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Everything posted by DnK

  1. Yes, but scanning takes a long time. Although you can filter by platform, you can’t visualize all the game’s content quickly and visually with all the filters you want. The advantage, though, is that you can update directly from there. However, if you want to check what you’re missing on X platform quickly and visually, in my opinion, this .py script is a thousand times more user-friendly and faster. But maybe that’s just my personal take. I made it to pass the time and because it was useful to me. If it’s not helpful to anyone else, that doesn’t bother me—as I said, I did it for myself and to test the AI. If someone else finds it useful, great! If not, at least it’s been useful for me and kept me entertained while I worked on it.
  2. I've created an executable (.exe) from the Python script. In theory, you don't need to have Python installed to run it—just double-click the .exe file. If anyone wants to give it a try, feel free! Although, to be honest, it doesn't seem like many people are interested. https://www.mediafire.com/file/p3tfw9hgvn2ty10/LaunchBox_-_Media_Manager.rar/file To create the EXE, I used PyInstaller. To make it more convenient, I merged the two .py files into one. In the RAR file, you’ll find the combined code. Anyway, here’s the Pastebin link with the complete code in one file https://pastebin.com/qAnE6UL6
  3. I have created a script to easily view the images, videos, and manuals I have in LaunchBox, so I can see what’s missing and what I need to find, as I found it a bit cumbersome to do it directly in LaunchBox. The first thing I have to say is that I have NO IDEA how to program in Python. Everything was done by asking the DeepSeek AI for what I wanted, and it generated the code for me. The main window of the program looks like this: Main Menu Clicking on "Settings" opens this window: Settings Here, we can configure the location of LaunchBox, the filters we want to use, the number of games displayed per page, as well as the cell size in text mode ("Yes/No only") or with images. There is also the "Alternative Path" option, which I use because I have my videos and manuals on the same HDD as the ROMs. This is because they take up the most space, and I wanted to free up some SSD storage. Additionally, there are options for customizing cell colors: "Media found with Title" refers to the default name that LaunchBox assigns (e.g., "Super Mario Bros. 3-01.png"). It only checks for one image, not multiple, hence the "-01" search. "Media found with RomName" is based on the ROM's filename (e.g., "Super Mario Bros 3 (USA).zip"). "Media found with Both" means both naming methods matched. This is mainly for identifying duplicate files. "Media NOT found " follows the same logic but applies when no media is found. In addition to coloring, the status is also indicated with text: "(Yes Title)" for Title-based matches "(Yes Rom)" for ROM-based matches "(Yes Title/Rom)" when both match "No" if nothing is found Finally, there is the local cache option, which creates JPG copies without transparency. These replace the missing areas with the background color set in the settings. The resolution is also adjusted for faster loading. If this option is disabled, temporary images are still created but at a slower speed. Once everything is configured, clicking "Load Platforms" will populate the dropdown with all available platforms, with the first one selected by default. Default View At this point, if we click "Hide all YES," it will filter out all entries where every category is marked "YES," leaving only the ones where some media is missing. With Hide all YES Clicking "Image Mode" removes the text and displays images at the resolution set in the configuration. The first time may take longer, but once generated, it should load faster. At the bottom, where the pages are displayed, there are two additional buttons: One loads all pages at once (slower but useful). The other regenerates images if the resolution settings are changed. (Videos and manuals do not have previews.) Default Image Mode And that’s all! The program also allows sorting columns to move "Yes" or "No" results to the top or sort games alphabetically. Ideally, something like this should exist as a plugin within LaunchBox itself. But as I mentioned, I have NO IDEA how to program, and DeepSeek recommended doing it in Python. I'm happy with the result, so I’m sharing it in case it helps someone else. If someone who understands Python reads the code, don’t be alarmed—I just pasted what the AI generated, and as long as it worked, I was fine with it. If anyone has improvements and wants to share them, that would be great! And if you need additional features, you can simply paste all the code into DeepSeek and say something like, "I want to add a button to export to TXT," and it will easily help you implement it. Cheers! Here are the two Python files in pastebin: LaunchBox - Media Manager.py Settings.py I’m also attaching them in case someone wants to download them instead of creating them manually. But really, it’s just a matter of copying the code into Notepad and saving it as .py. If you don’t want the terminal to appear, you can save it as .pyw instead. P.S.: I should mention that English is not my primary language, and both the GUI/comments in the code and this message were translated from Spanish using AI as well. PS2: You need to have Python 3, which can be downloaded from the official website https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/. You also need to install Pillow by running the following command in a terminal: pip install pillow LaunchBox - Media Manager.rar
  4. I have launchbox in Windows without license, because I use ES-DE has visual interface, and I use the same media for both and it works fine, in github you can find a project to convert launchbox databases to ES-DE format and work fine. With this I have... In windows Launchbox to organize, multimedia and launch games if I want to ES-DE with multimedia and launchbox info and free visual frontend And for Linux ES-DE with multimedia and launchbox info and free visual frontend, with emulator and Linux system. I think that for now is the best combination, the only bad thing is that you have to adapt the ES-DE code so that the media folders are the same as Launchbox and compile it.
