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Everything posted by raviol

  1. Oh that could work, so if I add some parenthesis then that info would be ignored by the scrappers?
  2. Well I appreciate your comments but I would like to keep the files named like that. So my idea was to find a solution for launch box scrappers to identify them. So maybe a tool for renaming the titles inside launchbox or modifying the scrapper to ignore those terms.
  3. Hey guys, So I wanted to automate my ISOs game folder, but I'm struggling to match the metadata for them. I configured a generic emulator (as Daemon Tools). All my ISOs were imported, so that's fine. Then when I looked for metadata most of my games didn't get any metadata fetched. The issue seems to be in the name of the games. My ISOs looks mostly like this: "Alien.vs.Predator.2010.English.Disk1" so most of metadata services doesn't identify them unless I manually remove the dots, year, language and disk. So if I change the title for "Alien vs Predator" I got all metadata fetched. My collection is very big so it is not an option to do this manually. Is there any tool, plug-in, script or configuration I can do in order to remove some of the elements of the titles before searching for metadata? Thank you!
  4. raviol

    LB Galaxy

    I’m working on the next release that will include some improvements to game details including the ability to hide achievements
  5. raviol

    LB Galaxy

    Hi! Thanks for your feedback. I'm working on next version so most of those issues will be addressed. However, regarding the boxes I added a file in "Optional" folder inside the theme that you can replace in the main theme folder and will allow you to use any aspect ratio.
  6. raviol

    LB Galaxy

    Good suggestion, I will take it for next release.
  7. raviol

    LB Galaxy

    Its great to hear that! Yeah for sure you can pick any ideas!!
  8. raviol

    LB Galaxy

    That's awesome!! I will take that suggestion for next version.
  9. LB Galaxy View File Hi everyone! I'm excited to submit my first theme for LaunchBox. Theme Features This theme is an intent to mimic GOG Galaxy design. So I worked in an overhaul of almost every aspect of LB design, to adapt (as far as possible) to that look. Everything from SideBar, to Boxes and List Views, Game Details and menus were modified to mimic that aspect. SideBar New icons for Menu, Search, and Platforms. New visual style for count item. SideBar is now fixed to the left. Main Window Box covers are now "UniformToFIll" by default (but I included an optional file in the "Optionals" folder inside the theme to display them as normal (not stretch or cut)). Sub line is always displayed below the title, no matter what amount of lines does the title have. New icons in the main top part of the screen for Play/Edit Game, add new game, visuals, etc. New visuals on mouse over and selected boxes. Badges are displayed inside the image, I recommend using the "Simple White Badges" from JesseBlue (link). No more status bar at the bottom. Game Details Now GameDetails can be expanded to fill all the window. Fanart is now taking all the vertical space. Top section is now displaying the rating and the Source. There are two columns to show Game Details: The Left column will show the achievements The right column will show all information about the game Other Features ViewList: There are now more space between lines. ViewList: There are no separators between columns There are some other minor tweaks to mimic GOG Galaxy Design, such as the arrows in the main window (just visual). Installation Unzip into LaunchBox\LBThemes directory In LaunchBox go to Options > Visuals > Theme and select LB Galaxy 1.0 Required: Windows 7/8 user: Microsoft's “Segoe MDL2 Assets” font ( SegMDL2.ttf ) is required for the buttons and icons to rendered properly. (If you have it it will work but it’s not included here because of licensing reasons.) Optional: Lato Font is recommended for the theme to be displayed correctly. It is a free web font from Google and it is included in the theme "Optionals" folder. I included a modified version of the BoxesContentView to do not show the boxes as UniformToFill, just replace the file in "Views" folder of the theme. Settings guide VISUALS > BACKGROUNDS Background Blur Amount = 36 Background Fade Amount = 121 VISUALS > BACKGROUNDS > DEFAULT I recommend using the Custom Image = LBThemes\LB Galaxy 1.0\Images\background-01.png VISUALS > BOXES Background Opacity = 127 Uncheck "Colorize Background to Match Images" Text Outline Opacity = 128 Text Outline Thickness = 2 Uncheck "Align Text Vertically" Uncheck "Center Text Horizontally" Check "Show Subline" Check "Dynamic Box Sizing" VISUALS > BOXES > SPACING Aspect Ratio = 0.63 Horizontal Spacing = 17 Vertical Spacing = 18 Horizontal Padding = 0 Vertical Padding = 0 Text Spacing = 5 Text Lines to Show = 3 VISUAL > FILTERS SIDE BAR I recommend checking "Show All Item", "Show Counts" and "Align Counts to the Right" VISUAL > GAME DETAILS You can check anything you want, but I recommend checking "Show Fanart" to see the background and "Achievements" to fill the left column, all the other items will be displayed in the top or right column. VISUALS > THEME > COLORS I don't think this could have impact in the theme, but here is how I have it configured: Light Background = 45,45,48 Dark Background = 27,27,28 Selected Item Background = Black (0,0,0) Highlighted Item Background = Black (0,0,0) Highlighted Item Border = Black (0,0,0) Window Border = 100,100,100 Menu Border = 71,71,77 Foreground (text) = White (255,255,255) VISUALS > THEME > FEATURES Uncheck everything VISUALS > THEME > FONTS Don't have an impact in the theme. I included the "Lato" font in the Optionals folder inside the theme. If you don't want to use that font, the theme will use the system font instead. Note: I didn't test the theme with retro stuff, I don't have any retro games, so I please comment if you find issues showing MAME achievements or any retro related stuff. Also, not sure if it is just me, but videos doesn't seem to work in the game details, however I was able to see them by double-clicking the video container. If someone knows how to reproduce the videos in the same window I will be glad to know so I can fix it. Also music feature is not available by default, since it is taking a huge part of the top bar. It can be enabled by tweaking the ControlsView xaml file. I will work on a solution for v1.1 Thanks to Shadowfire for allowing me to use his Lambda Beta theme code. Also to Grila, since Lambda is a fork of LBPlex theme. LB Galaxy theme CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Raviol 2021 Submitter raviol Submitted 08/16/2021 Category LaunchBox Custom Themes  
  10. Version 1.1.1


