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  1. I I think i understand, so this options doesn't work anymore. Thanks for the help.
  2. Hi guys, how are you? I have a doubt about edit the new default launchbox theme, like de old legacy theme. I upload a image of the options i wanna change and doesn't see any change. I wanna remove the "Last Playable Game", "Most Playable Game" and "Random Game" options. This is possible?
  3. I can't login into the database. I received this message: Please verify your email address in the message we sent you before signing in. If you need another email message, please use the Forgot Password option. I need to wait the update is completed?
  4. Look for the 2 images below. One have a Serial SLPM-65059 and the other have a Serial SLPM-65060. One have de the price Y6,800 and the other not. The bar code is different too. If we delete the images without a better check, the collection will never complete.
  5. Hi Guys, why change the North American Playstation Games regions to Brazil?
  6. Awesome work Suggestion: You could do the alternative boxes, like the "Red" New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
  7. No news about this, but a started this topic a year ago. Now, a lot of news artworks are be added to database and in download section of the forum, so, i just forget to looking for this templates and started to use the actual database artwork. But, anyway, thanks for your reply on my topic.
  8. I started this topic to know what are we will doing with "Demo games", "Trial Edition", "Tentou-you Taikenban" and others games like that set: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/136046 This set have a "(DUPLICATE OF Resident Evil: Dead Aim NEEDS REMOVING!!)" Tag, so i remove them cause i think this is not really a duplicate of Resident Evil: Dead Aim. This is a Demo version of the same game. My question is: We must remove all demo games and treated like a duplicate of the official release and not add any more demos, or we must leave it and database and continue add more demo games? This is just a question about database. My opinion is: We must have de demo games in database and treated like "magazine games" and other "softwares" like tools, game sharks and others.
  9. .cso is a lossless format. You don't lose any data and after decompress, the crc is the same of .iso. I saw the PCSX2 can use .chd too, but i never tested. I had do a test with .rvz on 1 gamecube iso (Capcom vs. SNK) and it's very awesome: .iso = 1,35 GB .gcz = 1,30 GB .wia = 1,29 GB .rvz = 227 MB thanks for the help!
  10. Are .gz and .rvz better than .cso and .gcz? I haven't tested these yet.
  11. Have you considered using other formats (extensions) for your roms? Some emulators (MAME and Retroarc) can use .chd, so, the game doesn't need to be extract to play. PCSX2 (PS2) and PPSSPP (PSP) can use .cso, and doesn't need to be extract too. Dolphin (GameCube and Wii) can use .gcz, same thing the others. I don't know if this can help you and the others, depends of the game that you play, but for me, help a lot.
  12. Sorry for create a topic without read the old (not too old) one. But, now i understand why about Fanart in SNES database. Sorry again!
  13. Hi guys, i see some moderation requestd to change a "Cart - Front" image to a "Fanart Cart - Front" image. Image like that Final Fantasy cart that i upload in this topic. I don't remember the real reason, but is somthing like "the image use template". Ok. This image use a template, everyone know this, but almost Cart images and Disc images use templates. I think is hard to create a transparent PNG cart image or Disc Image without a template. So, we must change almost Cart and Disc images in Database to Fanarts? I think Fanart Carts and Disc are used when the image are fake image, or when the game doesn't have a cart or disc and the image are user created.
  14. I'm agree with you guys! All changes should be reject (i only see 2 in my moderation today). Suggestion: I think the "Released" status is too much generic. The database could be had status like "Retail", "Download", "Retail/Download". This is only a suggestion!
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