  5. Any chance to add a option to remove region folders in media folders, and putt all media in the root folder of the selected media category?
  6. I always want to add this system and after I try a lot of ways of do it, and by the far, for the moment this is the best option i was try. Only took me some time to make it work, because i have the roms in a external HDD, and have other letter for it, and with this the script dont work. Is easy to fix only say to the script when need to do a change of letter. And when i fix that i have the problem that the gamepath set, have 1 minus character, i dont know why xD. Maybe you have the games in zip and mine are un 7z? Anyway, i has put the value in 4 and work well This is that i use to load games in diferent letters, and 7z files. Any way, thanks a lot for the script and the idea to do this way, you has save me a lot of time.
  7. I know that, but the thing is i dont want to use Rocket laucher only Launchbox. Launchbox have i thing better configuration than Rocket Launcher, is more easy to setup and have some good extras like have multiple emulators for a plattform. But the system for Bezel in Launchbox is inexistent, yo can put Bezel with Retroarch with overlays o shadders, but for emulator standalone, no have any system to do that. And in any case, i think is better the Bezel system from Rocket Launcher even than the Retroarch have. For this i ask for anyone know how i can to do it only with Launchbox, without Rockelauncher. I dont know hoe Rocket Launcher set the bezel, but it seem to use Autohotkey code.
  8. Hi, i am a old HyperSpin and, new, Launchbox user. And the only thing i really miss up is the Bezel System from Rocketlauncher, you can have multiple bezels, with multiple video sizes, and work well all, and you can change between them with a button. If anyone know how to do, i be glade if share the info, if is not possible, maybe with a plugin or something can be done? This is a video of we can do with RocketLauncher.
  9. I has try to do this, and if i select RetroArch does not work because retroarch dont load the Core, and i cant find a way to make it possible. The only way is to create a new, retroarch emulator with the parameters for Flycast only, is a litle be tricky but it works, the only bad is you can't have the option to load it in MAME or Retroarch directly from bigbox. In the future add would be great if add the option to asign a emulator for a playlist. Thanks
  10. Is this possible? i have MAME with CHDs, and want to add Sega Naomi, Atomiswave, and a few others, but i want to have the two options, 1 is open it with MAME, and other with Flycast or other emulator, but using the sames rom files I has make a Playlist with only Naomi games, but i cant define for this playlist a emulator. Anyone have idea how i can do it? The only thing i think i can do is select manually the games for Naomi and then make a new platform and define the emulators there, is this the only way?
  11. Hi, is there any way to sort the items listed under "Platform Category"? I want to put the playlist "Recently Played" first, then Arcade, but I can't find how to do it. The only way I can find to do it is to call it in Sort Title as "0 Recently Played", showing this as first. But I'm sure there must be a more convenient way.
  12. WoW some videos have size more than 1GB and Pacman Collecion 11.5GB, is a good collecion of videos but 150Gb is too much for me
  13. Thanks this was usefull, i only use audit for find duplicates, but in this is usefull too, above all to find a games with multiple covers Yeah!, this is i want the other tip is good, but this is i looking for, thanks
  14. In Launchbox i can hide games without logo, box or video, but is possible to do the opositive? Hide all games and show only that the media isnt avalible? Is to see what media i dont have and download it, at least, for the most important, "Box, Logo, Cart" Thanks,
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