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Everything posted by Solo

  1. Hey I have the same issue here Windows 10 1903 and Python 3.8.3
  2. I usually move then then import the platform, then I close launchbox and edit the XML to point to main mame directory and move them back.
  3. It's built off MAME 0.225 updated the title, still some roms wont work with M2Emulator etc.
  4. Rom Breakout - M2,MVS,M3,DEMUL etc 0.225 SET View File Hello, Since I use different emulators for many MAME roms, I decided to create these bat files to break them out. Thanks to the ones that created the initial ones, I just went and did the after work The BAT files will grab all zips and chd folders and move them to a new folder. It's based on Non-Merged romset so it should work excellent on split and merged. Emulators & Systems Sammy Atomiswav - __demul_awave - DEMUL Cave Systems - _demul_cave3rd - DEMUL Galeco - _demul_gaelco - DEMUL Sega Hikaru - _demul_hikaru - DEMUL Sega Naomi - _demul_naomi - DEMUL/FLYCAST Sega Naomi 2 - _demul_naomi2 - DEMUL Sega Naomi GD-ROM - _demul_naomigd - DEMUL Sega Naomi GD-ROM2 - _demul_naomigd2 - DEMUL Sega System SP - _demul_spider - DEMUL Sega Model 2 - _model2_roms - M2Emulator Sega Model 3 - _model3_roms - Supermodel SNK Neo Geo MVS - _neogeo - Mame or FB Neo IGS Poly Game Master_PGM - Mame or FB Neo Capcom Play System - _CPS1 - Mame or FB Neo Capcom Play System II - _CPS2 - Mame or FB Neo Capcom Play System III - _CPS3 - Mame or FB Neo If you use Final Burn Neo, it might not work with all mame roms and needs special roms. Same applies for M2Emulator and Supermodel Submitter Solo Submitted 10/13/2020 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, Since I use different emulators for many MAME roms, I decided to create these bat files to break them out. Thanks to the ones that created the initial ones, I just went and did the after work The BAT files will grab all zips and chd folders and move them to a new folder. It's based on Non-Merged romset so it should work excellent on split and merged. Emulators & Systems Sammy Atomiswav - __demul_awave - DEMUL Cave Systems - _demul_cave3rd - DEMUL Galeco - _demul_gaelco - DEMUL Sega Hikaru - _demul_hikaru - DEMUL Sega Naomi - _demul_naomi - DEMUL/FLYCAST Sega Naomi 2 - _demul_naomi2 - DEMUL Sega Naomi GD-ROM - _demul_naomigd - DEMUL Sega Naomi GD-ROM2 - _demul_naomigd2 - DEMUL Sega System SP - _demul_spider - DEMUL Sega Model 2 - _model2_roms - M2Emulator Sega Model 3 - _model3_roms - Supermodel SNK Neo Geo MVS - _neogeo - Mame or FB Neo IGS Poly Game Master_PGM - Mame or FB Neo Capcom Play System - _CPS1 - Mame or FB Neo Capcom Play System II - _CPS2 - Mame or FB Neo Capcom Play System III - _CPS3 - Mame or FB Neo If you use Final Burn Neo, it might not work with all mame roms and needs special roms. Same applies for M2Emulator and Supermodel
  6. Even when quitting it propertly it is giving me this error.
  7. Also when switching from 3DO to Jaguar, you will get this error, 3DO wont load propertly. Also 3DO wont work only giving me insert CD
  8. Nuvee PSCX2 Configurator Next Nuvee Edition(LightGuns) View File Hello, I thought I would gather everything in one thread aswell upload all files, with my fork of PSCX2 Configurator, all I have added to the code is lines to use nuvee ini files. *IMPORTANT* CALIBRATE THE GUNS PER GAME AND THEN USE THE CONFIGURATOR FOR THE SELECTED GAME. *IMPORTANT* This awesome tool was created by alec100_94 all credits to him, I saw an opportunity to fork it and add nuvee support especially for lightguns. All info how to use the PSCX2 Configurator can be found in alec100's post. As the original plugin, it works exactly the same but with the added options of Nuvee, I was too noob to push it into github, I tried but ended up making 10000 patches which I couldn't understand. I have attached the Nuvee plugin from Shalma which still works in PCSX2 Today, this also includes calibrations for 1080p screens, you might need to redo the calibrations depending on your screen, but information in a code blow. FileName: Nuvee Plugin + 1080 Calls.rar Taken from arcadecontrols. http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=151385.0 Here's a little guide to install and configure Nuvee plugin with PCSX2. Dual gun (Dual Aimtraks) for 2P games is working. And as bonus some ideas / basic scripts to execute PCSX2 + Nuvee from a frontend Please forgive me for not beeing extremely precise in the latest part (calibration tweaking, various game issues) as I did that several month ago and I do not remember exactly all of it. Notes : - I based this guide on a fresh new install, so there is no old/default PCSX2 already present on my hard disk (MyDocuments\PCSX2\ folder) - I kept path from my system (so that scripts can be understandable) so don't forget to adapt those parts - PCSX2 version is the latest one available : PCSX2 1.4.0 - Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 are working great without any speedhack BUT you'll need the latest PS2 NTSC bios (2.30). Older bios have issues with i-link (for 2 players) emulation and games are too slow to be playable Step 1 : Installation 1) Download and install PCSX2 ( link here ) 2) Download Nuvee plugin ( link here ) 3) Extract Nuvee archive and copy the file nuvee_ps2_usb.dll from archive's nuvee_ps2_usb - guncon2, keyboard, mouse\bin\ folder into the plugin folder of PCSX2 4) Install your bios files (by default, MyDocuments\PCSX2\bios\) 5) ! Important Trick ! Manually create a folder named inis into PCSX2 folder. Without it Nuvee won't be able to read/write config files !! 6) Now execute PCSX2, choose your language and if it's the first startup, you'll see the Plugin selection window. If it's not your first startup, open it with Config -> Plugin/BIOS Selector menus 7a) Select LilyPad as PAD plugin and click the Configure... button, set Keyboard API to DirectInput and Mouse API to Disabled 7b) You can go to Pad1 and Pad2 tab and configure your keys for directionnal arrows, select, etc.... (optionnal step but recommended) 8 ) Select nuvee ps2 usb 0.2.0 [nuvee_ps2_usb] as USB plugin 9) Click OK and on the next window choose your bios (again, if first startup) 10) Now on the main window, open Config -> Emulation Settings window, then select GS Window tab. Uncheck Double-click toggles fullscreen mode Uncheck Always Hide mouse cursor Uncheck Default to fullscreen mode on open Installation is finished, just make sure everything is working good by testing a game (let's say...End Game for example). You'll have no lightgun controls yet, this is normal Step 2 : 1st Nuvee Game We'll start with a simple one, for 1P game (End Game) : 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon 2 Set Port2 to None UnCheck Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Don't close PCSX2, go to the previously created inis folder, there should be a nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini file looking like this : Code: [Select] PORT1 = 1 PORT2 = 1 HIDMOUSE_API = 0 Debug = 0 Swap lightguns = 1 Snap mouse = 1 These are corresponding values of what was just modified by the GUI This can be edited/copied manually in the future 3) Back on Nuvee plugin window, click the Config button of the Port1 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Start Set "Middle" to A (A button = pedal/cover) Select EndGame (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push Aimtrak Trigger) If you're using an Aimtrak, only buttons acting like mouse clicks will be recognized. Other buttons available or other buttons (real pedal, panel buttons..) will have to be set on an Autohotkey script to send keyboard input according to this model : 4) For information, the small buttons on top of the game list : E = Open the calibration file to edit it D = Restore default calibration values (for all games !!!) 