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Everything posted by Amauri

  1. Is there a way to use other image and not a Banner? I use already banners for other part of theme. I was able to use the device image for the Platform, but I cant change the one for the Playlist...
  2. JHarbinger, can you please give me an example? I tried every way I thought and I could not make it work. I want to use a marquee image for the platform instead of a banner (I'm already using the banner to other part of my theme). Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi @Jason Carr, did you have the chance to check this topic about using other image than banner for Platform Marquees? Thanks in advance!
  4. Trying to revive my post and find a good soul to help me solve my problem ? Anyone?
  5. Dear Friends, I'm trying to use proper marquees images for platforms instead of Banners but I can't find a easy way to do it. I'm trying to change the file PlatformMarqueeView.xaml in my theme folder but with no success. I see that the source is Source="{Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.BannerImagePath}", but I don't know how to change this for the Marquee folder, since there is no folder structure for Msrquees in Platforms. IS there a easy way to setup this for a new sub-folder in Platforms and Playlists folders? Thanks in advance for your support! <Grid VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.BannerImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> </Grid> PS: I know that this is the correct file, since when I change Stretch to Fill it reflects in my marquee, but any changes I make in Source="{Binding Path=SelectedPlatform.BannerImagePath}" , even inserting some trash to check the result, there is no change at all in the marquee, keeping showing Banner and not throwing any error messages.
  6. Done! Thanks!
  7. @Jason Carr Thanks for your response! I understand your point. My only request would be have a shortcut to show/hide hidden/non- favorite games. This would be very helpful and simple to explore games you dont really know (in a full set) or to go directly to your favorites. Your suggestion would make me leave the current Platform, go to the menu and make this choice, than leave the menu, go back to the Platform to finally check this option. A simple shortcut would be marvelous.
  8. Yes, but will not show only the favorite list... This filter would be very nice to have...
  9. I'm using v7.4 and my current controllers are working fine in different applications. I'm working with Multi-Console Cthulhu PCBs with Sanwa joystick. I'm using the same controller settings and still experiencing this problem... Update: I installed Xpadder to simulate keyboard strokes and disabled "Enable Game Controllers" in Launchbox. It works fine without double presses, but I would like to avoid Xpadder... This tells me that LauchBox interface should have some sensibility adjustment...
  10. I would love to have a "Show only Favorites" shortcut in game selection screen. I like to have a complete rom set for a Platform to discover new games, but when I want to check only the ones I Favorited to have a more focused navigation, the Favorite list would be fabulous. Two questions: 1) This would be a feasible feature? To have a shortcut to show only Favorites... 2) In the Navigation by letter (when you move your joystick horizontally), what is the star for?
  11. Nop, I'm not using any Xpadder-like programs that could give the double input (that actually was my first thought). When I turn the "Enable Game Controller" option OFF in Big Box, the joysticks stops to work...
  12. Hi guys. I'm experiencing a problem with my Controller in Big Box environment. Every time I move the joystick up/down or left/right to select games or to navigate in the menus, it moves actually 2 times. Example: In game menu I can't reach letter B, because from A it jumps directly to C (it looks like too sensible). The keyboard behavior is ok and the joystick works perfectly in the games and in different applications. Any clue why this behavior? Thanks in advance.
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