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Everything posted by Cadu

  1. Just to let you know, I was having problems with high CPU and RAM usage after opening Launchbox and it took around 10 minutes for the consumption to decrease. After the introduction of the possibility to disable scanning for saved games the problem disappeared.
  2. In my case, I need to open Launchbox and wait until the screen disappears, because if I click on another program, Launchbox stays on the loading screen indefinitely
  3. I've been using Launchbox for many years, and I've never experienced a version with so many problems. It would be acceptable if it took only a few seconds, but we're talking about 5 to 10 minutes with 20% CPU usage and 3 GB of RAM, 1.5 GB above the normal usage. I believe it needs to be reviewed, or there should be an option to disable this functionality until it's stable.
  4. Hi, I was researching the reason for the high CPU usage after 'Launchbox' is open, and everything indicates that it's the Retroarch folder, because when I rename it, the issue doesn't occur. Is this being analyzed by the development team?
  5. Saves from Retroarch (PSX Core) have two file types: .srm and .mcr, but Launchbox Game Saves shows only one at a time. You need to delete .srm, close the window, and open again to see .mcr file.
  6. It seems to me that the error message has been fixed, but something seems strange about the CPU usage after the application is already open. It takes 5 to 10 minutes for the CPU usage to return to normal. Even though I have many imported games, I don't remember the CPU usage behaving like this. Debug 2024-09-27 07-33-35 AM.log
  7. Debug 2024-09-26 02-09-51 PM.log More logs to help the solution
  8. I was thinking that there was something wrong with my installation, but I see that many are having the same issue. What I noticed is a continuous CPU usage after LaunchBox is opened and while the CPU does not go to zero these errors occur both when importing or making any changes to Launchbox.
  9. @superrob3000 I am trying to rename the manuals and It is not working on 13.14. Images and Videos are ok.
  10. The Launchbox option "Hide in BigBox" does not seem to have any effect on the "Game Discovery" view. Is this as expected?
  11. This behaviour is exactly what I reported in this ticket https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/8124/video-playback-in-launchbox-details-bar
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