5) Go back to the inis folder in PCSX2 directpry, you'll see 2 more files : nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini : calibration values file (for all games) nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini : Port1 gun configuration (buttons, selected game, etc....) 6) Back to PCSX2, you can now launch the game and you should arrive to calibration screen. Shoot the target, it should work If you're still in windowed mode, the mouse cursor should be aligned with PCSX2 aimtrak aim, but if you go fullscreen you'll see it going off at the borders. Now is a fun part....calibration ! 7) Open your nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini and look for End Game(u) line, you'll see 4 values. You'll have to tweak them one by one so that, according to your resolution, your mouse pointer is accurate with in-game cursor everywhere. To do so, no need to quit PCSX2 : press ESC to pause game, modify the values, save the file and go back to PCSX2 to resume the game. 8 ) Once calibration is OK, copy both nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini and nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini to a specific EndGame folder you'll have to create somewhere on your disk. It will be used later. That's it for the 1st game ! Step 3 : Set up another game, 2P mode Now let's try to set up Virtua Cop: 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon 2 Set Port2 to Guncon 2 Check Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Click the Config button of the Port1 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Reload Set "Middle" to Start Select Virtua Cop (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push P1 Aimtrak Trigger) Save and close 3) Click the Config button of the Port2 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Reload Set "Middle" to Start Select Virtua Cop (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push P2 Aimtrak Trigger) Save and close 4) Now launch Virtua Cop Elite, and start again calibration file tweaking 5) Once calibration is over, copy nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini, nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini and nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon2.ini to a specific VirtuaCop folder you'll have to create somewhere on your disk. It will be used later. Step 4 : Set up all other games Now it's up to you, set up as many games as you want and each time you finished, copy the Nuvee files to a game specific folder. As you see, for each game you'll be able to select different config for your Aimtrak inputs (offscreen reload, pedal button....) and sometimes you'll have to check or uncheck "swap guns"....a lot of trial and errors to configure Nuvee. You may have some issue with Crisis Zone, in my memory when I made the gun to work, it would not shoot as an automatic when I stay pressed on the trigger. There's a way to bypass that I'll talk about it later I'm joining in a zip at the bottom (Nuvee_GameFiles.zip) all my working files, with calibration values for my 1080p display Before going into a more advanced tutorial, now that every game is working fine on his own, you can set these option to finalize : On the main window, open Config -> Emulation Settings window, then select GS Window tab. Check Always Hide mouse cursor Check Default to fullscreen mode on open Step 5 : Try to make it "frontend friendly" Ok, now you have a good understanding of how the plugin is working : you have to launch PCSX2, go into USB menu to configure you lightgun buttons, select your profile game so that the calibration is accurate, then launch a game..... Luckily you have now a bunch of saved Nuvee files (for each game) with all those information on it. So let's make a little Autohotkey script, let's call it PCSX2_TC2.ahk (once again, adapt filepath to your system !) : Code: [Select] ;Copying Nuvee configuration and TimeCrisis 2 game profile FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon2.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 Run, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\pcsx2-r5875.exe "D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\Time Crisis II [NTSC_US].iso" --fullscreen --nogui, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1 Execute this script, and voilà :) if you want to add more buttons just add those kind of code to the script : Code: [Select] ;P1 Pedal(optional) 1Joy5:: Send {f Down} Sleep 100 Send {f Up} Return I do not use Hyperspin or RocketLauncher or anything like that, so this script is NOT MADE to be used with these frontends, bust it's just here to give you some example of what can be done to use PCSX2 and Nuvee without needing to go in the emulator menus. I know those frontends are highly scriptable so there has to be a way to implement it, I'll let you find how ! :) Various issues I ran into : Guns are inverted : In USB nuvee window, where you set Port1 and Port2 to guncon, check or unchek Swap lightgun palyers 1-2 Important note : if you're adding another mouse or USB device, it can totally screw your Nuvee config (as for TroubleShooter2 and MAME without controllerRemap utility) Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 are horribly slow Get the latest NTSC BIOS v2.30 Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 have a white fog never disappearing For the graphic plugin, choose Direct3D 9 (hardware) instead of Direct3D 11 Autofire does not work in Crisis Zone, only 1 bullet is fired This issue is linked to the "Mouse Calibration Hack" checkbox in P1 or P2 config of Nuvee : - If checked, you can calibrate the guns when the game asks you to at start. But autofire is not working - When unchecked, you can't calibrate the guns - and so can't go pass the calibration screen - but autofire is working So what I did to trick the system : 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to None Set Port2 to None Check Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Load Crisis Zone game, it will load straight to the main title screen without going through the calibration menu. But you can't control anything yet 3) Go