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Everything posted by EazyCheeze1978

  1. Okay. I just did with the keyboard, and same issue. It actually took a bit longer to happen (more view switches) by my reckoning but I may have just been imagining it.
  2. I have one, an Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, and that is what I use mainly... I don't know the keys to accept/go back/change views or I would sure test that out for you
  3. Okay, the blanking out of views when changing them is still happening, and now is to the point that sometimes when I hit B to go back to the Options menu to try to quit, I get into an endless loop of going back to the same view (though one of the screens I hit B on is blank, so that would probably be the Options screen I need). It's sort of hard to describe when it happens as it seems to happen at random, but only when changing views. Very odd.
  4. Issue has been bitbucketed
  5. Okay, doing it. And also updating my video drivers Will let you know if the views changing thing is still a problem, when I can get to testing that. Thanks for the advice on that!
  6. Something else I just noticed today; if scanning for Added ROMs for All Platforms, the process gets hung up on ScummVM, which is not a ROM-based platform and shouldn't be in this process, as MS-DOS is not. I have to close the program and re-open it to continue (it doesn't hang the program but just froze the progress bar for three-four minutes, so I don't have to force close it in Task Manager), and I'm now sort of discouraged from using that option until it can be fixed to exclude ScummVM (If MS-DOS is also part of the bug, then I don't know about that because the process didn't get to it). Is this something I should put into BitBucket?
  7. VLC. Hmm... I don't know, because pretty much everything is standard setup as far as video, as far as I know anyway. Does BigBox rely on having the latest video drivers for best results, or should I download the K-Lite Codec Pack?
  8. Hi Just a question for the beta testers here! In the current release version, when using BigBox, if I change views (the function on the Back button on the Xbox 360 controller, don't remember which keyboard key it is), either platform or game list views, after maybe four or so changes then other views (seems to be random) get blanked out; it can be either the platform or game list views, or more critically even the options menus that this happens to. I can still hear sound from videos; just can't see anything, and if this does hit the options menu, then I need to hit X to exit and restart. Is this a memory leak or something that the program's forgetting (maybe redundant )? Something with transitions going wrong? I guess the big question here is, is this experienced or noticed by others and is it being fixed in these betas? It's no biggie for me, but the disadvantage is I can't be changing views too often (or potentially even making use of the view-per-platform feature). Thanks
  9. Sure, I'd like the Famicom image I have to say that I actually do not have original media that I might make a logo... I have never owned any part of the FDS materials (or the F for that matter ) Anything I make I make using materials from the Internet; I'm not sure how the community feels about people uploading materials that are not strictly their own... Having said that, a Google Image search for "famicom disk system logo transparent" and a download of the image with Disk-Kun in it (actually from the Metroid Wikia, which like the other Wikias is a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike site), and a quick hop into GIMP to drop shadow it, will see you right. Sorry I can't be of more direct help, sorry if I got your hopes up.
  10. Do you mean the original Famicom logo? Sure, I would like that and I'll make it transparent and drop-shadow it and re-upload it if you like... should I just attach it here when I'm done?
  11. I actually tried making my own; the results being less than stellar, I'll try again soon and see if I can make some passable ones (for both Famicom and the DIsk System). Breakfast, then Paint.net awaaaaay!
  12. Are the Favorites kept separate from the other XML files? Just checked, and it is actually kept alongside the other variables in the Platform XMLs; but is a backup record kept somewhere of the Favorites? If not, might be a handy feature to consider, or at least an Export function for that. Then I could use that, delete my currently-existing non-playlisted games, reimport them all using the existing media, import the Favorites... but that just seems really time-consuming in itself. Better, if possible, to have a way to scan for existing games to add to the playlists, or, as you say Jason is planning, have a method of sharing the playlist XMLs which would be user-independent, not connected to any one user's installation. That'd be best, actually Thanks, Angelo
  13. Hi all! Am wondering something about the impending release, and I ask here because I think people beta-testing would know... does anyone know if there'll be a fast way to add currently-existing (post-imported) games to the new custom playlists? I'd rather not have to re-import all my games to add them. That multiple-edit thing could work if I sort by company, but in case the metadata isn't complete and thus some games in a group aren't selected, is there a guide to the new lists we can use? I ask because I'm fairly excited about linking up Company Theme videos made by a certain very prolific and talented graphic artist to the games I have. If I have to, I will re-import them, but I have just spent several hours (over last night and this morning) sifting through my list and marking Favorites, and I'd rather not lose those. Thanks in advance! Love this community very very much. Take care all!
  14. I mean in order to revert to the release version, just re-download it from the download page and unzip it?
  15. Okay... so to reinstall the release version I'd just re-download it then?
  16. Well, at first glance it worked! That's pretty awesome. Will keep the beta for now then, and will report issues via the Help menu if I find any. BTW to revert to the release version, just uncheck the beta box in settings and restart, right?
  17. Okay, I will try it, and I will report back... be a few minutes as I'm in the middle of something else right now.
  18. Is there even a beta out after 7.5 yet? I might.
  19. 7.5, the release version (Auditing and more awesomeness... actually almost everything is new since I got that premium license and I will surely be getting an Emumovies subscription at my earliest convenience; they seem to be made for each other! ). And I will keep the X key in mind; thank you!
  20. Hey all! Hope everyone's doing great! I am absolutely loving BigBox; its definitely the best ten-foot front-end for emulators ever! But I am having a tiny issue with it... I'm still tinkering around with transitions, fades and all; they look great! However, I'm having a bit of a problem in that after accessing those options (just going through and selecting Sequential or Random can do it), and returning to the front-end to see the results, I can no longer see the Options menus! I can still interact with them as I hear the sounds, and actually while trying to quit one time I accidentally shut down the computer! (there's no confirmation and Alt+F4 doesn't work) My only option when that occurs, is to use Task Manager and close the front-end that way, which I want to avoid as much as possible as it might corrupt files... Anyone had similar issues like this? How can they be solved? Thanks in advance BTW, Intel core i5-4460, 8GB RAM, Geforce GTX 960, Windows 10 x64.
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