Hey everyone
first of all: I really love this software and I am gonna buy (soon enough, as everything is going to work fine) Big Box - so i am probably gonna ask many more questions since i am not really good with this kind of stuff (sorry).
Anyhow, I've come to the terrible moment when I need to make the MAME work (i did it a few times during the years, and yeah i still suck at it).
I've decided to change this old server from a Lakka distribution to Windows with LaunchBox and - for that - i have a 2003 MAME romset. All my roms are compatible with version 0.78 of MAME (with Lakka i used MAME2003 core to run games).
I tried to import just a game (Metal Slug 2, to be precise) and when i launch it with LaunchBox I get a black screen and then it goes back in the LaunchBox dash.
I followed the Youtube guide, so pretty much i had to browse to the .exe of mame and that's all. I've also already tried to download the latest version and the 0.78 version, pointing to both the .exe but i get pretty much the same result with both emulators.
I remember, back in the day, that mame needed a lot of different Bios to work with every game (i can talk about bios stuff right? I am always worried it could be against the rules, sorry in that case) so maybe i am missing that?
So, anyways, what can i do?
Keep up the good work.