back to the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon2 Click Config button for Port1 Uncheck Mouse Calibration Hack Set your buttons as usual (for pedal, etc...just like for time crisis 2 &3 ), acquire the gun if needed Select the Crisis Zone profile for aligment/plugin calibration Click OK button 4) Back to USB Nuvee plugin config, set Port1 to Guncon 2 [/b] and check Reconnect USB devices (PS2 Detection) Click OK button This should force the Gun to be recognised, and this time autofire will work ! But as you'll see, calibration is completely off 5) To make things easier, make a savestate of your game (press F1 to save to slot 0) 6) Use impacts when fire on title menu screen to calibrate the game by changing values in the corresponding profile in nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini 7) Now your gun should be calibrated, autofire should work. To use it now, and bypass the whole NoDevice-Guncon swap thing, just keep the final Nuvee configuration, load the game and press F3 to load the savesate 8)You can now save inis files if you want to swap Nuvee configs with AHK scripts, and you can implement an auto F3 keypress a few seconds after launching the emulator to load the CirsisZone Savestate by the script Follow the guide and copy the files to which pcsx2 config you are using, to calibrate you need to use mouse hack then disable it and use load state inorder to get 1:1 gameplay. I thought I gather all information here in order to make it easier for people to use nuvee pscx2. Submitter Solo Submitted 04/16/2019 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, I thought I would gather everything in one thread aswell upload all files, with my fork of PSCX2 Configurator, all I have added to the code is lines to use nuvee ini files. *IMPORTANT* CALIBRATE THE GUNS PER GAME AND THEN USE THE CONFIGURATOR FOR THE SELECTED GAME. *IMPORTANT* This awesome tool was created by alec100_94 all credits to him, I saw an opportunity to fork it and add nuvee support especially for lightguns. All info how to use the PSCX2 Configurator can be found in alec100's post. As the original plugin, it works exactly the same but with the added options of Nuvee, I was too noob to push it into github, I tried but ended up making 10000 patches which I couldn't understand. I have attached the Nuvee plugin from Shalma which still works in PCSX2 Today, this also includes calibrations for 1080p screens, you might need to redo the calibrations depending on your screen, but information in a code blow. FileName: Nuvee Plugin + 1080 Calls.rar Taken from arcadecontrols. http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=151385.0 Here's a little guide to install and configure Nuvee plugin with PCSX2. Dual gun (Dual Aimtraks) for 2P games is working. And as bonus some ideas / basic scripts to execute PCSX2 + Nuvee from a frontend Please forgive me for not beeing extremely precise in the latest part (calibration tweaking, various game issues) as I did that several month ago and I do not remember exactly all of it. Notes : - I based this guide on a fresh new install, so there is no old/default PCSX2 already present on my hard disk (MyDocuments\PCSX2\ folder) - I kept path from my system (so that scripts can be understandable) so don't forget to adapt those parts - PCSX2 version is the latest one available : PCSX2 1.4.0 - Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 are working great without any speedhack BUT you'll need the latest PS2 NTSC bios (2.30). Older bios have issues with i-link (for 2 players) emulation and games are too slow to be playable Step 1 : Installation 1) Download and install PCSX2 ( link here ) 2) Download Nuvee plugin ( link here ) 3) Extract Nuvee archive and copy the file nuvee_ps2_usb.dll from archive's nuvee_ps2_usb - guncon2, keyboard, mouse\bin\ folder into the plugin folder of PCSX2 4) Install your bios files (by default, MyDocuments\PCSX2\bios\) 5) ! Important Trick ! Manually create a folder named inis into PCSX2 folder. Without it Nuvee won't be able to read/write config files !! 6) Now execute PCSX2, choose your language and if it's the first startup, you'll see the Plugin selection window. If it's not your first startup, open it with Config -> Plugin/BIOS Selector menus 7a) Select LilyPad as PAD plugin and click the Configure... button, set Keyboard API to DirectInput and Mouse API to Disabled 7b) You can go to Pad1 and Pad2 tab and configure your keys for directionnal arrows, select, etc.... (optionnal step but recommended) 8 ) Select nuvee ps2 usb 0.2.0 [nuvee_ps2_usb] as USB plugin 9) Click OK and on the next window choose your bios (again, if first startup) 10) Now on the main window, open Config -> Emulation Settings window, then select GS Window tab. Uncheck Double-click toggles fullscreen mode Uncheck Always Hide mouse cursor Uncheck Default to fullscreen mode on open Installation is finished, just make sure everything is working good by testing a game (let's say...End Game for example). You'll have no lightgun controls yet, this is normal Step 2 : 1st Nuvee Game We'll start with a simple one, for 1P game (End Game) : 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon 2 Set Port2 to None UnCheck Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Don't close PCSX2, go to the previously created inis folder, there should be a nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini file looking like this : Code: [Select] PORT1 = 1 PORT2 = 1 HIDMOUSE_API = 0 Debug = 0 Swap lightguns = 1 Snap mouse = 1 These are corresponding values of what was just modified by the GUI This can be edited/copied manually in the future 3) Back on Nuvee plugin window, click the Config button of the Port1 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Start Set "Middle" to A (A button = pedal/cover) Select EndGame (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push Aimtrak Trigger) If you're using an Aimtrak, only buttons acting like mouse clicks will be recognized. Other buttons available or other buttons (real pedal, panel buttons..) will have to be set on an Autohotkey script to send keyboard input according to this model : 4) For information, the small buttons on top of the game list : E = Open the calibration file to edit it D = Restore default calibration values (for all games !!!) 5) Go back to the inis folder in PCSX2 directpry, you'll see 2 more files : nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini : calibration values file (for all games) nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini : Port1 gun configuration (buttons, selected game, etc....) 6) Back to PCSX2, you can now launch the game and you should arrive to calibration screen. Shoot the target, it should work If you're still in windowed mode, the mouse cursor should be aligned with PCSX2 aimtrak aim, but if you go fullscreen you'll see it going off at the borders. Now is a fun part....calibration ! 