    Hi everyone! I'm excited to submit my first theme for LaunchBox. Theme Features This theme is an intent to mimic GOG Galaxy design. So I worked in an overhaul of almost every aspect of LB design, to adapt (as far as possible) to that look. Everything from SideBar, to Boxes and List Views, Game Details and menus were modified to mimic that aspect. SideBar New icons for Menu, Search, and Platforms. New visual style for count item. SideBar is now fixed to the left. Main Window Box covers are now "UniformToFIll" by default (but I included an optional file in the "Optionals" folder inside the theme to display them as normal (not stretch or cut)). Sub line is always displayed below the title, no matter what amount of lines does the title have. New icons in the main top part of the screen for Play/Edit Game, add new game, visuals, etc. New visuals on mouse over and selected boxes. Badges are displayed inside the image, I recommend using the "Simple White Badges" from JesseBlue (link). No more status bar at the bottom. Game Details Now GameDetails can be expanded to fill all the window. Fanart is now taking all the vertical space. Top section is now displaying the rating and the Source. There are two columns to show Game Details: The Left column will show the achievements The right column will show all information about the game Other Features ViewList: There are now more space between lines. ViewList: There are no separators between columns There are some other minor tweaks to mimic GOG Galaxy Design, such as the arrows in the main window (just visual). Installation Unzip into LaunchBox\LBThemes directory In LaunchBox go to Options > Visuals > Theme and select LB Galaxy 1.0 Required: Windows 7/8 user: Microsoft's “Segoe MDL2 Assets” font ( SegMDL2.ttf ) is required for the buttons and icons to rendered properly. (If you have it it will work but it’s not included here because of licensing reasons.) Optional: Lato Font is recommended for the theme to be displayed correctly. It is a free web font from Google and it is included in the theme "Optionals" folder. I included a modified version of the BoxesContentView to do not show the boxes as UniformToFill, just replace the file in "Views" folder of the theme. Settings guide VISUALS > BACKGROUNDS Background Blur Amount = 36 Background Fade Amount = 121 VISUALS > BACKGROUNDS > DEFAULT I recommend using the Custom Image = LBThemes\LB Galaxy 1.0\Images\background-01.png VISUALS > BOXES Background Opacity = 127 Uncheck "Colorize Background to Match Images" Text Outline Opacity = 128 Text Outline Thickness = 2 Uncheck "Align Text Vertically" Uncheck "Center Text Horizontally" Check "Show Subline" Check "Dynamic Box Sizing" VISUALS > BOXES > SPACING Aspect Ratio = 0.63 Horizontal Spacing = 17 Vertical Spacing = 18 Horizontal Padding = 0 Vertical Padding = 0 Text Spacing = 5 Text Lines to Show = 3 VISUAL > FILTERS SIDE BAR I recommend checking "Show All Item", "Show Counts" and "Align Counts to the Right" VISUAL > GAME DETAILS You can check anything you want, but I recommend checking "Show Fanart" to see the background and "Achievements" to fill the left column, all the other items will be displayed in the top or right column. VISUALS > THEME > COLORS I don't think this could have impact in the theme, but here is how I have it configured: Light Background = 45,45,48 Dark Background = 27,27,28 Selected Item Background = Black (0,0,0) Highlighted Item Background = Black (0,0,0) Highlighted Item Border = Black (0,0,0) Window Border = 100,100,100 Menu Border = 71,71,77 Foreground (text) = White (255,255,255) VISUALS > THEME > FEATURES Uncheck everything VISUALS > THEME > FONTS Don't have an impact in the theme. I included the "Lato" font in the Optionals folder inside the theme. If you don't want to use that font, the theme will use the system font instead. Note: I didn't test the theme with retro stuff, I don't have any retro games, so I please comment if you find issues showing MAME achievements or any retro related stuff. Also, not sure if it is just me, but videos doesn't seem to work in the game details, however I was able to see them by double-clicking the video container. If someone knows how to reproduce the videos in the same window I will be glad to know so I can fix it. Also music feature is not available by default, since it is taking a huge part of the top bar. It can be enabled by tweaking the ControlsView xaml file. I will work on a solution for v1.1 Thanks to Shadowfire for allowing me to use his Lambda Beta theme code. Also to Grila, since Lambda is a fork of LBPlex theme. LB Galaxy theme CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Raviol 2021
  11. I understand. I'm a premium user, so I probably end up by adding a custom field as suggested. But in my case, I use Launchbox as a catalog of all my games (mostly PC and PlayStation), so I don't care about launching games, I don't even use Big Box at all, and I would really appreciate having the expansions cataloged with the rest of the games (but as I mentioned, would like to have kind of a linking feature).
