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Everything posted by harryoke

  1. Update...... This is very very early footage & everything may be quite different in the finished version. Platforms which have not been completed show a work in progress picture. All artwork is the property of phills doodles . All additional artwork by harryoke . Opening sequence by harryoke & phills doodles. Made using launchbox community theme creator. for more info goto :
  2. BigBox Version
  3. i hope we can help give your work the plaudits and admiration it deserves phill. Yes i am a Phill Fanboy
  4. i wish i made it but i didnt was already made for retropie version
  5. Intro
  6. Of course i need help , im a video maker not a theme wizard like yourself . Thanks so much for offering. I will pm you. Phill's Doodles kindly shared all his Source files with me also
  7. With the kind permission of Phill's Doodles i have Started porting his amazing Retropie theme RetroRama Turbo. Phill's awsome artwork I will post regular updates on my progress. Hope you are as excited as i am.
  8. eXoBOX View File A big thankyou to @eXo for all the hard work on incorporating his projects into launchbox/bigbox. here is a quick little startup . With windows 3.1 sounds Submitter harryoke Submitted 12/01/2021 Category Big Box Startup Videos  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    A big thankyou to @eXo for all the hard work on incorporating his projects into launchbox/bigbox. here is a quick little startup . With windows 3.1 sounds
  10. 80's NeonSynth View File just a quick one Submitter harryoke Submitted 11/29/2021 Category Big Box Startup Videos  
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  11. Version 1.0.0


    just a quick one
  12. DC Super Box View File Been away for quite a while . Now I'm back. Hope you enjoy a new startup video. Submitter harryoke Submitted 11/26/2021 Category Big Box Startup Videos  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Been away for quite a while . Now I'm back. Hope you enjoy a new startup video.
  14. still no ability to make me better at some retro games. Delta & armalyte on c64 still kick my arse.
  15. Version 1.0.0


  16. Acrylic Logo Maker View File Been away for quite a while , just popped in to share this with you , sorry no more startup videos for a while as my main pc i used for rendering has went to the great big silicone graveyard. Easy to use PSD is included with some samples of what can be achieved. Hope you create some wonderful stuff guys n gals. Submitter harryoke Submitted 07/23/2021 Category Platform Clear Logos
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Been away for quite a while , just popped in to share this with you , sorry no more startup videos for a while as my main pc i used for rendering has went to the great big silicone graveyard. Easy to use PSD is included with some samples of what can be achieved. Hope you create some wonderful stuff guys n gals.
  18. well done @faeran , a really nice guy .
  19. we could just use to obscure anything incriminating ... like those rude mags on the top shelf have
  20. Please say the untouched images were backed up ?
  21. Preservation is key ... keep the untouched images off site , only add censored ones on database. that is our point
  22. @kurzih Barbarian yes Maria Whittaker ..... mmmmmmmm such sweet teenage mammaries .... sorry i mean memories
  23. I come from the north east of England , what is obscene to you,may not be to me.
  24. jeez .... its like going back to '87 again. this caused quite a bit of controversy back in the day ?
  25. Very sad news that Wizard (the creator of MFME emulator) has sadly passed away aged just 55. My and indeed all of our respects goto his family. https://www.desertislandfruits.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6311-the-saddest-day/
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