7) Open your nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini and look for End Game(u) line, you'll see 4 values. You'll have to tweak them one by one so that, according to your resolution, your mouse pointer is accurate with in-game cursor everywhere. To do so, no need to quit PCSX2 : press ESC to pause game, modify the values, save the file and go back to PCSX2 to resume the game. 8 ) Once calibration is OK, copy both nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini and nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini to a specific EndGame folder you'll have to create somewhere on your disk. It will be used later. That's it for the 1st game ! Step 3 : Set up another game, 2P mode Now let's try to set up Virtua Cop: 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon 2 Set Port2 to Guncon 2 Check Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Click the Config button of the Port1 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Reload Set "Middle" to Start Select Virtua Cop (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push P1 Aimtrak Trigger) Save and close 3) Click the Config button of the Port2 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Reload Set "Middle" to Start Select Virtua Cop (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push P2 Aimtrak Trigger) Save and close 4) Now launch Virtua Cop Elite, and start again calibration file tweaking 5) Once calibration is over, copy nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini, nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini and nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon2.ini to a specific VirtuaCop folder you'll have to create somewhere on your disk. It will be used later. Step 4 : Set up all other games Now it's up to you, set up as many games as you want and each time you finished, copy the Nuvee files to a game specific folder. As you see, for each game you'll be able to select different config for your Aimtrak inputs (offscreen reload, pedal button....) and sometimes you'll have to check or uncheck "swap guns"....a lot of trial and errors to configure Nuvee. You may have some issue with Crisis Zone, in my memory when I made the gun to work, it would not shoot as an automatic when I stay pressed on the trigger. There's a way to bypass that I'll talk about it later I'm joining in a zip at the bottom (Nuvee_GameFiles.zip) all my working files, with calibration values for my 1080p display Before going into a more advanced tutorial, now that every game is working fine on his own, you can set these option to finalize : On the main window, open Config -> Emulation Settings window, then select GS Window tab. Check Always Hide mouse cursor Check Default to fullscreen mode on open Step 5 : Try to make it "frontend friendly" Ok, now you have a good understanding of how the plugin is working : you have to launch PCSX2, go into USB menu to configure you lightgun buttons, select your profile game so that the calibration is accurate, then launch a game..... Luckily you have now a bunch of saved Nuvee files (for each game) with all those information on it. So let's make a little Autohotkey script, let's call it PCSX2_TC2.ahk (once again, adapt filepath to your system !) : Code: [Select] ;Copying Nuvee configuration and TimeCrisis 2 game profile FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon2.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 Run, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\pcsx2-r5875.exe "D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\Time Crisis II [NTSC_US].iso" --fullscreen --nogui, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1 Execute this script, and voilà :) if you want to add more buttons just add those kind of code to the script : Code: [Select] ;P1 Pedal(optional) 1Joy5:: Send {f Down} Sleep 100 Send {f Up} Return I do not use Hyperspin or RocketLauncher or anything like that, so this script is NOT MADE to be used with these frontends, bust it's just here to give you some example of what can be done to use PCSX2 and Nuvee without needing to go in the emulator menus. I know those frontends are highly scriptable so there has to be a way to implement it, I'll let you find how ! :) Various issues I ran into : Guns are inverted : In USB nuvee window, where you set Port1 and Port2 to guncon, check or unchek Swap lightgun palyers 1-2 Important note : if you're adding another mouse or USB device, it can totally screw your Nuvee config (as for TroubleShooter2 and MAME without controllerRemap utility) Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 are horribly slow Get the latest NTSC BIOS v2.30 Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 have a white fog never disappearing For the graphic plugin, choose Direct3D 9 (hardware) instead of Direct3D 11 Autofire does not work in Crisis Zone, only 1 bullet is fired This issue is linked to the "Mouse Calibration Hack" checkbox in P1 or P2 config of Nuvee : - If checked, you can calibrate the guns when the game asks you to at start. But autofire is not working - When unchecked, you can't calibrate the guns - and so can't go pass the calibration screen - but autofire is working So what I did to trick the system : 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to None Set Port2 to None Check Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Load Crisis Zone game, it will load straight to the main title screen without going through the calibration menu. But you can't control anything yet 3) Go back to the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon2 Click Config button for Port1 Uncheck Mouse Calibration Hack Set your buttons as usual (for pedal, etc...just like for time crisis 2 &3 ), acquire the gun if needed Select the Crisis Zone profile for aligment/plugin calibration Click OK button 4) Back to USB Nuvee plugin config, set Port1 to Guncon 2 [/b] and check Reconnect USB devices (PS2 Detection) Click OK button This should force the Gun to be recognised, and this time autofire will work ! But as you'll see, calibration is completely off 5) To make things easier, make a savestate of your game (press F1 to save to slot 0) 6) Use impacts when fire on title menu screen to calibrate the game by changing values in the corresponding profile in nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini 7) Now your gun should be calibrated, autofire should work. To use it now, and bypass the whole NoDevice-Guncon swap thing, just keep the final Nuvee configuration, load the game and press F3 to load the savesate 8)You can now save inis files if you want to swap Nuvee configs with AHK scripts, and you can implement an auto F3 keypress a few seconds after launching the emulator to load the CirsisZone Savestate by the script Follow the guide and copy the files to which pcsx2 config you are using, to calibrate you need to use mouse hack then disable it and use load state inorder to get 1:1 gameplay. I thought I gather all information here in order to make it easier for people to use nuvee pscx2.
