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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Oh thats not right, i'll check it out tomorrow if I can see any errors in the lay file.
  2. I like to run Mame itself for arcade because of the bezels/artwork support which is more authentic like some games use a color overlay or have a separate backdrop which cant be done in retroarch as far as I know, plus artwork files work out of the box, just put that zip file in /artwork and you're done. I like the shaders for retroarch more but HLSL is good as well once you get the hang of it to set it to your liking, many options to tweak.
  3. crt-easymode-halation for RetroArch HLSL for Mame. I use these bezels in retroarch: And these in Mame Interesting read about hlsl: https://docs.mamedev.org/advanced/hlsl.html
  4. I like my scanlines not to dark, just barely visible. And a bit of glow. A bit of curvature not too much. Happy with the results.
  5. 8. If i'm not mistaken the 4k bezels would work on a 1080p screen as well, they should auto resize.
  6. You're very welcome and have a great new year! 🍺🍺
  7. Update: This is made from a very rare photo of a very rare cabinet, thank you so much for providing the material @destrowade 🀘 Merry Christmas all 🍻 Avengers aka Avenger mame arcade bezel avengers.zip
  8. Q*bert's Qubes aka Qberts Qubes mame arcade bezel qbertqub.zip
  9. Yeah I need to update those screenshots sometime as they are of the old version
  10. Is this available in the default launchbox theme?
  11. Taito Power Goal aka Hat Trick Hero '95 mame arcade bezel pwrgoal.zip
  12. I bet thats more cabs by now than the largest arcade in the world (galloping ghost 850) but ofcourse nothing beats the real thing. 😁🀘
  13. Lol yeah sorry you'll have to manually scale those retroarch bezels and then save per directory (folder of roms) or save per core although not preffered if the core emulates multiple systems.
  14. It should scale automatically to 16:9 I always thought, have you tried?
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