  12. Hi everyone, Probably this feature was already requested, I didn't find it in the forum, at least in this form. How do you guys manage your DLCs and Expansion? Do you have them as a separate game, or do you include any information in the game details? I would like to have some kind of section inside each game to add DLCs, Expansions and complements, it will be ok if it is only a list, but it will be great to know which extra content do you have. It could be just something like the "Alternative Names" tab (a table to add entries). Of course it will be great if you could have more information, it could be even a separate item but linked, so you can hide the extra content from the database, but you will have it linked from the main game. And would be awesome if you could show that info in the details panel, so you can see a list of extra content displayed.
  13. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I had that Nahimic service running, I stopped it and it works fine now!!
  14. Hi everyone, I'm experiencing some visual issues in launchbox since a lot of time ago. So it is not related with the latest version (besides I'm running latest 11.15) and it happened to me in both Windows 10 and now Windows 11. I think maybe is not exactly related with launchbox but with WPF since I experienced something similar in other applications (the thing is now I'm only seeing it in LB). The problem is that checkboxes, buttons and other items like the font selector component (I assume those are all WPF components) they disappear, change format, the text get extremely large and stretched, etc. Does someone experience something similar? Any help on how to solve this issue? Thank you in advance-
  15. Hi! Great improvement to default view. However I would like to display the game titles below the boxes and I can't. Could you help me with that?
  16. I really love Launchbox and I paid a lifetime licence, besides I don't use bigbox at all, just launchbox, I really love it for organizing my games. However I need to say that I care A LOT for the design and the little details and I think in that aspect LB has a lot of room for improvement. I know probably most people use bigbox and I think it could look really fantastic, but for launchbox itself I think a lot of things can be done. There are some beautiful themes, but for someone that isn't a developer it is really complicated to edit an existing one or create a new one. However, no matter what theme do you choose to use, I think there could be some customization options that should be implemented. My 3 top features that I would like to see in the future are: - More customization for covers (allow users to round the edges, fill the space with cover so all look the same width and height) - More customization for game details panel (I can't understand why the cover is not a field in the details panel, so If I choose to use the list view, I can't see any cover of my games, even in the details panel, also, it will be awesome to be able to select the order of the items) - Some kind of theme creation tool, so anyone can create and modify themes without being an expert on WPF So, again, I do really love launchbox, and I hope you can consider any of this features for next updates. PD: I already submitted the first 2 as feature requests. Thank you!
  17. Hi Jason, thanks for your reply. I figured out, the issue was caused by WikiPeek plugin.
  18. Beta 4 still having same issue than in Beta 3. I had to downgrade to 11.2 and then wait for 11.3 beta 4 to be downloaded in order to test it, since beta 3 (and now beta 4) are not opening at all. ---- Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Could not load type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.ApplicationBase' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. Could not load type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. App: LaunchBox Version: 11.3-beta-4 Type: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException Site: System.RuntimeType[] GetTypes(System.Reflection.RuntimeModule) Source: System.Private.CoreLib at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module) at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes() at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Root.puHFkXrEn1[Jeo9PYlc60wZ97F624](IEnumerable`1 , ConcurrentDictionary`2& ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Root.LoadPlugins(String folderPath) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.App..ctor() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.Program.Main(String[] args) Recent Log: 18:13:03 Exception --- Any ideas???
