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Everything posted by williecoiote

  1. I wanted to report a possible bug. After uptade 12.3, my Sega naomi and Sammy Atomiswave systems stopped working. I use Retroarch with the Flycast core. When I try to run the certain games, the Dreamcast Bios screen opens. I tested the same game directly via Retroarch and it works perfectly. I did a test with version 11.17, using the same roms and emulator/core versions and it works perfectly. PS: With the new beta version of LB, the bug persists.
  2. Hello! I would like to congratulate you on your theme. I downloaded it here and liked it so much that I'm using it in my BBx. I would like to make a request or suggestion. Would it be possible to make available a version where I can use the custom background or the game itself?
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