  10. Version 1.0.0


  11. Raw Thrills Clear Logo View File Submitter Solo Submitted 04/13/2019 Category Platform Clear Logos
  12. Version 1.0.0


  13. Sega Europa-R View File Submitter Solo Submitted 04/11/2019 Category Platform Clear Logos
  14. Version 1.0.0


    So Guys System Includes Arcade Game Such AS Music Games Silent Hill Contra Evolution
  15. Konami PC Based View File So Guys System Includes Arcade Game Such AS Music Games Silent Hill Contra Evolution Submitter Solo Submitted 04/08/2019 Category Platform Clear Logos
  16. Incorrect for Taito Type X+ Correct List http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=678
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Hello, missed some platforms logo so I created em.
  18. Lindbergh Yellow, Ringwide, RingEdge 1&2, ES 3 View File Hello, missed some platforms logo so I created em. Submitter Solo Submitted 04/04/2019 Category Platform Clear Logos
  19. So many steps in order to do this, that I skipped making the guide.
  20. I ended up using a slimmed version of RocketLauncher so that I can launch games of Launchbox with Phoenix, Zomb is going to take a look at this soon as he has time.
  21. I have created a profile for all games within the emulator, the way is that how we should be able to load em, AHK would be the easiest way.
  22. So lads, lets get the phoenix multi emulator running today we have the Rocketlauncher Examples AHK's here how to run. What I need is help converting these AHK scripts to work within launchbox for 3DO Interactive and Atari Jaguar. Since Phoenix cant be CLI-Command we need to have 2 seperate copies one for Jaguar and one for 3DO 3DO MEmu := "Phoenix" MEmuV := "v1.1" MURL := ["http://www.arts-union.ru/node/23"] MAuthor := ["djvj"] MVersion := "2.0.4" MCRC := "BD4A0D04" iCRC := "104E182B" MID := "635034268914342592" MSystem := ["3DO Interactive Multiplayer"] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notes: ; This emu only supports iso images ; Set SelectGameMode if you have any problems with the emu opening the game ; If your bios file is called fz10_rom.bin, rename it to fz10.rom, it should be placed in the same dir as the emu exe. ; On first launch, Phoenix will ask you to point it to the fz10.rom. After you do that, exit the emu and select a game in your Front End and it should work. ; If you do not have an English windows, set the language you use for the MLanguage setting in RocketLauncherUI. Currently only Spanish/Portuguese is supported. ; ; Phoenix stores its config in the registry @ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FreeDO\FreeDO Emulator ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() Fullscreen := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) ControlDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "ControlDelay","20",,1) ; raise this if the module is getting stuck somewhere KeyDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "KeyDelay","-1",,1) ; raise this if the module is getting stuck dialogOpen := ("dialog.open") ; Looking up local translation If bezelEnabled BezelStart(If Fullscreen = "true" ? "" : "fixResMode") ;hideEmuObj := Object(dialogOpen . " ahk_class #32770",0,"Phoenix ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath) SetControlDelay, %ControlDelay% SetKeyDelay(KeyDelay) If romExtension in .7z,.rar,.zip ScriptError("Pheonix does not support archived or cue files. Only ""iso"", ""img"", and ""bin"" files can be loaded. Either enable 7z support, or extract your games first.") HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait ; Your XML file to be altered in a variable FileRead, xml, %emuPath%\phoenix.config.xml romPath2 = %romPath%/%romName%%romExtension% romPath3 = %romPath% StringReplace, romPath2, romPath2, \, /, UseErrorLevel StringReplace, romPath3, romPath3, \, /, UseErrorLevel If (!StringUtils.Contains(xml,"</CD-ROM>","CD-ROM")) { ScriptError("You don't have any games stored in phoenix.config.xml") } ; Use regex to setup the game to load ToReplace = ( <CD-ROM [^>]* ) Replacement = ( <CD-ROM expanded="true" attach="%romPath2%" last-path="%romPath3%" ) xml := StringUtils.RegExReplace(xml,ToReplace,Replacement ) FileDelete, %emuPath%\phoenix.config.xml FileAppend, %xml%, %emuPath%\phoenix.config.xml Run(executable, emuPath) DetectHiddenWindows, on WinWait("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon") WinWaitActive("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon") ;WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class Qt5QWindowPopupDropShadow,, 2&, 1& Send, {Alt}{Right}{Enter}{Enter} ; power on roms If Fullscreen = true Send, {F11} ; fullscreen Sleep, 1000 BezelDraw() HideEmuEnd() FadeInExit() Process("WaitClose", executable) 7zCleanUp() BezelExit() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() WinClose("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon") ; Removing