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Everything posted by johnsanc

  1. The latest update is gorgeous with the dark views! Thanks so much for making it official! On another note, I really hope you can work on the performance of this theme. I just upgraded to a PCIE 4.0 NVME drive and Ryzen 3900X and this theme is still very very sluggish on the platform view. Each system takes anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds or so to load depending on how many games are in that platform. If you view that platform again later in your BigBox session it works fine, which leads me to believe theres some kind of games list caching going on... Is there a way to cache everything on initial launch? I'm not sure why that would be unique to this theme, but this is the only theme I've tried that seems to exhibit this issue.
  2. I get this error when trying to import Sega CD 32X files from a network path. 2019-12-24 12:49:47 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: The given path's format is not supported. at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath) I tried to add files instead of folders so I could filter by "32X" to add just those games. Unlike the "Long Path issue" the files are processed but it says 0 are imported afterwards. If I import these files from a mapped network drive it works properly. Folders added as network paths do work correctly though - which is weird. Example path: "\\TOWER\Games\Console\Sega - Mega-CD & Sega CD\Redump\Corpse Killer (USA) (Sega CD 32X).zip"
  3. Here is the error in the debug log: 2019-12-24 12:45:34 PM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. at System.IO.PathHelper.GetFullPathName()
  4. I just ran into this issue today as well. The interesting thing is that LaunchBox apparently tries to resolve to a long path, but the app still doesn't seem to support it. The error message that comes up for a network share with a long path shows "\\?\UNC\[server]\" which is the correct syntax for UNC long paths. I know this isn't an OS issue since I can open the very long path file in Dolphin no problem and I have opted into long paths with a registry update. Info here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file @Jason Carr - Can you please see if its as easy as a config to fix this? This has apparently been an issue for two years.
  5. Awesome work on this theme! However I do have a few suggestions to consider: Another vote for dark mode! The white burns my eyes and my TV doesn't have perfectly uniform backlighting on the edges, so it looks worse than it should for me. Performance optimizations. For some reason this is the only theme that makes BigBox almost crash. I sometimes get a windows popup saying BigBox is unresponsive when i scroll through platforms. Using the COLORFUL platform videos with other themes does not cause this problem. My PC is semi-decent (Xeon E3-1276 v3, GTX 970, 16gb of ram). Note this only seems to happen the first time I switch to a platform with a lot of games (over 250 or so). After that viewing that platform again works fine. Not sure if its possible, but can you stop the game video when you try to switch games? More often than not when I switch games the wrong video is playing for a few seconds before the correct video starts. (this happens with all themes ive tried)
  6. Is there a way to limit the importing and scraping of a particular system to a whitelist of games instead of LB pulling in all games from a particular directory? For example, lets say I have all my NES games in a single directory, but I only want LB to import and scrape info for the US ones. It would be nice if I could provide a list of these games (E.g. Hyperlist XML or a simple text file) I'm new to LaunchBox so I am not sure if this is a feature and I just cannot find it.
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