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Everything posted by epicrean

  1. I purchased both an Android and Windows licenses to Launchbox. When I recover the file the site only downloads the Android version. How can I recover my windows file?
  2. Couple things, 1. Has anyone set this up successfully? I have a few roms booting and playing and others bring me to what seems to be a menu for the system. Once in the menu I am giving an avatar that can walk around a faux town. This happens for the Zelda game 2. Does anyone have or no where to get the art for this game and video snaps? Launchbox was able to pull about 60% of it. Thanks
  3. Any guess or fix for the blue box?
  4. When I start a N64 game I first see the main ptoject64 screen in windowed mode with all my roms. The screen then flashes black and loads the rom. Is there away to not see this screen? it really takes away from the experience When a ROM starts there is a blue box in the bottom center that says "emulation started". I was able to remove the text, but the box remains. Is there away to make the box disappear? Daniel
  5. I have an xbox one synced to my windows 10 pc and I have configured it work with LaunchBox/BigBox. everytime I close BigBox I have to reconfigure the controller to work again, and this doesn't seem normal.
  6. epicrean


    I love to add scan lines, is there away to add the scan lines universally or do I have to go through each emulator to add them?
  7. I have been playing with rocketlauncher and have a loading screen pop up when I start game, the screen really adds to the experience and makes the build look semi pro. The issue is when I start a game from a old system like the NES the screen is up for less than one second and a total waste. If I play a game from the PSP the screen stays up longer as the game is loaded. Does anyone know a way to slow down the transition to allow smaller games to have the loading screen up a little longer?
  8. epicrean

    Luanch Games

    I love big box, however I don't want to go into a third menu to launch a game. Is there away to just launch the game without going into the menu for the game?
  9. I must be missing a step.... When I launch bigbox I have the wheel to the right showing my systems, but when I go into a system I get a grid box that shows the name of the game, no wheel, no art, just a box that goes vertical.
  10. Whenever I try to download the media it only grabs a handful of images. If I use my own images LB doesn't recognize them because LB adds a -01 to end of each name.
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