Phoenix from the title because the emulator shows statistics in the title while a game is playing Return Jaguar MEmu := "Phoenix" MEmuV := "v1.1" MURL := ["http://www.arts-union.ru/node/23"] MAuthor := ["djvj"] MVersion := "2.0.4" MCRC := "BD5A0D04" iCRC := "109E182B" MID := "635038268914342592" MSystem := ["Panasonic 3DO","Atari Jaguar"] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notes: ; This emu only supports iso images ; Set SelectGameMode if you have any problems with the emu opening the game ; If your bios file is called fz10_rom.bin, rename it to fz10.rom, it should be placed in the same dir as the emu exe. ; On first launch, Phoenix will ask you to point it to the fz10.rom. After you do that, exit the emu and select a game in your Front End and it should work. ; If you do not have an English windows, set the language you use for the MLanguage setting in RocketLauncherUI. Currently only Spanish/Portuguese is supported. ; ; Phoenix stores its config in the registry @ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FreeDO\FreeDO Emulator ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() Fullscreen := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) ControlDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "ControlDelay","20",,1) ; raise this if the module is getting stuck somewhere KeyDelay := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "KeyDelay","-1",,1) ; raise this if the module is getting stuck dialogOpen := ("dialog.open") ; Looking up local translation If bezelEnabled BezelStart(If Fullscreen = "true" ? "" : "fixResMode") ;hideEmuObj := Object(dialogOpen . " ahk_class #32770",0,"Phoenix ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath) SetControlDelay, %ControlDelay% SetKeyDelay(KeyDelay) If romExtension in .7z,.rar,.zip ScriptError("Pheonix does not support archived or cue files. Only ""iso"", ""img"", and ""bin"" files can be loaded. Either enable 7z support, or extract your games first.") HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait ; Your XML file to be altered in a variable FileRead, xml, %emuPath%\phoenix.config.xml romPath2 = %romPath%/%romName%%romExtension% romPath3 = %romPath% StringReplace, romPath2, romPath2, \, /, UseErrorLevel StringReplace, romPath3, romPath3, \, /, UseErrorLevel If (!StringUtils.Contains(xml,"</CARTRIDGE>","CD-ROM")) { ScriptError("You don't have any games stored in phoenix.config.xml") } ; Use regex to setup the game to load ToReplace = ( <CARTRIDGE [^>]* ) Replacement = ( <CARTRIDGE expanded="true" attach="%romPath2%" last-path="%romPath3%" ) xml := StringUtils.RegExReplace(xml,ToReplace,Replacement ) FileDelete, %emuPath%\phoenix.config.xml FileAppend, %xml%, %emuPath%\phoenix.config.xml Run(executable, emuPath) DetectHiddenWindows, on WinWait("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon") WinWaitActive("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon") ;WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class Qt5QWindowPopupDropShadow,, 2&, 1& Send, {Alt}{Right}{Enter}{Enter} ; power on roms If Fullscreen = true Send, {F11} ; fullscreen Sleep, 1000 BezelDraw() HideEmuEnd() FadeInExit() Process("WaitClose", executable) 7zCleanUp() BezelExit() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() WinClose("ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon") ; Removing Phoenix from the title because the emulator shows statistics in the title while a game is playing Return The Phoenix XML itself which dictates what to run <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <root Platform="3DO"> <Settings current="3"> <Global> <Platform-3DO> <Input hide-cursor="false"> <Device name="Joy">j5a6@0@-1,j5a6@0@1,j5a5@0@-1,j5a5@0@1,j5b2,j5b0,j5b1,j5b6,j5b7,j5b4,j5b5</Device> </Input> <Options> <Item index="Render" value="0" /> <Item index="Video Mode" value="0" /> <Item index="Low Accuracy" value="false" /> <Item index="Post CCB" value="false" /> <Item index="ARM Scale" value="0" /> <Item index="Multy Task DSP" value="false" /> <Item index="Multy Task CEL" value="false" /> <Item index="CD-ROM Speed" value="0" /> <Item index="CEL Rate" value="0" /> </Options> </Platform-3DO> <Platform-Jaguar> <Input hide-cursor="false"> <Device name="Joy">j4a6@0@-1,j4a6@0@1,j4a5@0@-1,j4a5@0@1,j4b2,j4b0,j4b1,j4b7,j4b6</Device> <Device name="Joy">j7a6@0@-1,j7a6@0@1,j7a5@0@-1,j7a5@0@1,j7b2,j7b0,j7b1,j7b7,j7b6</Device> </Input> <Options> <Item index="ThreadedDSP" value="false" /> <Item index="ThreadedGPU" value="false" /> </Options> </Platform-Jaguar> </Global> <Video keep-aspect="false" vsynk="false" exback="false" borders="false" screen-shader="0" texture-filter="0" texture-script="0" fbo-scale="1" texture-scale="1" screen-shader-proc="" texture-script-proc="" /> <Audio swap-chennels="false" volume="100" /> <Others