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Everything posted by andrea_ita

  1. hello to everyone... i use a regulare lunachbox and bigobox licensed. i bought a fantastic G29 logitech... often when i open Lunachbox updated to last beta version... G29 try to move to bottom of screen my mouse pointer. I must close with alt+f4 launchbox and re-open. there is a mode to fix it? regards
  2. hello to everyone, can you help me to Remove this image from preview video in bigbox? i have highlighted with an arrow the image that I would like to remove all images type are unselected.. thanks in advance, who can help me..
  3. what is the config for: ACCELLERATOR and BRAKE.. i have G29, thanks
  4. i had solved daphne problem with startup screen, matter present in actual bigbox release. remain the problem, to update LASERDISC games.. if i try to update info, like my post above, when i press OK, after update images downloaded, my updated game disappears
  5. SOLVED.... for ALL people... can try these: BIGBOX >> go in menu: ->OPTION ->GAME STARTUP disable: -SHOW LOADING GAME MESSAGE -ENABLE START UP SCREENN
  6. thank you, now i try this settings to disable all from bigbox.. i like so much to try settings and all the other things...
  7. i already tried 2 days ago to disable for emulator, by tab for daphne.. but it is ok only with launchbox. but NORMALLY i use bigbox in a arcade cabinet, so i bought bigbox for use with it.. where i can try to disable for all emulators?
  8. hello, until the previous version of launchbox it was all OK .. I update only launchbox .. now lasergames suffer from this problem with bigbox on an arcade cabinet same games and roms from 2 years.. in this cabinet (and computer.. windows 10 64 bit updated)
  9. hello, i just tried to set HIDE ALL WINDOWS... but in bigbox, game starts and after 3 second... i see black screen and i listen sound from cabinet... to restore it, i must connect keyboard anb press ALT+TAB for have dragon's lair in front.. because it goes in background
  10. someone have my matter?
  11. launchbox / bigbox are great frontend with the possibility to add video and picture. in emulationstation program creates xml files for all roms added. like you have replied there some cases with several release of similar game. i would like to think that a frontend like this supports this option Someone can help us?
  12. hello to everyone... i want to have in my collection air gallet. This game have several bootleg revision with different scenarios and backgroung. If i add these games versions, in my launchbox and bigbox can't have different release. AIRGALLET AIRGALLETA agalletah agalletat etc.... how i can have different screnshots and videos for different release? this is a link with this type of game, that i would want to have in different release exposed... http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/lista_mame.php?ricerca=air+gallet&arcade_only=0 actually i have these games only with Air Gallet "generic" version.. 6 release are shown in my launchbox e bigbox DB without difference who can help me? thanks in advance
  13. where i can tick this options?
  14. launchbox delete game after edited it. procedure: - select a game in my library - click edit - download image/media... download some new images available - press OK launchbox 9.2 delete my updated game. i use launchbox from 2 years with regular licence windows 10 updated - 64 bit previous version of launchbox run without problems
  15. hello to everyone... from launchbox 9.2 when i try to run dragon's lair from daphne... i can't play game, because it runs in backgroung. Bibox Cinematix back in front... i listen game run in background. i use bigbox from 2 year with regular license. Now i have same problem with some games like this, from ms-dos "type". for exit i must connect mouse and keyboard to may cabinet to quit game and return in bigbox or launchbox. retroarch and other emulators run well. my computer runs with windows 10 64 bit. thanks in advance, for who can help me. Regards
  16. thanks a lot.... in these days i m restoring an old cabinet and i m doing several tests.
  17. thansk for your reply... it's only a hint, it's not bad to be seen on the big screen
  18. hi to All, i m trying several frontends and configurations... Launchbox and Bigbox remain my favorites.. but this... "theme view" is not so bad... is there a bigbox theme like this? or is it possibile to have by bigbox settings?
  19. hello to everyone.. i m trying several test and i m looking for you youtube channel... BUT in all my settings I have always two images showed in my bigbox preview. this is an example with " MINIMAL HD " theme how you can see I have in the image uploaded above, "two images" of the game selected.... one above another in my mininal theme in bigbox. HOW i can have a single image? or only the video in backgroung? i would like to have a theme setting like this: thanks in advance for support...
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