  19. Having issues with Launchbox 11.3 beta It doesn't start and throws this error Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Could not load type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.ApplicationBase' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. Could not load type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. App: LaunchBox Version: 11.3-beta-3 Type: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException Site: System.RuntimeType[] GetTypes(System.Reflection.RuntimeModule) Source: System.Private.CoreLib at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module) at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes() at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Root.qvHuQ5vMU4[WkqQKbebtjsEBjP985](IEnumerable`1 , ConcurrentDictionary`2& ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Root.LoadPlugins(String folderPath) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.App.lsDl9QktHX6r846YjWm(Object ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.App..ctor() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.Program.Main(String[] args) Recent Log: 21:10:39 Exception
  20. Hi everyone, I opened this as a feature request (you can take a look at this here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/5379/cover-image-enhancement) but I think based on Christian's comment, I can bring this to a topic, since it can probably be fixed with a theme configuration. My request was this: I would love to have the possibility to specify an aspect ratio for cover images on each platform, so all the covers (I use box front) looks the same. In addition it will be awesome to specify if I would like to stretch the covers or fill the space by centering them vertically or horizontally. I think this should be done independently for each platform since the cover size really change for example from PS2 games to PSP. The ps2 covers are more likely squared and the psp are largely taller. Then Christian told me that Old Default uses a logic similar to this. There is also a LB theme called “Lambda Beta” on the forums that does something pretty similar that could be worth checking out as well. Here was my response (note that I been thinking on this as a feature, that's why I insist on using any theme, but for now I will be very happy if I can fix it with a theme, so if you continue reading, you will notice that I ask for a feature instead of a theme configuration, but I'm posting this because you guys probably know how can I configure the theme to get this behavior). I checked both, I was in fact using lambda beta and now I moved to Old Default. I understand what Christian mean, and it looks better in some ways, but it is not to what I was referring to. I think this could be a great feature no matter what theme you choose. In fact, I like the LB Plex Theme a lot, but I’m having like the same issue. It will be great if I would be able to fill the aspect ratio with the image, so no matter the theme I use or how I configure the box layout (spacing, padding, etc), I’m still able to fill the whole aspect ratio with the cover. So even if I have taller or wider covers, they fill the entire box space and all boxes can look the same. I was thinking on something like a different aspect ratio per platform, because of course, the covers change a lot from one console to another. I’m trying to avoid this: If you can see I draw some lines at the covers sides. In the first row, the first one is taller than the second and also more taller than the third. Also all of them have different widths. For example Age of Wonders III is way less wider than the African Kingdoms cover. I know this is happening because the covers I found (or downloaded using LB) have different sizes. But, if I have an option to fill the space with cover, they will have all the same width and height. Of course they should be either stretched or cut off in order to fill the space, but I do prefer that over this, because that will also allow me to put any other image (wider or taller) and it should be adjusted to the space. Something more similar tho this is what I would like to have: ‌ So, I will be very happy if someone could tell me how can I configure LB settings or change any value in the xml files for the theme in order to get this working. Thank you in advance!
  21. raviol


    Thank you!!
  22. raviol


    how can I get the light blue background?
  23. Yes I know, I actually have a catalog on Excel, but I would like to have some kind of list in here too. I would probably buy the premium account anyway, the big box launcher is a feature that I was looking for long time ago.
  24. Hi all. I’m about to do the purchase of a premium account for the same reason the user that created this post. I would like to know what is the current state of the list view. Did the devs implemented new features or is still working the same way it worked a year ago? Thanks!
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