key-frame="1" no-autosave="false" /> <Window> <Geometry>01d9d0cb00010000000003940000022d000006af000004090000039c0000024c000006a700000401000000000000</Geometry> </Window> </Settings> <Library> <Platform-3DO> <CD-ROM expanded="true" attach="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Blade Force (USA).bin" last-path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO"> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Alfred Hitchcock Presents (Japan).bin" size="55574528" fast-md5="9abfd0e553424a6b155b43835ea46763" md5="10392e1c1b14c504dfc00df94a20b44c" sh1="ddf628fced768d3df384155d475064002971482a" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/AutoBahn Tokio (Japan).bin" size="125829120" fast-md5="b4352ec3bb946c994834eb4b0da2ca16" md5="feca66bc083930abac08e1e462613768" sh1="258ddc1112cbefba2870a0f3dbf71fe4f95129e8" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Ballz - The Director's Cut (USA).bin" size="314572800" fast-md5="83b614c13fcdc4463c9cfe74d5683ba6" md5="eab847a7c5a38ad0b45c5c3b08a26500" sh1="a59359e60b66117f9c42c6a85b6db40a756ccfd0" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Alone in the Dark (USA).bin" size="367001600" fast-md5="4a91145d3aab63288bc74f4d32708df4" md5="778d7e1a92458b5461dca19c5d8a26d0" sh1="6ca5d0348da4e12cf3eec64b502ec9d1ddc3c909" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Guardian War (USA).bin" size="230686720" fast-md5="ba79d223d527fdce999dae458319cfad" md5="33ad6fcc14b990a54edb1c2125335cf2" sh1="4ee4f8831ff7009507a9bda7232faf1ed65c2f4d" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Mad Dog McCree (USA).bin" size="367001600" fast-md5="af4c83bc97ace22bc9d60f130f4ee673" md5="a2dbe53f8bd0f614ec191a1c7c28234a" sh1="5b5cc7eb667e918ee3eb8888595b0e1346b00c32" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Lost Eden (USA).bin" size="668991488" fast-md5="19d6a7469cc53ec31cd8bbb2e7f1aef3" md5="44301d125a417670b404fee53c7dd0f4" sh1="87a7fad7985a1278ab323cb733fca13bd7830b8b" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Syndicate (USA).bin" size="112197632" fast-md5="69ae8cd93ece1cfb43a0c88d69aaff0b" md5="bb96962eeafded7722d10d09720f8157" sh1="d3eecc4a9e3f6b1a93554ebe713d76a355f9f933" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/3D Atlas (USA).bin" size="671088640" fast-md5="c6ec879a1fede2456fc3a25f3728a250" md5="a2f26c6ae99605a0221367b2c8d8ed9f" sh1="c8c2284a8dba9a0a7d31255d86eb35263823151f" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Alone in the Dark 2 (USA).bin" size="587202560" fast-md5="fee6b559ecb4b9935b4469cfc7503696" md5="4400a53ec851f1e89113a3b18c21bebd" sh1="fb9e60852e11d092f8390aaba32fb4b6dd68b4ab" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Bust-A-Move (USA).bin" size="143654912" fast-md5="42499dcb01e86f25ef455ca049c99a75" md5="b8b27e26462c82f74654488d2c7a5cd0" sh1="64a78c9031bdbf682e07dab2f86f94a0d6928445" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Armageddon (Korea).bin" size="608174080" fast-md5="db66b9a73111cbdd5d97b9b8ee6f8032" md5="381322a1f9c95c6485ce492d528cc5d8" sh1="df85fbd67ac5a20816f86821e4cf6ed3efb06e84" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Putt-Putt's Fun Pack (USA).bin" size="83886080" fast-md5="1c0f6e88fa6f05088566332cb216cbd0" md5="b5553c1db276b74dcf3a98e9532fdd04" sh1="eb5163c5c953e015061cf7274b1a63ab15005570" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Super Real Mahjong PIV + Aishou Shindan (Japan).bin" size="157286400" fast-md5="3e9574ec8db09188bded9929ec125875" md5="a08d06ce47774c232d4a0d998417ecc5" sh1="395829eb34248d5b88c78b28c6d5e35806d7b5d7" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/20th Century Video Almanac (USA).bin" size="670040064" fast-md5="3134ce4a4ce6ba63a686941aa5f99658" md5="7c174d9a9a5a04fa2a15d7decaf8cac7" sh1="2fb1f1381df1fe783b5af00796557b09b472e4c8" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Super Real Mahjong P.V (Japan).bin" size="471859200" fast-md5="292857c8e796c183e4cee3b7890e2b7c" md5="d702d9e9609544dcc060af2529973e55" sh1="2fafb436a75332a8bfd65f9b9ecbf41d4cc74f6b" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Mad Dog II - the Lost Gold (USA).bin" size="565182464" fast-md5="8c134dbd4c26573e1758c56ffc39a9ef" md5="0b2f725e219fb5cee73f3b5a2023f4a7" sh1="d046f88b0faaa6d98730c66fb4370de1da056433" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Corpse Killer (USA).bin" size="655360000" fast-md5="cede7aec799aacd4b40cde104254b5f8" md5="d3224e05cbb9aed893f2a7f2c3ef002d" sh1="c04a49d21ebdb9af15ccb22c429cfaaa636ba5c7" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Virtuoso (USA).bin" size="367001600" fast-md5="9eafe563c7ab3041fdb6526d3d725495" md5="24d1143cb80a6ffff3add7fa1423c2de" sh1="8f2b2769077724710ff2216855e6069bce8b2e03" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Total Eclipse (USA).bin" size="367001600" fast-md5="8533b42ba00eb63d633db0c8087e08c6" md5="239fc22fd4a12f55fdce7d3f09284608" sh1="880e054d0745704e97f027cdba7709fcecd18ca6" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Horde, The (USA).bin" size="671088640" fast-md5="f7ecb965b86a334108eabbdc42b152ed" md5="70e5839f9e2025eca8f5b9ba99be53c5" sh1="c294065258c12002f0ce3358785292d3e418440e" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Waialae Country Club (USA).bin" size="398458880" fast-md5="2a898b67c672c262afb03897b62f9455" md5="2033c5f81e17619936bc72190589d06a" sh1="b46b0787e2ce0a6bfae3b4fb1d4b814b4bafc480" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Royal Pro Wrestling - Jikkyou Live!! (Japan).bin" size="419430400" fast-md5="769c70ea4828c9cb241a456f78e16aa1" md5="cb7d39b00b8dc24f6e861dde254b7961" sh1="e2d70408604627c33e6792661e05a726a04cdbe8" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Insect War (Japan).bin" size="356515840" fast-md5="d2606583afc54b7ad007104f3a7af0d8" md5="27185ead0a2195529124d7412e11cc12" sh1="bf85a3639da249ae324cd169a2d3f01baae2d9ba" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Olympic Soccer (USA).bin" size="570425344" fast-md5="3662df6e338d67ba042cadc1d0a9ccb9" md5="8025a89c1460bf99b6f4ea51d142a488" sh1="001cfe2359aea7b85e20badf6d97a83258db5b57" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Mathemagics - An Interactive Learning Cube (USA).bin" size="650117120" fast-md5="1e4cd3c506a38a6f4308d16872e3c330" md5="5926b10171d5f5ffa19daf7443cb6125" sh1="410966dfa849eabb8ccf0a215ac24d13251673f4" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/World Cup Golf - Hyatt Dorado Beach (USA).bin" size="671088640" fast-md5="f8af313e2402690540c58d2106bfee08" md5="4b59c4a112793dab795d10f2ac10f29d" sh1="53d13fcdb82f4d3c2ec4a733ae7fe360fb5b1735" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Oyaji Hunter Mahjong (Japan).bin" size="560988160" fast-md5="0b84f2e88f05485c4a641484d96e40e3" md5="269c3a8dd164e79d81c94e2e00e0288f" sh1="d73412fcf700be9f91a0f347005374afb493fb72" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Masters Harukanaru Augusta 3 (Japan).bin" size="645922816" fast-md5="f7a329db2db11edc0349261b03a12161" md5="8ddd01f74d735f5aece563b2a9188faf" sh1="da82a2fed43809b4e34fc1993b25ae7e40e35628" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/MegaRace (USA).bin" size="671088640" fast-md5="7a50214f8606150677800f9dc18e4ad6" md5="43ae0b41df51bb04ae15a8912573693d" sh1="7341c056545e1fc00dbd92cf48d6128cc3ca1f75" corrupted="" /> <Dump path="F:/Roms/Panasonic 3DO/Peter Frankl - 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  23. Taito Type X+ View File Not an offical platform, but I split it up for lulz. Games for this platform Battle Gear 4 Tuned Chase HQ 2 Mobile Suit Gundam Spirits of Zeon Memory of Soldier Valve Limit R Taito Type X/X+ OS: Windows XP Embedded CPU: Intel Celeron 2.5 GHz, 400 MHz FSB (upgradeable to Celeron 2.0/2.8 GHz, Pentium 4 2.0 GHz/2.4 GHz/2.6 GHz/2.8 GHz/3.0 GHz, 400-800 MHz FSB) Chipset: Intel 865G RAM: DDR266 DIMM 256MB (upgradeable to DDR400 2GB), 2 memory slots GPU: (AGP-8x slot) Supported cards include ATI Radeon 9600 SE 128 MB, 9600 XT 128MB, X700 PRO 256MB Sound: AC'97 onboard 6 channel audio codec LAN: On board, 10/100 BASE-TX, NeSYS Compatible Controller I/O ports: 4 USB ports (1.1 & 2.0 compatible), 1 parallel port, 2 PS/2 Audio inputs: Microphone (stereo pin-jack), line-in (stereo pin-jack) Audio outputs: line-out (stereo pin-jack), SPDI/F Expansion slots: AGP (used by video card), 2× PCI Storage interface: 2 channel Parallel ATA (UATA-100/66/33), 2 channel SATA Media: PATA/SATA Hard disk Type X+ uses a more powerful graphics board, allowing greater detail and effects (such as particle effects.)[1] Submitter Solo Submitted 10/23/2018 Category Platform Clear Logos
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Not an offical platform, but I split it up for lulz. Games for this platform Battle Gear 4 Tuned Chase HQ 2 Mobile Suit Gundam Spirits of Zeon Memory of Soldier Valve Limit R Taito Type X/X+ OS: Windows XP Embedded CPU: Intel Celeron 2.5 GHz, 400 MHz FSB (upgradeable to Celeron 2.0/2.8 GHz, Pentium 4 2.0 GHz/2.4 GHz/2.6 GHz/2.8 GHz/3.0 GHz, 400-800 MHz FSB) Chipset: Intel 865G RAM: DDR266 DIMM 256MB (upgradeable to DDR400 2GB), 2 memory slots GPU: (AGP-8x slot) Supported cards include ATI Radeon 9600 SE 128 MB, 9600 XT 128MB, X700 PRO 256MB Sound: AC'97 onboard 6 channel audio codec LAN: On board, 10/100 BASE-TX, NeSYS Compatible Controller I/O ports: 4 USB ports (1.1 & 2.0 compatible), 1 parallel port, 2 PS/2 Audio inputs: Microphone (stereo pin-jack), line-in (stereo pin-jack) Audio outputs: line-out (stereo pin-jack), SPDI/F Expansion slots: AGP (used by video card), 2× PCI Storage interface: 2 channel Parallel ATA (UATA-100/66/33), 2 channel SATA Media: PATA/SATA Hard disk Type X+ uses a more powerful graphics board, allowing greater detail and effects (such as particle effects.)[1]
  25. Version 1.2.0


    Clear Logo for TRS-80 Color Computer
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