS3"
    set iso=%1
    if not defined iso (
    	start rpcs3.exe
    ) else (
    	powershell -Command Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath '%1' && rpcs3.exe "H:\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.bin"
    	powershell -Command  Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath '%1'


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  4. No specific advice but maybe a few probing questions for you that might help:

    1. where are you isos? network, same disk, different disk? Whatever the answer is, copy an iso to another location and try loading it from there; if it works, you've at least narrowed down the issue. if they are local and you only have one disk, move on to question 2.

    2. have you checked your windows system event log? If there are disk read errors, a lot of time they'll get logged

    3. Does launching the game take 50 seconds or actually launching dolphin? Like if you go click dolphin.exe, is it 50 seconds before you see anything? If so, it's almost certainly some issue with an interfering application and/or security setting. if the former, refer to question 1.

  5. Naming is definitely correct; its exactly as listed in my post and the same naming convention I've been using forever. You may have missed it in my original post but I did use the consolidate feature and it did collapse them into a single entry....just not how one would think it would.



    Running the consolidate function over them results in a single entry with disc 2 as the primary game (in this example anyway), 3 additional apps, listed in order disc 2, 3, 1, and with a title of 'Play (Disc 02) Version...'


  6. 1 hour ago, ALIE said:

    currently re importing all my games. and it works only with a few exceptions that i have seen.

    weird. its happened with at least four games now (which is 100% of the multi disc games I've imported recently) and it reproducible every time.

  7. In the previous versions when importing a multi-disc game with a structure such as:

    Sony PlayStation 2/Metal Gear Solid 3 - Substance/
    	./Metal Gear Solid 3 - Substance (Disc 01).iso
    	./Metal Gear Solid 3 - Substance (Disc 02).iso
    	./Metal Gear Solid 3 - Substance (Disc 03).iso


    You would end up with a single LB entry with disc 1 as the "primary" entry and all 3 disc as additional apps, listed in order by disc #, with the title <game name> - Disc x.

    Now you end up with 3 separate entries, no additional apps. Running the consolidate function over them results in a single entry with disc 2 as the primary game (in this example anyway), 3 additional apps, listed in order disc 2, 3, 1, and with a title of 'Play (Disc 02) Version...'

    This has been a problem at least the last two beta releases, maybe with the previous ones too, not sure.

  8. I have a few issues with bbm and my steamlink / in-home streaming / steam overlay. Before submitting an issue to the bug tracker I thought I'd post here and see if you guys have any fixes or tweaks that might help. I know these may actually be steam issues but I'm leaning more towards bbm and we all know steam support is a dead end 9/10 times anyway

    1. This has been an issue with bbm since I started using it. If you pull up the overlay while either at the games list screen or the game detail screen, it *mostly* doesn't work.

    What I normally see is usually a mash-up of the two screens, some bbm elements, some overlay elements. I can tell the overlay is actually taking the input because of the sounds but it's impossible to navigate obviously. Other times the overlay does not display at all, but still, the audio cues indicate the overlay is taking input.

    Upon exiting the overlay you're still stuck with this mash up of elements which can only be cleared by by backing out one level. On more rare occasions bbm just stops taking input all together and I have to kill it. 

    From the main menu (where the platforms are displayed) the overlay seems to work fine.


    2. Maybe 2-3 weeks ago the steam controller (or in my case ds4) chord buttons stopped worked. The chord buttons are when you hold the home/guide button down, which modifies the button for other functions; most notable screen shots (guide+r-shoulder). These are totally non-functional, non of the bindings work. I don't know if they stopped working with a LB or steam update though. While the other two issues are a pretty big annoyance, this one really really sucks.


    3. This one is probably a steam issue. When you pull up the overlay while in-game, it also pulls up the overlay in bbm even though it does not have focus. Now if you exit the overlay by the guide button, you're fine because bbm also receives that input, however if you exit by B button/cancel or by the overlay menu, this does not exit the overlay in bbm and leads you right back into issue 1 but usually even worse (as in, its unresponsive and harder to get it to "clear" the garbled screen).


    Toggling the splash screen / logo has no affect on any of these issues.

    What do?

  9. I propose that when the image type is some type of box art (front, back, whatever) the region field be required. What I've observed setting up my collection in launchbox is that nobody really uses that field unless there is already existing box art. So you'll end up with the first-uploaded box art having no region and the second-uploaded box art having a region; usually jp or eu.

    Why is this important? Because the priority settings in the pro version. It will take the tagged picture (99% of the time jp/eu version) over the non-tagged version (99% of the time NA).  So if you want the correct boxart you have to go back into the gamedb, tag the pic, wait for metadata push, reimport metadata. Making the field required and doing it upfront saves the double work.

  10. I found that metadata file after posting this and figured that was the actual scrape source (less images) and not the site's 'game db'. Thanks for confirming and detailing how to update it. Interesting choice. I assume because the games db did not exist (looks new being in alpha) this was the best way to deliver the data? Are there future plans to translate to scraping the 'game db' once it's more mature?


    Not a big deal really but I take that 'obsess over your collection' part to heart and having to wait a whole day for refreshed data might literally kill me.

  11. I submitted several games to the game db and after their approval still cannot be scraped. It's been well over 24 hours now so one would assume that it should be available.

    The games are all find-able through the website search

    I tried adding them to my collection via the site then syncing i the app but that didn't work either.

    I tried manually inputting the id into the xml files but it appears the id in the url is not the same as the id the scraper used (all the games I checked get 302'd to another url)


    What do?

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